Allen was unlucky. He had a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He probably got that from all of the time he spent with Cross. He also didn't have a sense of direction. The poor boy couldn't find his way out of a cardboard box if he tried.
Allen often had trouble finding his room. Even though he had been in the Order for quite some time.
He was happily skipping to his room after a wonderful dinner. This time, he decided to have a little treat. He had turkey, steak, fish, steamed broccoli, etc, etc. I think you all get the point. He was kinda tired and was ready to go to sleep for the night.
"I think this is my room." He said as he stopped at a door. It seemed to be it. "Worth a try." He shrugged. He quickly swung the door open. Lucky for him it was unlocked. There weren't really locks in the Order. But that was NOT his room. It was Kanda's. And the samurai just so happened to be changing.
When Allen had walked in, Kanda didn't have a top on. In fact, he was in the middle of putting one on. But that wasn't what caught Allen's attention. Kanda had boobs. Allen stood in the doorway, staring. He wasn't exactly sure of what to do. It was at that moment that Kanda noticed Allen's prescience.
She stared at him for a moment. He quickly shut the door.
"I'M SO SORRY!" He apologized with all his might. But nothing. No yelling. No shouting. No Mugen slicing down the door. No Kanda chasing after him. Just silence.
"Hang on." He heard. There was some rustling on the other side of the door. "Come in." Allen slowly opened the door and closed it behind him.
"I'm REALLY sorry." He said. "But I never knew you were a girl." Kanda had re put on her shirt. And also made sure to wear a bra.
"Che. Shut up. I hate it." She glared.
"Is that why you disguise your real gender?" Allen asked.
"Yeah." Kanda admitted. "And the reason I kept arguing with you and getting into fights with you is because I didn't want you to find out."
"Huh?" Allen wasn't exactly sure where she was going with this. She opened her mouth to say something, but hesitated and said something else.
"Nevermind. Just promise that you won't tell anyone."
"I won't." Allen agreed. "But only unless you'll tell me what you were about to say." Checkmate.
"Che." She wasn't even looking him in the eye. "……." She mumbled.
"What?" Allen was SO curious. What was it that Kanda couldn't say to him?
"I thought you wouldn't like me if you found out." She sighed. "Because, I love you." Allen was speechless. But for some reason, he started to laugh.
"Why the hell are you laughing!?!?" She yelled. When he looked up, she had a blush on her face. How un-Kanda-like. He started to laugh some more.
"Shut up!" she yelled. Blush still on her face. She attempted to smack him, but he stopped her and kissed her rather passionately. When they pulled away, Kanda looked extremely confused.
"Now, think about it." Allen smiled. "If you pushed me away, I'd only come back. No matter what gender you are. I love you too."
May be Allen wasn't unlucky.
I apologize that this one-shot is so horrible. I'm really tired. I know it's kinda rushed. It's short. Kanda's all OC. Please go easy on me. But still. Yeah…. I'm not sure if I'll ever continue this one….. If enough people like it, I will.