Part 26: Welcome Home

Juliet couldn't wait to get out of her hospital room and finally be back at home. While she had understood the need to stay an extra few days for precautions, especially after they explained what had happened to her, the desire to get back to the reality waiting for her was too great. She had a sneaking suspicion that Carlton had a hand in them finally letting her go, but at this point Juliet didn't care.

Throughout those days she'd been checked out many times by the doctors to make sure she was alright. These check ups were made bearable by the various visitors and flowers she had received. Many people from the station had stopped by briefly to congratulate her and take a glimpse at Caroline. Even though word had spread about her surgery, no-one said much about it.

Carlton had barely left her side the entire time, showing his devotion to his new family. It made the hours of waiting pass a little quicker. The only reason he ever left was when she insisted on him going home to get some rest or freshen up. The head detective was reluctant, until Juliet had compassionately ordered him to take care of himself.

He'd always made sure Juliet felt his love. Even when he'd left the first time, he and Juliet kept text messaging each other until they both managed to get a little shut eye. The other times he was never absent from the room for very long, coming back in desperation to hold his new daughter and check on his lover.

Now Juliet was sitting on the edge of her bed, waiting for him. Carlton had gone to set up the house for their arrival and pick up the carrier needed to take Caroline home. She excitedly told her daughter of all the new toys and things in her nursery.

"It has pretty pink wallpaper with flowers on it. I'm sure you'll love it. Daddy and Shawn helped set it up just for you."

At the mention of his name, Juliet's mind flashed briefly to Shawn. He had visited three times over her hospital stay, twice with Gus. The one time had he come alone, Carlton was also in the room. Despite his sweetness and Carlton being surprisingly nice to him, there was still the awkwardness hanging in the air. There did however, seem to be some kind of in-joke between the two men about the name Caroline.

Juliet looked down and smiled at Caroline, who was currently feeding off Juliet's breast. It was beyond obvious that everything was going to change from now on. Some would be big and others would be subtle but definitely different. The current bonding between mother and daughter was a change that Juliet was happily getting used to.

"There you go. I love you beautiful girl."

Caroline looked up at her mother curiously, beginning to close her eyes to sleep again, while Juliet adjusted her shirt and looked back down in awe. This had happened many times in the days since the birth, but no matter how many hours they stared at each other it had yet to lose its thrill.

Carlton stepped into the room, simply watching both of them. He smiled widely, as he'd found himself doing many times over the last few days. In fact the new father was sure he'd smiled more in the past few days than in the last ten years.

"The hospital says you have to be wheeled out to the exit. It's just hospital procedure, they insisted."

Juliet shook her head and stood up. "I'm really not in the mood for protocol right now. I've stayed, I've been prodded, and I'm leaving now."

Carlton touched her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "I know, but if you're going to do that then I insist you let me take Caroline out to the car."

"Carlton!" Juliet snapped, eager to get going.

"Juliet." Carlton stared back at her seriously.

Juliet groaned in response. She knew that Carlton meant well and was probably doing the right thing. But she was okay now and yet people kept implying she wasn't.

"Look, what happened scared both of us. I know that you care and you're looking out for me but please stop treating me like I'm helpless. It's bad enough that the doctor's keep doing it but I really don't need it from you."

Carlton knew that, in the past, he'd treated Juliet a little too gingerly much to her annoyance. But it was only because he cared about her well-being, probably too much. After seeing what she had gone through, he knew that part of him had probably reared its head over the days passed.

"Come here." Carlton held Juliet close, lightly rocking her while petting the sleeping Caroline's head. "I know it's infuriating and I'm sorry if I've been a little over-cautious but we'll be home free soon enough."

A doctor came in with a wheelchair, motioning for Juliet to sit down. "Are you ready, Miss O'Hara?"

"Fine!" Juliet sighed. But when she turned to Carlton, she was unable to stay bitter for too long. "You know if I didn't love you so much I'd never let you do this."

"I love you too." Carlton whispered, sealing his words with a soft kiss to Juliet's earlobe. "Now let's get the heck out of here."

Juliet kept holding Caroline close as she sat down in the wheelchair. They pushed her down the halls, the fluorescent lights above causing her to flash back to the days before. She closed her eyes tightly until they reached the elevator. Maybe she wasn't completely one hundred per cent mentally, but home couldn't come soon enough. She'd feel better being back in her own place.

Things would take some getting used to, no doubt about it. As Juliet opened her eyes again, meeting Caroline's face, she knew that the reward was worth the pain. That didn't mean she wanted to be back in the hospital any time soon.

When they had wheeled her out the exit and allowed her to move freely, Juliet didn't look back. She didn't want to see that building for a long time.

"Take us home, Carlton."

Juliet, with Caroline in her arms, stood in awe looking around the nursery. The excitement of being home had tripled once she stepped into the baby's room. While Carlton had explained to her about what he'd done, modestly saying he'd moved a few things around and organised the room a little, everything she saw had surpassed expectations.

