Hiya! So, this is my first Tiva story and I'm a little unsure about it. Tell me what you think about it! :)

Disclaimer: In my little fantasy world, I own NCIS, live in a candy mansion, and earn a living by watching tv. Sadly, this is the real world and I don't own any of that. :(

Something was not right. Ziva tapped her pen incessantly on her desk as she tried to pinpoint what it was that seemed off. She clocked through a list in her head. Breakfast- check. Clean clothes- check. Stove turned off- check. What was it that had Ziva on edge?

"Where's DiNozzo?" Gibbs barked.

Oh. That's it.

"Um, I'll call him?" McGee said questioningly.

After Gibbs gave him a 'No duh!' look, McGee picked up his phone and dialed Tony's number. Just as he put the phone to his ear, the elevator dinged. All three pairs of eyes turned to look at a man in an Armani suit and dark shades stroll into the bullpen. Seeing Tony, Ziva unconsciously relaxed her position in her chair.

"Where were you DiNozzo?" demanded Gibbs.

"Sorry I'm late boss, I had some car troubles," Tony stated, taking his seat at his desk.

"Don't let it happen again," Gibbs replied before walking out of the bullpen.

Surprised, Tony nodded. "Sure thing boss!" He was so sure that he had earned a Gibbs-slap to the back of his head. Relaxing, he leaned back in his chair with a silly grin on his face.


Tony winced as his boss's hand made contact with his head. Rubbing the back of his head, he sat up and looked across the bullpen to his partner. Her long, dark hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail and away from the dark green, long-sleeved shirt she sported today. Her chocolaty brown eyes were glued to her computer screen while her fingers dashed across the keyboard.

"So what happened to your car, Tony?" Ziva asked, still looking at her computer.

Tony snapped out of his reverie and smiled. "Well, it wasn't really car troubles. I met a hot chick at a bar last night."

"So it was she who had car troubles then?"

"Well, no. We got a little preoccupied this morning which resulted in me being late."

"Oh," was Ziva's only response. She cleared her throat, unsuccessfully clearing the pang of emotion she felt. Lately, she had been feeling this every time Tony brought up his previous bed-mates. She could not put her finger on the certain emotion, for she had never felt anything like it before.

Luckily, she didn't have to think about this anymore as Gibbs came back saying, "Grab your gear. We've got a dead marine in Quantico."

Ziva grabbed her things and walked over to Tony, who bent over to grab his backpack. "So do you call all of your…'friends' car trouble?"

Tony abruptly stood up to face Ziva, stepping closer than a green-light situation would allow. However, Ziva didn't step away. She held her ground, even though she was sure he was able to hear her heart pounding like crazy.

Her eyes were glued on his perfect lips as he said, "Only if I'm late."

Ziva allowed a small smile to play across her lips. She took one step closer, not missing how he leaned toward her, then walked away toward the elevator. She and McGee made it in the elevator just as Gibbs shouted for DiNozzo to get a move on. He dashed for the elevator and just barely made it in before the elevator doors closed shut. Ziva could feel Tony's eyes on her and she smiled to herself. Today was going to be a fun day.

I know it's not a lot, but I like to think it was okay. Please review! I would love any input on this. :)