Well, it has come to this; I'm sad to say that the day is finally here when I have to admit defeat and say that this story is as of now DISCONTINUED.

I'll say this: it is not due to my Muse drying up - because I still have many ideas left for Sofia Shepard's (mis)adventures, but after ME3 (not the endings, I liked the endings, it's the rest of the game that I found horrid) my love for Mass Effect universe has been evaporating steadily, culminating with the EC when it rolled out. Not even head-cannoning my way through the story helped seeing how the game was head-cannon-proofed when Bioware's "canon" storyline and Shepard took the stage.

In any case, I'd sooner stop writting this story now while it still has some sense and love to it, and before it disolves into a mess because of my struggle with trying to write about a universe and characters I no longer care about.

I give my thanks to all who followed and read, quietly or with reviewes, and especially to those who just read and enjoyed this crazy Shepard's story. It has meant a world to me.