"You don't have to do this, you know."

Bastila blinked as his commanding voice reached her ears. She looked up at him from her position on the floor. His powerful arms were behind his back, fingers mindlessly toying with his silver wedding band. A million stars shone in the distance, illuminating the inky black canvas of space.

"Of course I do." He turned slowly, one side of his face glistening in the light. His darkened mane was slicked back and peppered with white; greying at the temples. One thin scar running down the right side of his face, and another starting above the left portion of his lip and dragging down to the bottom of his chin. He looked older than she was expecting. Worry etched on his features as he snaked over to her.

"It's not too late, I can get you a shuttle.." She rose from her kneeling position, needing to address the fear in his form. Strands of her long hair fell against her shoulders as she stood; silver mingling with coppers and browns.

"Do you remember what we promised each other all those years ago?"

"I know, but Bastila-" She placed a finger on his lips. Those impossibly soft lips that she still found as irresistible as ever.

"Revan, I am with you whatever happens. You know that. When you left for the unknown regions..." She lowered her head and closed her eyes, trying to stop herself from reliving the agony of being parted from him. "I know you thought that you were protecting me, but in truth I simply died inside. And when you returned...all I know is I can never go through it again." She stole a glimpse up towards his shimmering depths, seeing the regret that still swam within. "When you act, I act." A weathered hand cupped her chin as dark green eyes poured themselves into her. Even now, she found herself thinking. Even after so many years, he still had the ability to take her breath away after just one glance. His thumb caressed her regal jawline as his other hand gripped her just above her hips.

"If I were ever to lose you..." The corners of her full lips arched upwards into a smile as the devotion rippled from his words. Her finger began to trace the scar on his lips as she pressed herself into his muscular frame. She felt safer than ever in his arms, even as they were hurtling towards the abyss.

"And if I were to lose you." He smiled down at her, lines around his eyes and upper cheekbones deepening as he did. His hand slipped from her waist to her stomach, and he pressed down. As if imagining she were pregnant once again.

"We should have another." She placed her hand on top of his and shook her head with mock fury.

"This is hardly the time to discuss such things! Besides, the one we have is enough of a handful, even if he is a grown man."

"I loved you being pregnant though! I'd never been more attracted to you-" She pulled back, hands going to her hips as she pouted, and Revan immediately stretched his arms forwards into a defensive position.

"You're not attracted to me now?"

A different kind of fear spread through Revan's frame as he struggled to correct his mistake."Th-that was a poor choice of words!" After a moment, his face softened slightly as he reached for her stomach once more. "It's just...a part of me growing inside you..."

She let out a sigh as she brought her hands to his cheeks; stubble sticking slightly to her palms. She knew what he was doing. He did this whenever he was afraid. Truly afraid. Planning for a future that seemed so very far away. Planning for when they would be safe."Revan, we're going to be alright." She felt his breath hitch in his chest as he looked down at her. Was that due to his fear, or another, more tender type of emotion? A mixture of both, she summarised. His hand found her neck again. Skin he had traced so many times before. The tips of his fingers stopped just below her ear, and then pressed a little deeper.

"I love you, Bastila."The emotion he had put into his words brought a level of seriousness to the air, and she pulled him closer in response.

"I love you too."

The little light that seeped in from the observation window, seemed to brighten as the stars before them began to whiten. Revan tilted his head slightly as he gently claimed her mouth. She melted into her husband's embrace instantly, sliding one hand to the back of his neck and the other to his chest as their ship entered hyperspace; lights blurring blue all around them. She heard him inhale deeply through his nose as he eventually pulled back, lids slowly opening as he brought his gaze down on hers. She kept her eyes fixed on the green for as long as possible, searching for the little rings of gold that she knew outlined his pupils. Bastila soon found those eyes she adored shifting from view as he moved to watch the blaster fire that was now colouring the observation window.

"I should go and see to the team." Unspoken questions passed over his face as he turned back towards her, and she squeezed his hand in response. He pressed his lips to hers again. A short, chaste offering that she took without hesitation, before he turned on his heel and headed to the door. "I'll see you soon."

"Be safe my love," Bastila called out as she returned to her position on the floor. "and may the Force be with you."

Revan faltered briefly at the exit, as if caught up in a long forgotten memory. He turned his head to glance back to his wife, seeing her centre herself as she prepared to use her Battle Meditation.

"May the Force be with you too."