The pink flower wallpaper turned out even better than she'd hoped. The white crib, now with a cute and colourful fish mobile attached to it, was against one wall. The changing table, complete with necessary supplies, was against the other. By the window sat a nice wicker chair that Juliet hadn't seen before, as Carlton must have bought it recently. The many toys, along with a few children's books were sitting on a set of pink shelves by the door.

It was perfect.

"How did you do all of this stuff?" Juliet gushed as she noticed Carlton stepping into the room.

"Most of the wallpaper had been done already. The chair was on sale and I just had to have it. The rest was just organising furniture." Carlton walked over to Juliet and wrapped an arm around her.

"You're being modest. I know what a perfectionist you are. This must have taken a few days. I don't know how you found the time." Juliet leaned her head on Carlton's shoulder, softly bouncing Caroline in her arms. "Thank you so much."

"It doesn't matter how long it took. It's all for her. She's more than worth it." Carlton lightly stroked Caroline's cheek. "Plus if it makes you happy, that's just a bonus."

"Okay, it's no longer possible to fall any deeper in love with you than I am right now." Juliet kissed his cheek three times in succession.

Carlton squeezed Juliet's waist, looking around the nursery before turning back to her. "Well I accept the challenge."

"You're going to make me melt with a baby in my arms, you know that right?"

Carlton reached towards his daughter, wanting another turn at holding the precious bundle. "Maybe you should let me take her then."

Juliet clutched Caroline closer and shook her head. "Not right now, please. I need more mother daughter time."

Carlton felt a little miffed, but one look at Juliet's face wiped it away. He knew exactly how she felt and didn't want to take away her positive glow. A smile came to his face as he agreed to wait for his turn. He had a whole life time with Caroline after all.

"Okay. Then would you like me to make you some tea?"

Juliet nodded and smiled right back at him. She watched as her lover walked towards the door. It was hard to believe she'd been so lucky in what was essentially a desperate impulse. Before Carlton could leave her sight completely, she had to let him know.

"I'm so lucky to have you."

"I think it's fair to say that I'm the lucky one here." Carlton told her before resuming his walk to the kitchen. The whole thing was so unbelievable to him as even with Victoria he'd never felt this way about a woman. He couldn't stop the sap if he tried.

As he waited for the water to boil, Carlton began to contemplate the future with Juliet and Caroline. He wouldn't rush Juliet into commitment or himself into a second marriage, even though that seemed where they would inevitably end up. He did want more kids eventually and hoped Juliet did too, despite her ordeal; but that was also something to bring up much later.

Right now, where they were, was just right. They were officially together, without the previous doubts hanging in the air. They had Caroline, who was too beautiful for words. There was no point trying to mess with that by making any rash decisions and risk losing each other.

Just as he was pouring the tea, Carlton could hear Juliet's excitement from down the hall. She ran into the kitchen and vigorously motioned him to come to the nursery. He followed her with the same enthusiasm, holding the mugs of tea carefully, spilling a little on his hands with his haste.

"Come and look at this. She's asleep in her new crib."

Carlton handed Juliet her mug and peered over into the crib he had made. Sure enough, Caroline was resting peacefully on her purple fish-patterned sheets. It was something so simple, yet both parents couldn't tear their eyes away from the sight.

"Do you think we'll ever get tired of doing this?" Carlton whispered before taking a sip of his tea. Not really being a tea drinker, he immediately set it aside on the window sill.

"Not when she's this cute." Juliet replied, trying to stop herself from squealing in delight. "We should probably just let her sleep, but I can't bring myself to leave her yet. Is that just too much?"

"That's why I bought the chair." Carlton sat down and eased Juliet into his lap. It was a bit of a squeeze for two, but neither seemed to care. He began stroking Juliet's hair, watching as the new mother sipped her tea and stared at the crib.

At feeling herself being watched, Juliet turned to meet Carlton's gaze and giggled flirtatiously. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're beautiful." Carlton answered simply.

Juliet set her mug of tea down beside the chair, freeing her hands to sneak around Carlton's shoulders. She snuggled up closer to him. "After all those years of trying to convince yourself that I wasn't hot."

Carlton's fingers trailed lightly up and down Juliet's arm, there was something very tantalising about her teasing him. "Are you ever going to let me live that down?"

"You know I'm just having fun with you." Juliet drew his face closer to hers. "Come here."

The couple proceeding in kissing passionately and freely, something they hadn't managed to do so much at the hospital. It was a relief to have this alone time to be affectionate without the fear of someone bursting in on them.

Juliet began sliding off Carlton's lap, coaxing him down onto the floor. The man had no objections to falling right with her, continuing to make out hungrily until they both lay down together on the carpet.

Trailing off the kisses with a few light pecks, Juliet eased Carlton back a little. "Maybe we should stop. Caroline's sleeping right there and you know I can't have sex until the doctor says its okay."

