Epilogue- 5 Years Later

5 years have passed since Sammie changed into her wolf form. 5 years since Edward came back into my life and then left, yet again. The only difference between 5 years ago and 25 years is that the first time Edward left, he practically killed me, and himself. 5 years ago, he left, if only a little dejected, but pretty much peacefully. And this time, it didn't destroy me to know that he was leaving, it actually made me feel better.

Nick is now 13 years old and gets closer to turning into a wolf. He's still not too tall but he's getting pretty tall. He now stands about my shoulder height. Nick is becoming more and more like his father daily, but he always has a calm air about him that he inherited from me. Sammie, who is now 9 years old is practically Nick's new baby sister. Ever since she phased the first time and Nick couldn't do anything to help, he has been overprotective of her and always there for her and Claire, Emily and I believe that Nick and Sammie are going to imprint on each other when the time is right.

Lilly is 11 years old now and she has almost the same personality as me, except she has her father's mischeif. Lilly and James, who is also 11, have become the best of friends, and mine and Emily's suspicions are being confirmed more and more as the years pass.

Lilly and Nick are closer than ever, in the sense that they are absolutely the best brother and sister that I have ever seen. They don't fight and they always get along and they hang out with each other and their other friends all the time. They still love their horses as much as they did before and now they are doing more work around the barn and they are getting more into riding competitevely. Every month we take our trailer and bring the horses out to shows and such. Nick is more into riding in Gymkhanas (A/N see bottom for descriptions) and Lilly is more into the Rodeo business, but they both compete in both Gymkhanas and Rodeo. They both enjoy it so much and it is a lot of fun for the Pack and the Cullens to go watch.

The Pack has changed somewhat, too. Paul finally imprinted, on Jacob's sister, Rachel, and they are going to be married next year. Leah has also imprinted, though it only happened recently and they are still just friends, on a man she met while working at a restaurant that Sue, Leah and I started and work at. Jared and Kim finally had a daughter, her name is Roxie and she is 2 years old. And last, but not least, Seth imprinted and married (they were in love and impatient) a girl, Sarah who had had a failed pregnancy before and now cannot have any children, which was horrible for Seth, but he loved her to much to let it destroy him. Wich was good, too because shortly after they got married, Sarah was on her way to work (Forks High School, ironically enough) when she saw a terrible car accident. The two parents had died, and it turned out that they didn't have any family members, so Sarah and Seth adopted the now 2 year old little boy, Johnny. Everyone in the Pack is now happy, at least relatively, and all has been peacefull.

Even things with Edward calmed down. After I made him realise I didn't love him anymore, he went back to Alaska to visit and decided to give Tanya a chance. They have been mates, and husband and wife, for the past 4 years and have come to Forks to live with the rest of the Cullens. Edward and I finally made peace after he came back, with Tanya and told me he needed my help because he wanted to propose to her. I helped him and during that time we settled our past and finally moved on.

And lastly, Jake and I have been amazing. We are still happily in love and our relationship has only become stronger. It was this I was thinking about when I felt two strong arms wrap around my middle.

"What are you thinking about, Bella?" I smiled softly as Jake kissed my cheek. "Everyone's outside, Bells. Eddie and Tanya have come back from their second honeymoon and we're only waiting for you to come out before we serve the food. The kids are all playing and the rest of them are just sitting around talking."

"I was just thinking about how much has changed over the past five years. I'll come out now." I turned around and kissed him softly before grabbing his hand and starting for the back door. Jake walked next to me and I rested my hand on my swelling stomach.

Yes, I thought to myself, a lot has changed. And for the better. I smiled at Jake one last time before going outside to be with my loving, happy family.


I am very sorry for not updating this, but as stated in my last chapter I had come to a block in my story. Anyway I was just on the phone with my friend and telling them about it, and they suggested that maybe the reason I couldn't come up with anything was because the story was finished and I thought that made sense. So here is the epilogue to Twenty Years Later. Summer is finally here and so I MIGHT be able to update my other story more, before starting on yet another one that I have actually started writing... it's my weakness, starting a story and then starting another one. Anyway the descriptions for Gymkhana. I actually ride my horse in the Gymkhana's by my house. They are super fun and basically just games on horseback. And also, the Rodeo thing was because I participate in the New York State High School Rodeo, (as stated in my bio) and I just felt like adding it, even though, technically neither of the kids are old enough to participate. Anyway, here is the end, and I am sorry for not updating on any of my stories. Goodbye, world of Twenty Years Later. I am officially done! And this is also probably one of the last Twilight fanfics I will be doing. I just don't find Twilight write-able anymore.