His voice was like an echo. So distant as those final words slipped from her ears. His face covered in fog. Shrouded by the darkness that surrounded her. Had it been a vision then? A vision of her future? Everything around her felt murky, and the Force suppression collar made it harder to commune. Harder to think. Had she simply seen what she wanted to? A future where Logan loved her? Where Revan loved her? Bastila sighed out into her darkened surroundings. Shaking her head at the hopelessness of her situation.

"Why did he not tell me who he was?" The Jedi found herself calling out into the stone.

Why did you not tell him? The cold and soft reply came a moment later. Came from within.

"I couldn't! It was too risky...I was afraid of-"

Maybe he was. Maybe he thought you'd hate him.

Her back pressed into the unforgiving wall as she sank to the ground, confused and despairing. "He knew all that time..."

And so did you.

"He must have thought I'd hate him."

The way you hate the masters? The certainty of the voice took her by surprise, and very quickly she found herself afraid.


The way you hate any that use. The way you hate what the Jedi have made you. Bastila closed her eyes, trying to silence the voice from within; terrified at the purity of the thoughts.


Logan, the masters, your mother. They're all the same. They used you to get what they wanted. Just like you used him.

"It wasn't like that! Logan wasn't like that. He helped me. He loved me!"

It wasn't real. Your power is the only reality. She covered her ears with her hands, pale fingers digging at the flesh above.

"It was real! I know it was! I felt it!"

And yet, here we are. Alone.

A sudden scrapping drew the Jedi's attention, and she rose to her feet as quickly as her sluggish motions would allow. A tall and spindling figure strode towards her, though she could see power in his chest and upper legs. A thick hood obscured his face, mere glimpses of pale and crimson could be seen. She shuffled backwards, as far away as the walls would let her. Still the man kept coming.

"Lord Malak has something special planned for you." The Sith said as he grabbed her by the arm. She froze at his touch, realising just how defenceless she was. The man noticed this, and tightened his grip while he parted his lips, pulling her close as he did so. Her heart quickened beneath her chest, and a clicking behind her ears told her that she was in terrible danger. Both arms were in his grasp now, and her body felt leaden and heavy even as her mind told her to try and run. "I have something in mind as well." His dry mouth was soon on top of hers, and her eyes widened with shock. She moved her head and neck back violently, pushing with her hands in an attempt to brake free. He pulled her forwards again, forcing the wet instrument behind his teeth through her stiffened lips, her eyes remained open all the while as her mind stayed frozen. Bastila soon found herself bringing a knee up quickly as her captor began to struggle with his trousers. He staggered backwards, relinquishing his grip on her arm as she fled for the exit. Her neck and shoulders were soon jerked backwards with force as the Sith tugged at a fistful of her hair. One arm stretched out towards the door as she was made to face him, and suddenly the back of his hand had struck against her face. She flew forwards, head and forearms connecting harshly with the cold stone floor.

"Please!" Bastila found herself crying out as her attacker flipped her onto her back, prying her thighs apart with his hard fingers.

"Resist again," He growled with his unfeeling tone, tearing at the flimsy fabric that protected her as he spoke. "and I'll hit you harder." Fear froze her. Knowing she had no way to fight back. Would he kill her if she tried? She was too terrified to find out. Before he could free his erection, he was pulled backwards, flying into the air and into the grip of a waiting hand. Malak's fingers tightened around his apprentice's neck as he looked down at the cowering form on the ground. His yellow pits simmered as the terror rolled from her.

"Wait outside for me." His metallic voice commanded as he released the Sith from his grasp. The man stooped before his Lord before scurrying away in an instant. Bastila pulled her knees tight towards her body as she rolled to her side, praying that Malak did not have similar intentions. He crouched down beside her, forcing eye contact. He observed the bruising that was already visible on her delicate cheek and the dishevelled nature of her garments, before removing his cloak and draping it over her. She flinched at the contact. "I will see to it that you are given some new clothing." The Sith Lord said as he stood to leave. "This will not happen again Bastila. I give you my word."

Through the haze of horror, Bastila found herself shivering. Why did Malak protect her? What would have happened if he had not walked in? He would have killed her. She was sure of it. The look in the man's eyes, it was the look of a beast. A look that held no mercy. Bastila shuddered as she pushed herself to sitting, wincing all the while at the stiffness of her frame. She removed the blackened cape from her body, and looked down to see the purple patches adorning her thighs. Her breath was heavy as she relived the attack in her head. Too afraid to move. Too afraid to cry. A wall of fear separating her from her body. Blood was seeping from a wound inside her lip, but all she could taste was the tongue of the monster.

Where is he?

She ignored the voice. Instead, tearing off a piece of her ruined garment and then using it to rub away the taste from her mouth.

