Kitty: Yesh Sera is updating Happy xD.

Bunny: Yesh I know I am.

Kitty: Bunny/Sera yaaaaaaaay –Hugs Bunny-

Bunny: -Winks- Hahaha Enjoy

Kitty Doesn't Own Shugo Chara Or The Characters Only Nanami!~.

"Meooow~~" Nanami Meowed licking Amu's Face

Amu turned over making the cat fall on the bed Nanami giggled.

"Meoow Meoow Meoooow" Nanami said looking at Amu.

"Urgh, Just a few more mintues" Amu said Nanami rubbed her head against Amu."Meow!!"

Amu sighed." Alright, Alright Am up" Amu said tired.

"What do you want?" Amu said Nanami Looked at her again like Amu was the dumbest person on earth Amu smiled and hugged Nanami.

"Am glad I have you" She said Nanami looked at her and smiled Amu smiled back.

"Ok Ok." Amu said." Let me get changed" She yawned.

Nanami nodded and went out of the room all the way downstairs.

"Smart Cat" She said smiling to herself and got some blue and white clothes out and got changed.

After Amu finished getting changed she went to the bathroom sorted her hair out put two blue with a bit of white X clips on the side of her hair.

She went out of the bathroom and downstairs.

Then she saw Nanami sat on the table Amu smiled and got milk and put it for her.

"Meoow~~" Nanami thanked her and drank the milk.

"Your welcome" Amu smiled and made some toast.

"So you ready?? Nanami??" Amu said looking at the cat Nanami nodded they both smiled and walked to the door.

"Stay close ok? Don't get lost" Amu said opening the door and walking out as well as Nanami.

A few minutes later they got there it was packed.

"So many People here." Amu said and Nanami nodded in agreement.

"Well, Better start shopping" Amu said looking At Nanami.

"Meoow~~" Nanami Meowed.

And they started to walk to a pet food shop Amu looked around to see which one Nanami would like but she was clueless.

"Meow" Nanami Meowed making Amu look at her Nanami pointed at a packet.

"You want that one?" Amu said Nanami nodded Amu took About 2 boxes of it then went to get cat treats and paid.

Amu sighed. "This is soo Heavy" Amu said.

Nanami looked at her.

"You know I want to buy stuff for myself too" Amu said.

Nanami Meowed and pointed to where we came from.

"Go back home??" Amu said Nanami meowed and nodded Amu sighed and agreed and went back home.

A few minutes later they were home.

"Ok, let me put the stuff then we go back to get my stuff and you toys, a collar and whatever you want" Amu said. Nanami nodded.

Amu put the food on where they are suppose to be and went back out of the door.

Another few minutes past and they were there again.

"We better not be doing this all the time.." Amu said sighing.

Then they went into a pet toy shop.

"So what do you want??" Amu said Nanami looked around a pointed at a few things Amu got them and paid for them again.

Thankfully it was only one bag of cat toys.

Then they started to walk again but suddenly Nanami stopped and looked at a collar it was Black with "Meow" Written on it which looked like diamonds but weren't.

"You want that one??" Amu said Nanami Nodded and they went in and bought it.

After they did Amu put the collar on Nanami it was Cute on her.

The both smiled but Amu's smiled disappeared when she heard a group of girl's "Kyaa"in on something or someone.

When Amu and Nanami Looked to see who it was it came out the Midnight blue hair guy.

'Argh, Its that Annoying guy again' Amu thought.

"Meow" Nanami Meowed and walked over there smirking knowing Amu would follow which worked Amu chased after her.

"Nanami" Amu whispered. "Come back" She knew Nanami could hear Amu got annoyed why is she even chasing the cat but again she ended up at front of the annoying smirk freak guy.

Amu sighed again looking at Nanami who was smirking at her Amu had a –Am so-going-to-kill-you-later face on Nanami gulped but worried about that later.

Then Nanami ran again behind Amu and pushed her to the guy Amu looked at him and he looked back they stared for a bit longer until Amu noticed that she was 2 inches away from The Blue haired guy.

Amu blushed Nanami Smirked.

"Kyaaaaaaaaa, What is she doing with Ikuto, how dare she" they screamed and whispered Amu caught one of them.

'So His name is Ikuto' AM thought still blushing and then snapped out of her thoughts moving away from The-so-called-Ikuto.

Amu glared at the cat and was about to walk away but something stopped her.

Ikuto hugged her waist and pulled her closer to him. Amu blushed more looking at the smirking cat Nanami.

"EHHHHHHH!!" They all "Eh"ed.

"No way" They all said was about to walk away but one said something.

"Is she your girlfriend?" She said. All three looked at her. Amu, Ikuto And Nanami. Nanami knew this was going to be interested.

"What if she is?" Ikuto said in the most Sexiest voice ever which Made Amu Blush A lot.

'Gawd was his voice that sexy??' Amu thought.

