Akane looked up at him expectantly, a hopeful expression on her face. "I made these today at school. Try one?" she said in a polite tone Ranma rarely ever heard. Wearing a frilly apron over her school uniform, she held out the plate so the cookies were next to his chest.

Reluctantly, Ranma picked one up. It didn't look too bad: a little messy, a little overcooked, but somewhat edible.

"They're animal crackers!" Akane explained joyfully.

Ranma examined it, squinting. "I know what it is," he said pleasantly. "It's a llama!"

Akane's expression deflated. "It's a giraffe," she muttered.

Inwardly cringing, Ranma picked up another one. "And this one's a praying mantis. Cool!"



"It's a whale," she seethed.


"Dolphin." Akane bared her teeth in anger; her left eye twitched.

"Well, this one for sure is a scorpion!"

That was the last straw. "It's a butterfly, you jerk!" she screamed, smashing the plate of cookies into his face before storming off.

"Ow." He winced and brushed the crumbs off his face. He bent over to clean up the mess they had made. "Stupid Akane. Why'd you have to be so uncute?"

He licked a stray crumb off his lip. Ranma cocked his head to the side. "Huh. Not bad."

A/N: Every drabble has been/will be pre-read by my betas M&N. Thank you!