Okay, I just watched the second X-men movie, and as a side comment Hugh Jackman makes one SMEXY Wolverine, but anyway it gave me inspiration for this.

Enjoy and review.


Kitty stepped lightly down the hallway. It was around noon on Saturday morning, so she was already searing some skinny jeans and a light pink halter top, and Scott and Jean were off doing…whatever it is they do. She was going to go see if Kurt wanted to spy on them for kicks like they did last time but so far no one's seen him. Finally she came up to his room and knocked on the door.

"Hey Kurt, you in here?" she called, but didn't hear anyone answer. She knocked again. "Um, like, hello?" Still there was no answer. Confused she started ghosting through the door but got a surprise at what she saw on the other side.

Kurt, still in his pajamas, was kneeling beside his bed, elbows on top, with his forehead leaning on his closed fists. Gulping, Kitty stepped a bit closer until she saw something hanging from his hands.

A small, wooden rosary.

Still she went closer when she heard him mumbling to himself in German as he fingered the wooden beads of the rosary. His tail waved around slightly in the air behind him.

"Um, Kurt?" she said quietly but his pointed ears twitched and he stopped muttering. His golden eyes opened and he looked up, but immediately averted his eyes as he blushed a faint purple.

"Ah, Kitty! Vat are you doing in here?" he asked, his voice going high like it normally did when he got embarrassed. Kitty brushed a strand of hair out of her face and looked away.

"Oh, um, I'm, like, really sorry. I didn't know that you were…" she trailed off.

"Praying?" he finished for her.

"Uh, yeah." Silence trailed on for a few moments when she decided to comment, "I, like, didn't even know that you were Christian."

"Er, yes. Catholic, actually." Kurt stood up and softly placed the rosary into a small box and slid it back into a drawer of his desk. He couldn't make himself look at her.

"I don't mean to pry, but, um, like, what were you praying about?" His fur burned purple.

"It's nothing," was all he said. "So, um, vat did you need?" he asked making Kitty remember why she had gone there in the first place.

"Well I wanted to know if you wanted to, like, go spy on Scott and Jean, but if you're busy–"

"No! No, not at all," Kurt interrupted her. "Sounds great. I'll meet you downstairs out front, alright?" Kitty nodded and smiled at him as she started ghost through his door.

"Okay then, see you in a few." He could hear her cheerful giggles as she traveled down the hall.

Kurt ran a hand through his dark hair and sighed. He was so embarrassed that he had been caught. Slowly he changed into a t-shirt and pants and looked in the mirror. He stretched his three-fingered hands in front of him and looked at his tail. Who could ever think someone who looked like him would believe in God? Of course that's one of the reasons he doesn't go around telling people, even if he did always have a cross underneath his shirt.

He sighed and walked towards the door. He paused, sparing a moment to look back at the drawer that protected his wooden rosary. He couldn't help it when a soft smile took over his features.

Even if he did look like a demon, maybe even his prayers could come true. There was already one waiting for him downstairs.


Well…how was it?

I hope it wasn't that bad. Kurt wasn't shown as a really religious person in the show even though he's, like, hardcore Catholic in the comics. I tried to sort of mesh these, make him Catholic but not crazy grow up and be a preacher like he is in the comics.

Please review.