
Annabeth coughed, then a wave of nausea rushed over her, and she ran to the bathroom. Percy heard the sound and jogged behind her. She leaned over the toilet and puked. He stood by the door, worry etched on his face. Annabeth finally stood up and wiped her mouth. She coughed, then washed her mouth and hands. When she was done, she pushed past Percy and then layed down on the bed. She shivered, then pulled the covers over her. Percy sighed and sat on the end of the bed. He crawled next to her and pushed the hair away from her face. Her face was a cold sweat. She was cold. He layed down next to her and gave her a hug. He hated it when she was sick. It hurt him. He rubbed her back slowly, up and down. She coughed, then pulled away a little bit.

"My breath smells like puke." She muttered. Percy laughed quietly.

"Can't say I disagree. Or care." He whispered to her. She smiled. It was true. He didn't really care how her breath smelled. She was still Annabeth, the girl he loved. He kissed her. Annabeth's temperature rised, and her blood pressure flew through the roof. He heart picked up speed. Percy noticed the change, and pulled her away. Sadness rushed over her.

"We can't do that until you are better." He mumbled. Annabeth frowned.

"Do you have any medicine?" She whispered. Percy laughed.

"Yes." He whispered. He leaned forward and hugged her tight. She suddenly threw him off and ran to the washroom, slamming the door behind her. Percy heard the sound of throwing up. He chuckled, then walked to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out what he was looking for.

"Percy?" A raspy voice called. He picked it up, then walked to the room. She looked worse then before. He smiled, then but it down. He pulled off the cover, revealing a cake. It was white, with blue around it. It had 5 words on the top. He smiled.

"You medicine." He smiled. Annabeth's eyes filled with tears at the 5 simple word on the cake.

Annabeth, Will you marry me?

She took her finger and rubbed in the word yes. He smiled a grin that reached his ears. She smiled, then it faded.

"What—" Percy began, but she took off to the washroom. While she was throwing up, he smiled and walked towards the washroom. He stopped when he heard screaming. He was about to burst in when he heard another voice.

"HE DID????" Someone yelled. Thalia? What was she doing there? She heard the creaming again, then he realized it was Annabeth squealing. Thalia joined in.

"Yes, he proposed!" Annabeth said.
"FINALLY!!!" He heard Thalia scream. Annabeth chuckled, and started to get up. He ran to the bed. Annabeth came out and hugged him.

"Finally, Seaweed Brain." He smiled.

"Being sick sucks."

"I can't have cake!" He laughed, then said.

"Yes you can." She smiled then pecked his cheek.

"Yes. I can."