Where is he now? Tender and loving when it suited and invisible when needed?

"He will come." Bastila whispered as she brought her knees to her chin. Dampness now gathering under her eyes. "I know he will come."

"When did I give you permission to assault her?"

The Sith squirmed beneath his Lord's terrible grasp. Gasping for air at every little opportunity. "Y-you said...we would use her-" He gurgled as Malak tightened on his telekinetic grip. "to get to Revan!"

"When did I give you permission to assault her?"

"Y-you didn't, my Lo-"

"No, I didn't." The metallic tinge to his growl sent a shiver through his already terrified victim. And then he squeezed down harder. "You were going to try and brake her. I do not want her broken. I want her to turn of her own free will. That will be the greatest victory! When Revan looks upon his pet and sees the choice that she has made, has been hers and hers alone, he will know that I have won." The Dark Lord narrowed his slits as he eyed his quarry, before relaxing his hand and letting him slip to the floor. "Do not worry my apprentice," Malak chuckled through his prosthetic casing. "I will not kill you." The Sith rose to his feet as his master continued. "You have an important part to play yet."

Bastila did not know how long it had been. An hour? A day? Two? No. The bruising was still dark and had not faded. It could not have been long. Someone had brought a change of clothing, just as Malak had promised. Apart from that she had been left alone. Alone to think about what had happened. What could have happened. What she would do to the man who attacked her. She had been left alone to realise that maybe she had been abandoned. Abandoned by the man she had trusted most. Abandoned by the man she loved. A heavy scraping drew her attention, and for a moment she thought the monster was back. But no, it was Malak. The man who had stopped the monster. The monster who had saved her. He had planned it. He must have. In silence, he bade her to follow, which she did without question. Grateful to get out of that room.

They proceeded in silence for some time. His large frame looming before her. Soon, they came upon a seemingly empty chamber. All the lights were black, save one. It hung in the air above her. Its orange glow leaking onto the sandstone floor, creating a puddle of light to counter the unknowable blackness that surrounded.

"I have a present for you Bastila."

She looked up at the Sith in confusion. "A present?"

The Dark Lord rolled a shoulder towards her. "I see that look on your face. Whatever you may think of me, I have a code. I am not evil." His sulphur coloured eyes bore mercilessly into her exhausted frame as he spoke, in complete contradiction to his words. Though the fatigue that fell upon her, frayed at the edges of her outrage. "I am a Dark Lord of the Sith, I freely admit to what I am, and just like our mutual acquaintance, I try to use my position for the grater good."

"Revan would never have butchered the people of Taris!"

Malak's eyes narrowed at the corners, despite the metal brace that encased his neck, Bastila was sure he was smiling down at her. She squirmed under his stare. "Even before he became Darth, Revan had the blood of millions on his hands Bastila. Do you think that Malachor V was an accident?" She lowered her gaze. "He may not have pressed the button, but he signed off on the plan. The Mandalorians will never recover from that."


"Revan was weak. He could never admit to what he was. He could never come to terms with what needed no be done. In that regard I admit I am nothing like him"

"Why have you brought me here?" She snapped, dismissing any thoughts of Revan. "What do you want?"

Malak circled her for a moment, like a shark observing its prey. She was sure she could hear his broken breath steam against the metal surrounding his jaw. Soon, she found herself shuddering at the impact of the thought.

"As I said. I have a present for you. The man who assaulted you. He is yours to dispose of."

Bastila's bloodshot eyes widened as light engulfed the room, and the monster who attacked her, flooded her vision. He was on his knees, mouth gagged, hands bound at the wrists, bruising visible under the suppression collar at the neck. She made to retreat, but refused to let the monster dominate her.

"He holds no power over me." The metallic chuckle that was becoming all too familiar, swam to her ears as Malak passed behind her.

"He holds no power over you because I stopped him."

Bastila lurched towards Malak, tired eyes filled with defiance. "So you are using this beast as leverage against me? If I don't bow to your will you will have him assault me? Is that it? You are right," The Jedi spat, using her full height as she poured scorn on her captor. Confident voice soaring over her words. "you are nothing like Revan. You repulse me." The Dark Lord's back stiffened at her words, yet he did not flinch, instead he stepped towards her. A grey and gnarled finger stretched nearer to her cheek, and she turned her face away immediately.

"Appearances can be deceiving, Bastila. In time you will realise this." Malak turned to the door as she recoiled. "I will give you some time with this man. Then you can decide what you want to do with him." She spun on her heals as he made for the exit. Panic at her neck despite herself.

