Manami… were the words that reversed themselves over and over again in his head, it was almost too much to bare, it felt like his brain was cracking, and crumbling away to nothing, he usually could direct his attention to more important things but this time, it wouldn't obey, to be wrenched out of his usual train of thought now that was out of the ordinarily. If this keeps up, his brain will be unable to function properly. He couldn't be entirely sure if she was even real or make believe. The same image frequently reoccurred in his dreams. He tossed his hands high in the air, making his papers scatter around even more then they already are. To be honest his place was in need of a drastic clean up, it presently had piles of torn pieces of paper, that were just sitting there for a reason that's unknown to us, either lost or forgotten, and his covers were also thrown about, unmade and disoriented, they appeared to be falling off the edge. His mind was made up, one of these days he would go ahead and do just that, but until then it would be best if he abandoned his research to go and get some rest, he couldn't help but trip over the many things in his path, but when he got there. He found it only intensified as he laid there, exposed to the cold; pondering needlessly a numerous times, the miserable weather was audible from inside; a thrashing sound accompanied it, which only hindered more annoyance. The culprit was unmistakably the window and he was its victim. But who was she? And why did it matter? He could keep this up all night if he had too, but that wouldn't get him anywhere, now would it? No, it was completely unnecessary he agreed, "I'll just go to bed and forget about it, just as I always do."
That's what you think…
The next morning it wasn't exactly what he had anticipated. A knock... although it was loud enough to be heard, the moment it sounded he hurtled towards the door. His hand outstretched for the handle, but before he could grab a hold, he went stumbling into the things ahead of him. It felt like time had halted as he fell through the air, it did manage to help him reach his destination. But still. He would be better off, getting there by foot. His eyes seemed to be playing a game of some sort, battling to keep them open he felt too tired to continue, fingertips limply scraped the door's surface before everything went dark. "Hey are you alright?" It sounded soft and gentle unlike a man's voice but whomever it belonged to; it was hard to distinguish their features, an agitated look on their face was the most noticeable, but even that was hard to confirm.