"If she I want you to kiss her..if she isn't then…we'll keep annoying you" Amu and Nanami stared at her.

'Am glad she knows that she's annoying..and..wait KISS??' Amu screamed in her head.

"You want me to kiss her?" He said The girl nodded.

"N-" Ikuto put his hand on her mouth.

"Sure" He said smirking The Cat chuckled.

"Reika, Come on were gunna be late" A girl said dragging the girl who dared them to kiss.

Reika sighed.

"I'll get you next time!!!, YOU HEAR MEE" She shouted they sighed.

"Let go of me" Amu said in her cool&spicy tone.

"Like I even wanted to touch you" He said and walked away.

"MEOOW" Nanami meowed angry.

'This is stupid how am I suppose to get them together??' Nanami thought.

Amu sighed and looked at Nanami or more like glared at her.

Still carrying the bag Amu and Nanami went back home.

Amu sighed again.

And put the toys in her room and then came back down stairs to talk to Nanami.

"Nanamiiiii!!!!" Amu said looking for her.

Nanami came out at front of her from nowhere.

"Meow??" It asked but meowing.

"That Ikuto guy is really rude" Amu said sighing. "But he was…"She paused."I don't know…."

Nanami looked at her.

"I felt all safe and protected when he hugged me" Amu said sighing." I want him to do it again….".

Nanami smiled at her glad that Amu loves him a bit but to bad Amu doesn't know that.

"Meoooooow~~" Nanami meowed feeling tired.

"Wanna go to sleep?" Am said picking The Cat up and going upstairs.

"Ok let me get changed" Amu said Nanami nodded and went under the covers Amu laughed and got her pajama's and changed in them.

"Night Nanami" Amu said getting under the covers.

"Meo…o..ow" Nanami said like a Zombie Cat.

Amu laughed and strated to think about Ikuto for some random reason and had a dream about him.

But instead of a normal dream she had a nightmare about him.

Amu woke up it was morning say 6 O'clock she saw Nanami still sleeping.

'Looks like she's having a nice dream' Amu thought and went downstairs.

When she got downstairs she started to think about her dream or more like nightmare.

Amu sighed then Nanami came running down stairs Amu smiled at her.

"Hungry??" Amu said Nanami.

She got the cat food and milk and put them in two bowls and gave it too Nanami and she made her self toast like always and milk.

"Today's just another normal day" Amu said Nanami didn't say anything.

"Nanami??" Amu said she didn't answer then she started to get worried.

"Nanami,..Nanami ….NANAMI" Amu shouted.

Nanami looked at her lazily.

"Answer when I talk to you" Amu said sighing in relief.

The cat titled her head.

"Whatever anyway today were going shopping again, 'Kay?" Amu said Nanami just nodded.

Amu started to think that Nanami was acting weird.

"Nanami Are you ok??" Nanami looked at her and jumped off the table and walked out of the door or more like waited at the door.

"You want to go out" Amu said The Cat stared at her Amu sighed and opened the door.

"Only for a little bit ok??" Amu said and the cat went out.

An hour later Nanami didn't come back Amu got worried and went out to look for her.

'Nanami' Amu thought.'I wish I didn't let you go'.

Then Amu ended up at the amusement park and saw the blue haired guy.

"Why do I see you everywhere I go?" Amu said standing next to him he looked at her surprised then smirked.

"Umm, Hey did you see Nanami?" Amu said worried.

"Nanami?" Ikuto said looking at front of him blankly.

"The Cat" Amu said.



"What happened?? Did it run away?"He said smirking.

" I think.."

"You think?" He repeated and looked at Amu.

Amu didn't look back at him but started straight at front of her about to cry which made Ikuto worried.

"She was fine yesterday, But today..she..just" Amu said tears rolling down her eyes."She..just started acting …weird…" Amu finished And Ikuto hugged her close to him.

"Its ok she'll come back" He said not really good at comforting people.

Amu let her tears come out while Ikuto comforting her.

"Meoow~~" Nanami Meowed Amu turned around to see Nanami smiling.

Ikuto let go off Amu.

"Meoooooww~~~" It meowed again they both looked at it.

"N-Na-na-mi??" Amu said.

"Meoow!!" Nanami said Amu hugged her.

But when she was going to thank Ikuto he was already gone.

"Thank you, Ikuto" Amu said and Ikuto who was behind the tree heard it then went off.

"Let's go back home Nanami" Amu said Nanami nodded.

"And no shopping today cuz you made m worried." Amu said laughing happily.

"Meooooooooooow~~!!" Nanami Meowed Happily.


Kitty: Done finally woo yay. xD.

Nanami: Meow.

Ikuto:…..thats Gay..

Kitty: I know..-sighs- anyway…

Meow Button: Review please.

Kitty: Oh it Meow Button again xD cool anyway Review and Thx.