"What? You can't leave me in here with him!" A part of her wretched at her own words. Astonished by the fact that she felt safer with the Dark Lord of the Sith, than the scum at her feet.

Malak's shimmering slits glanced back at Bastila, then towards the Sith on his knees. "He is bound. He cannot hurt you."

"I don't care! I have nothing to gain."

The Dark Lord's remaining lip curled upwards beneath his jaw restraint as his words curved against the vocal enhancer that weaved into the cauterised remnants of his jugular. "Don't you want to question him? To sympathise with him? Preach to him?"


"A Jedi would want to." Bastila scowled as Malak lent forwards, the wrinkles on his discoloured forehead, sloping backwards to meld with his balding crown. Two tattoos running parallel across the length of his dome, contrasted his deathly pallor, and added an extra layer of intimidation to her captor. Would you like to punish him?"

"I-" The hesitation fell like thunder against her chest. She shuddered as the memory of the beast's cruel stare flooded to the forefront of her thoughts. A rabid dog not at all dissimilar to the cruel fury of the sand people.

"I could remove your restraint collar right now, Bastila. I could remove it and then you could show him how it feels to be powerless and afraid." She shook her head with sluggish motion. It was so difficult to think. Her thoughts drifted back to Tatooine. To the Krayt Dragon's lair, when she tortured a creature to death. She remembered how good it felt to hold the fate of another in her hands. To control the outcome. To end a life. She rubbed her palms against her cheeks in an attempt to dislodge the thoughts. Bastila's mind only returned to the present when the collar that previously adorned her neck, made contact with the floor. The world exploded from every angle, and she fell to her knees as it hit her. She had never been cut off from the Force, or from sleep for so long. She had never been assaulted by such darkness before. Bastila struggled through the crescendo of waves that crashed against her conciousness, and quickly searched for her bond-mate. A surge of darkness flooded her presence an instant later. "Do not try to contact him Bastila. Close the link now or I put the collar back on." She shook her head – trying to clear her thoughts. What could she gain? All she could do now was to try and survive. To try and remain herself. Her world was filled with fog. The noise that flowed through her connection to the force weighing her down to the ground. Pinning her in place.

"I can't...think-"

"Focus on your power Bastila. It is the only reality."

"I-" She began to concentrate on the pulsing within her, blocking out the mass of sirens that surrounded her. Soon, she found herself able to stand. "The world is so loud."

"Not when you push your concentration inwards, focus on a strain, on your own emotion."

Bastila's full brows furrowed in pain and confusion, her ice blue orbs watering as the weight of reality set upon her. "But why can I feel everything?" She clutched instinctively at her chest as she tried to slow her breathing.

"You have been deafened, you have been blinded. The Jedi did this to you. Now you are free from their control." Malak towered over the weakened Jedi as she fought to remain concious.

"I don't understand," she whimpered through laboured breaths. Copper strands of her hair hanging down to the floor as they fell loose. "I could feel people before. I felt emotions before! I felt anger, jealousy, but I've never felt anything like this!"

Malak paced beside her, anticipation evident in every calculated step. "No matter the strength of your emotions you were always tarred with the restraint of a Jedi, not simply mentally but through the application of your Force abilities. Now the Force is flooding back you can feel it bubbling under the surface, can you not? You feel like you have never used it before don't you? You feel like you could explode with all that power." Bastila's surprise was muted when she looked up to see the Dark Lord kneeling next to her. She took a breath as he continued to speak. "It takes something extreme to fully brake free of the tranquillity of a Jedi's use of the Force. Restriction of food, water, sleep and no connection to it for a long enough period can jolt a person into awakening. Now fully brake your chains Bastila, take your revenge and kill the man who attacked you!"

Bastila's breathing slowed as she straightened her body. After a moment she walked towards the Sith on his knees. And the she reached out with her hand.


An unsteady hand clutched meekly at a heaving chest. Revan was on his knees. Shards of metal and wire and crystal clattering to the floor around him. Falling mutely against his throbbing ears. His wincing eyes watered as his bond-mate's presence pierced his soul. There she was, for one blindingly painful moment. Bursting through his mind; shattering his defences in an instant. His breath hitched. Something dark and cold and heavy now leaked across their connection. Circling like a shroud of silence. Then, She was gone.

Whatever thoughts that passed through Revan's mind, now were muted. In their stead, a screaming suspension of nothingness. A noise so empty and so loud, it drowned everything else out. Revan's quiet pain raged at the sound. He breathed for a time, trying to catch himself before he succumbed to despair. Slowly, his trembling fingers gathered the fragments of his de-constructed weapon, and continued with their task.

