A/N: I was bored so I just came up with this random story. Rose has gone completely hypo and random its just a wierd story but I hope you like it anyway... Please Review.


It was Saturday morning and I was pretty bored so I decided to go and visit Rose.

I walked over to her dorm and knocked twice.

"COME IN!!!" She yelled a bit to loud I think the whole school could have heard that. I opened the door and saw Rose lying on her bed upside down with her head over the side. Weird....

"Ah, Rose what are you doing?" I asked.

"Im trying to see if all of the blood in my body goes to my head." She said so fast I wasn't sure I heard her right.

"Um, why?"

She didn't answer strait away. "WAIT!" she suddenly yelled and pulled herself up to a normal sitting position. "Do you think if I do that for too long my head will fall off?!"

"No..... Rose are you okay you're acting a little."

"LISSA!!!" she screamed. I jumped from her sudden outburst.


"You look nice today" she said softly.

What the hell?? "Rose, have you been drinking or something?" I looked around her room and couldn't believe I hadn't noticed it earlier. Coffee cups, Red bull, Other bottles of alcohol, Red cordial, and ALOT of lollies and sugar were all over the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled. "What have you been doing?"

"I got bored and didn't wanna go to sleep because of Adrian- the dream stalker- so I found anything that would keep me up." She simply said. "HEY, you wanna go fishing?" she asked.

"Um, Rose we can't go—"

"ARRRRR" Rose screamed.

"WHAT??" I screamed back she looked perfectly fine.

"Im sick of being in this room, let's go outside." She said. She walked over to the door but didn't even open it she ran straight into it. "What the hell?!!!" she yelled.

"Rose your gonna have to open the door but I think you should just stay—" I was cut of when she opened the door and took off running it's then I noticed she was still wearing her pyjamas. "Rose!" I yelled after her put she was already gone

"Lissa?" I heard Christian say as he walked over to me. "What's wrong?" he asked putting an arm around me.

"Rose is extremely hypo and has took off to do god knows what" I said.

"How hypo?' he asked. I grabbed his hand and dragged him with me.

"You'll see"

We walked outside and thankfully Rose was there but she was talking to two guys who looked to be about 14.

"Now if I EVER catch you sitting near this tree again I will personally go out and by some more KFC" I heard her saying to the confused boys.

"KFC?" Christian said from beside me.

Rose turned when she noticed us and the boys she was talking to run away.

"No durr Doctor Phil" she said as she turned away but stoped a few centimetres in front of the tree. "Im sorry about what happened to you" she said softly to the tree. I walked over to her and saw she had tears falling from her eyes. Christian saw too and started laughing.

She turned to glare at him. "You did this!" she said in an angry tone walking right up to him. "You've ruined everything right about this world you stupid, dumo, insensitive, unattractive HIPPO!" she yelled before taking off.

Could this day be any weirder?


I took off running to the cafeteria.....Wait this wasn't the way to the cafeteria I turned around and ran back the other way Lissa and Christian were still there but I ran past them.

"Rose!" Lissa called from behind me I just kept walking. "Rose!" I stopped but I still didn't want to talk to her so I sat on the ground in the middle of the hallway and put my fingers in my ears. "Lalalalalalalalalalala"

"Ok you need to go back to your dorm before anyone see's you" Lissa said.

"And you need to go back to Hippo before he takes over for world domination" I told her. She gave me a wierd look like I was crazy of something.

"Come on" she said pulling my arm.

"NO!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

"She's done it now" I heard Christian say just as Stan- Guardian Alto- came running over he looked at me on the ground and his thick ugly eyebrows creased.

"Is something wrong?" he asked. Is something wrong?, Is something wrong? Christian wants to take over the world and Stan asked Is something wrong. I stood up.

"YES!, Something is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very WRONG!" I said and walked off to take a seat at one of the tables in the cafeteria. But where was the food? Couldn't anyone see I was hungry?

"Why does everyone hate me?" I cried as tears spilled from my eyes. I put my head on the table as I noticed Adrian walk over and take the seat next to me.

"What's wrong little Dhampir?" he asked me his face filled with ice cream.

I decided to go with the truth. "It's cold and my face is hungry, my coat is in the shops" I said.

"Huh?" is all he said.

"Rrrrrr" I said to him. "I want a puppy"

"What?" he asked.

"A puppy, one that likes me"

"Rose what are you on—"

"I WANT A PUPPY!!!" I yelled in his face. I got up and stood on my chair then stood up on the desk then walked to the other chair then jumped on the floor and left the room feeling mad.

AN: please click the green button. Random right? should I continue?