A/N: SURPRISE!! I come bearing a random KidxMaka multichapter!! WHOO~ And it's all pre-written, too. Chapters are very short, but I'm sure y'all will love it. It will feature lots of Kid hot, wet, and shirtless. *dies*

This was written for my dear friend Trilby~ No one deserves a multi-chapter more than her. You rock, hun!! :3 :3

This has not been beta'd, due to complex circumstances which I am too lazy to type. XD

Okay. Enough of my useless chatter. ENJOY!!

Maka tries to seduce Kid in a way that's cute but sexy (but not too risqué).

KidxMaka, SoulxLiz, Black StarxPatti, MifunexTsubaki, SoulxStar slash if you squint

Written For:
May Never Know (aka Trilby) just because

Average words per chapter:

Compound H2O

For Tri-chan;
I hope whoever he turns out to be,
he can love you in perfect symmetry.

Chapter 1: Partner

Maka looked nervously up from her tray of food, over to the table where her friends were all sitting. He was already there. Good. At least she wouldn't be on tenterhooks waiting to see if he'd show up to lunch that day. Death the Kid had his head bent over, a pair of chopsticks held loosely between his fingers as he read over whatever novel or text he had. Patti, sitting on his left, had already stolen two bites of his ramen noodles, as well as two pieces of tempura. Maka smiled to herself as the boy continued to read, completely oblivious as Patti popped yet another piece of Kid's shrimp into her mouth. As she walked up to the table, he reached over with his chopsticks and went to take a piece of tempura without looking. Patti beat him to it, and he was left staring dumbly at a pair of empty chopsticks. Maka laughed and slid in beside him, "You might wanna pay more attention."

"Uh . . . yes." He grabbed an actual piece of food and munched on it as he continued to read. Maka leaned over to see that the text was in French, so she was unable to read it.

She dug into her spaghetti and meatballs, and shifted over, closer to Kid, as Soul slid in beside her, "Their lettuce here is so gross . . ." He complained. He picked up the limp piece of greenery and placed it on his hamburger, followed by tomato and pickles. Maka shrugged.

"At least it's not slimy."

"Uugghhh, eewww, I'm about to start eating."

Maka giggled and took a bite of spaghetti. Kid leaned back with a sigh, and shut his book, "That ought to be good." He turned his full attention to his food to see Patti in the middle of chomping down on his ramen, "Hey!! I never said you could mooch!"

Patti giggled and swallowed, then stuck out her tongue, "You weren't paying attention!"

Kid glared playfully, and stabbed a piece of tempura with his chopsticks, waving it like a weapon is Patti's face, "I will make you pay." He took a bite, chewing and glaring at his weapon. Patti busted up laughing until Kid finally turned away and faced Maka, "She already stole my cereal this morning. That girl is sneaky." Maka laughed, and nodded, and stared at the book he had been reading. He noticed and tapped it, "It's a special text on the history of French and German meisters in World War One, and their personal stories about the war. It's very interesting."

"Oh, cool. Is there an English or Japanese translation?"

"Sadly, no. But I could maybe read it to you, sometime."

Maka beamed, "Sure!"

"Ugh, dammit!" Soul swore, "I forgot to finish that paper that was due today! Aw, fudge . . ."

Maka scowled, "You idiot! I told you not to forget!"

Soul shrugged, "I'm sorry I had to—" He leaned and whispered to Maka, "I was thinking of what to say to Liz."

Maka nodded, "I see. So, are ya gonna ask her?"

"After lunch."

She smirked and elbowed him in the ribs, "How 'bout now?"

Soul raised an eyebrow and glanced at the young shinigami, now talking to Black Star, "And what about Kiddo-kun, hmmm? When're you gonna do something?"

"Shut up." She leaned away from him, and pretended to be absorbed in her food. She heard Soul chuckle, and she stabbed a meatball. Damn him and his smoothness with girls, and damn him and his dating experience. It's not like she had never had a boyfriend before. There were several guys here and there. She had already had her first kiss. She'd had two or three (rather short) relationships. She chomped down on the meatball, rather violently. And dammit, she was not that dorkish around Kid. Sure, sometimes she became tongue-tied and would stutter and blush like an idiot half the time she talked to him, or whenever he started flirting with her. But, then again, she was able to flirt back. About half the time. And yes there was that one incident where she spilled coffee all over his lap at Deathbucks in her eagerness to sit next to him, but that was one time. ONE TIME, GODDAMMIT.

Maka jumped and almost dropped her coke as someone poked her in the ribs, "Pay attention, Tiny Tits." Maka bristled at her weapon, but tuned into whatever Kid was telling the group.

" . . . yes, exactly, Black Star. It helps a lot with strength and endurance. And, I just like swimming. But I really would like to swim with someone; it gets dull all alone. Liz is too lazy, and Patti just wants to play."



Maka perked up at this, "I love to swim, too!"



"Then would you like to come and swim with me this Saturday?"

"I would love to!" Maka beamed.

Kid grinned, "It's a date, then."

Soul teased Maka for the rest of the day, joking that her smile would freeze on her face.

A/N: Whelp!! That's it for chapter one. Since this story is entirely pre-written, I will be updating regularly every week. There's ten chapters, so this'll run for ten weeks. ^^

I want to draw some KidxMaka doujin this summer, and this is the story I will be using. It'll basically be this in doujinshi form. XD Hum, I should start storyboarding . . .

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