"You know I'm not going to rush you." Carlton sighed and brushed a few strands of hair off Juliet's face. "No matter how frustratingly bad I want you right now."

"Carlton!" Juliet played with the buttons on his shirt, lightly fingering the chest hairs in view. "We'll just have to be patient but its a few weeks, tops."

"I've been waiting too long for you to be mine. Besides, I'm sure the doctor said nothing about making out." Carlton's wound his arm back around Juliet's waist, pulling her closer.

"Come on. Caroline-"

Carlton couldn't wait any longer. He forced his lips onto Juliet's, cutting her off, nibbling softly until she responded. After a few shocked giggles against his lips, Juliet opened her mouth and allowed Carlton's tongue to dance with hers. It took her back to the intense afternoon when they'd first explored each other and reminded her of how surprisingly frisky Carlton could be when turned on.

"Whoa sweetie!" Juliet squealed as Carlton pulled her on top of him. "I thought we were playing it a little cool."

"Would you get back down here? God I don't remember you being this much of a tease. Isn't it bad enough I can't actually have you right now?" Carlton caressed Juliet's neck with his hand, trying to bring her face back down to his.

"Tease?" Juliet raised her eyebrows. She grabbed Carlton's wrists, dragging his arms above his head and pinning them there. "That one will cost you."

"Okay, this might be getting a little too hot."

Juliet started at Carlton's ear, biting his earlobe, before leading a very long and slow trail of kisses towards his mouth. She knew it probably wasn't the wisest move to be working him up so much, as it was obvious how excited he was already, but resisting the foreplay was something Juliet couldn't bring herself to do. They had been through too much, waiting for this time together.

Once Juliet's lips hit his, the grip on his wrists had relaxed enough for Carlton to break free and completely embrace his lover. In his enthusiasm he rolled Juliet over and took place on top of her. Having moved his hungry mouth to her collarbone, he began sucking on the skin and savouring the taste of her.

However, the crazed foreplay ended abruptly when Carlton felt a hot liquid splash against his leg.

"What the hell?" Carlton pulled back, batting at the stain that covered half his pant leg.

"We spilt the tea!" Juliet cried out, wiping off some of the liquid that had splashed on her. "It's getting a stain on the carpet." Though her concern seemed genuine, she couldn't control her laughter.

"We're not even here one day and there's a mess. And it's not even from the baby." Carlton turned to Juliet, a little annoyed at her laughing. His nose caught something in the air. "Though I do believe Caroline needs a change right now."

That statement set Juliet off into another fit of amusement. Carlton shook his head, irritated that their make out session was now over, but soon found that he was chuckling along with her. Pretty soon the two of them were laughing together on the floor.

"Okay, you should probably change her." Carlton said while calming down and standing up.

"You're the one that wanted to hold her, so now's your chance." Juliet smiled playfully, taking the hand that Carlton offered to help her up. "You wouldn't want all your practice on the fake baby to go to waste now."

Carlton smirked and rolled up his sleeves. He took Caroline out of the crib, the action causing the baby to wake up and whine. "It's time to see the master of fatherhood at work."

He held his daughter for a few seconds to comfort her, the smile fading from his face as the stench wrinkled his nose. He rushed Caroline to the change table, Juliet watching his every move and trying not to erupt in giggles again.

Setting up a fresh diaper and some wipes, Carlton took off Caroline's onesie and prepared himself for the smell. As he reached for the soiled diaper, he hoped to get things done as quickly and cleanly as possible.

"Need some help?" Juliet enquired, touching his arm.

"I can do this." Carlton pulled a disgusted face at what he saw. He made quick work of disposing of the dirty diaper in the nearby diaper genie. "Is it supposed to be that colour? Eww."

Carlton proceeded in wiping the baby, his sour face being replaced by concentration as his paternal instincts began to kick in. Just like he'd practised on his fake doll baby, Carlton prepared the clean diaper and managed to change Caroline without further complaint. He felt rather proud as he secured the last tab. Delight took over his expression as he put the baby onesie back on Caroline and scooped her up for a hug.

"I'm impressed." Juliet stated, admiring the way Carlton seemed so natural in rocking Caroline in his arms.

"It was nothing." The head detective replied, kissing Caroline on the forehead. "Piece of cake."

"But it seems the master of fatherhood missed a spot of doody on his hand." Juliet picked up a wipe, cleaning the spot on Carlton's hand before grasping it in her own. "Now just be prepared to do it eight times a day and everything will be peachy."

The sudden dose of reality put a look of astonishment on Carlton's face. "No turning back. We're really parents now." He looked down at Caroline falling back to sleep in his arms. "Can you believe it?"

Juliet nodded, touching his cheek. "We'll be great at it."

NOTE: A light-hearted chapter after all the drama. Though the fics not quite over yet. Let's see how they adapt to being parents. Thanks for reading!