This is the sequel to "Ashamed"

Disclaimer: I Don't Own LWD... :(

The morning after her high school graduation, Casey woke up with a smile on her face. She had finally graduated. She was about to start her life as an adult. And not only that, she was about to start it with Derek by her side.

She climbed out of bed and ran to Derek's room. She burst in, jumped on the bed in attempt to wake him, and realized he wasn't there. Casey figured he was probably downstairs already. She was about to leave the room when she noticed an envelope on his bed side table. It had her name on it. She picked it up and opened it. As she read the note, her eyes got really wide. After looking around his room and checking the bathroom, Casey ran down the stairs frantically.

"Where's Derek?" She asked, out of breath. Nora and Gearge were both in the kitchen making breakfast. They looked up.

"He's probably still sleeping." George replied as he took a sip of his coffee.

"No he's not, I was just in his room."


"Already checked. And he left this." Casey handed George the note.

"What does it say?" Nora asked.

"It says, 'Don't look for me. Don't try to contact me. Please. I'm fine, I need to do this. Derek'." George read out loud. Casey was panicking right about now. She was absolutely hysterical.

"Casey, don't cry. This is probably just a stupid prank." Nora tried to assure he daughter.

"No mom! This isn't a prank. He took all his clothes. He left. For good!" Casey yelled. She sat down on the couch and sobbed into her hands.

"What?!" Lizzie, Marti and Edwin were walking down the stairs. Lizzie was shocked. Marti was extremely sad. And Edwin looked mad.

"Uhh, it seems that Derek left." George said sadly. Marti instantly started crying. As George, Nora, and Lizzie tried to comfort the little girl, Edwin walked over to the couch and sat down beside Casey.

"This is all YOUR fault." He sneered, glaring at her.

So here is the first chapter...R&R