A/N: I do not own TaeMinho. Please review.

They walked out of the dance studio covered in sweat.

"Great job you guys. Minho, you just need a little more practice. I'll see you all tomorrow." The dance instructor stated and left. The SHINee members walked to their van. Minho sighed 'I was trying 110% today' he thought. 'I guess I'll just practice on my own time.' Once they got to their dorm the boys got out of the car and staright to their rooms. Except for Minho, Minho went to the dance studio that was in their dorm. He blasted the song Ring Ding Dong and practice. He was so into the dancing that he didn't realize that Taemin walked in the room. After the song was over, Taemin clapped. Minho jumped and looked to his right to find Taemin sitting on the floor, watching him.

"Dongseang, you got me scared." Minho put his hand over his heart.

"Mianhae, hyung." Taemin looked down.

"It's okay, now be quiet I need to practice." Minho walked over to the radio.

"Want me to help?" Taemin asked. Minho froze. Why hadn't he thought of that earlier? Taemin is the best dancer in the group.

"Uhm.. Yeah." Taemin got up off the floor and walked over to Minho. Taemin slowly showed him the steps and Minho copied. They practiced for two hours until Key umma stuck his head through the door telling them it's time to eat. Obeying his order, Minho and Taemin walked out to the dinning room. Key sat at the head of the table, Jonghyun on his left, Onew sitting next to Jonghyun, Taemin sat to the right of Key umma and Minho sat next to Taemin. After saying prayers, the boys dug in.

"Key umma, you make the best dishes." Taemin told Key with his mouth full.

"YAH! Taemin-ah, what did I say about talking with your mouth full?" Jonghyun scolded. Taemin swallowed his food.

"Chwesonghamnida, Jonghyun appa." Taemin said finishing up his food. After finishing their food Key and Jonghyun went to go wash dishes, Onew went to his room (being the leader he gets his own room) and Taemin and Minho went to their bedroom, that they both shared. Taemin sat on his bed facing Minho.

"Minho-sshi" Taemin began. "what does it feel like to be in love?" Minho looked up at his curious dongseang. Minho thought about. What is love?

"I think you should go ask umma or appa about that question."

"Annya, Umma's gonna get all 'aw, my baby's all grown up' and Appa..." Taemin shivered. "I don't want to think of what he's gonna say." Minho chuckled.

"Yeah, Jonghyun can be pretty scary." Minho agreed thinking about the other times. It's a good thing Key can control his man. "What about Onew hyung? ask him, he's older and probably has more experience." Taemin thought about it.

"Weeeeell, he might be busy, you know being the leader and all. So I don't want to bother him." Taemin then objected.

"Why do you want to know by the way?" Minho asked.

"Mm, I don't know. I think I might love someone." Taemin replied. "Everytime I'm around him my heart beats really fast; everytime he talks, I just feel like melting; and when we touch, electricity runs through my body." Taemin paused. "A-and the person is in this room right now." Taemin confessed. Minho looked at Taemin, Taemin had his head down looking at the floor feeling embarassed. Minho walked over to Taemin and sat on his bed. Minho stroked Taemin's hair and brought his head to his chest.

"Saranghaeyo, Taemin-sshi" Minho whispered in his ear. Taemin silently gasped. He lifted his head up to look at Minho.

"Really, hyung?" Taemin asked.

"Neh, the sames happened to me." Minho smiled. Taemin blushed and hugged him. Minho lifted Taemin to sit on his lap facing him. Taemin wrapped his hands around Minho's neck and looked at him. Minho held on to Taemin's waist so he wouldn't fall. They both inched forward looking at each others lips. They both shared a simple, yet passionate kiss.