A time later Revan emerged from his quarters to find Jolee standing guard. Noting that Carth had stayed away, he pushed past silently, not waiting for the old man to fall into step.

"I'm not talking about it Jolee."

"I didn't say a word kid." The weathered Jedi huffed as he trotted to keep up. He knew that he didn't have to say anything. He knew that his ward could feel the concern in his aura. Jolee had felt Bastila's presence. Just for a heartbeat. Almost impossible to detect, but he had felt her.

Logan's stride broke for the briefest of moments as the pair headed out of the cool confines of the Sith academy once more. He could feel his friend's thoughts centre on the one person he couldn't bring himself to think about. "Just...don't." He whispered before continuing at his frustrated pace. Jolee's lips parted briefly before settling on respectful silence. Reassurance would prove cold comfort, he decided. "You should wait at the ship, Jolee. I'll comm you when I'm done." The wrinkled lids of the old Jedi widened against the reddening sands as he stepped in front of Revan, hoping to halt him in his tracks.

"Don't be ridiculous boy! You need my help."

Revan placed a hand on Jolee's shoulder as he moved past; soft grains gliding under foot as he did. "You heard what Uthar said when we returned from the valley yesterday. I am enter the tomb Naga Sadow, alone. That doesn't leave much room for interpretation."

"I can still wait outside for you." Jolee called as he stiffened, knowing he could not change Revan's mind. The boy felt so broken. Crushed by the heavy atmosphere of a place that called out to the darkest reaches of his being. Shattered by a loss so great, no words could quite describe the exquisite flavour of the pain. A man out of hope.

"Please...I need to be alone." As Jolee watched his friend shift back down the slopes of sands that lead towards The Valley of The Dark Lords, he recalled the feeling of being truly helpless.

"Revan...May the Force be with you." The troubled man smiled back towards his only confidant, before making his way towards the final trial of Korriban.

The blackened doors of the tomb of Naga Sadow ground shut behind Revan with a heavy groan. Encasing him in a distinct darkness. He proceeded down the entrance slowly, using the Force to guide him, left hand gravitating towards his newly modified lightsaber. As his finger grazed the hilt, his mind brushed against the memories of its creation. It seemed like a lifetime ago. He was a different person. Thoughts muddled in darkness. He had used his bond-mate as an anchor. Her presence pulsing against the distorted metal of its casing. The most unrefined of emotions twisted into a beacon of light. His trusted weapon seemed to hum at the contact. Or perhaps it was displeased with him. He had not activated it since inserting the crystal that had called out to him in the shyrack cave. He was worried that he had ruined his weapon. Tainted the purest of things with his bloodied fingers. The former Dark Lord stifled his doubts and freed his blade from its resting place at his waist. His finger pressed down against the warm groove of the activation button, and as it did-


From its end shot out the most entrancing of colours. A blade a searing purple. So deep in its intensity, Revan was sure he must have been imagining it. The length was long and quite thin. He could feel the power reverberating through his palm, and when he looked again, the blade seemed to crackle and slightly distort. His brow creased. The crystal did not looked flawed when he examined it. He swung the weapon lazily once and allowed himself a small smile. Despite his quarry with the stability of the crystal, he couldn't deny it made the most intoxicating of sounds, a long and deep purr from the belly. Like thunder in a clear nights air. Foreboding. Somehow comforting. He held the lightsaber for a moment more. Making sure the power contained would not backfire and explode in his face. Once satisfied, he pressed on. A few beasts proved minor pests as Revan advanced deeper into the chambers, each were dispatched with mere flicks of his wrists. The true test began when he reached a river of acid. It was wide, but jumping it would not be a problem. He wrinkled his nose at the smell, and tossed a pebble out into the breach before he committed to the leap. Revan sighed as the stone disintegrated in an instant, he would not risk a singing. He looked down again at the bones he barely noticed at his feet. A datapad. The contents mentioned a concealed chamber to his left...guarded by two tarentateks. After copying the information to his own datapad, Revan returned the journal to its long deceased owner before cautiously proceeding.

"Ta for the tip."

The life-force of the beasts were concealed. Cloaking themselves in the dark energies of the tomb. But unaware of his presence. One he was fairly confident of managing, but two? The beasts preyed on Force users, using their own strengths against them, the perfect predators. Revan knew he would have to act quickly. The moment he drew upon the Force they would feel him, and attack. He removed his trusty charcoal cloak, before slowly drawing two grenades from a pouch on his belt. The Jedi crept in a crouching position closer towards his oblivious marks, breathing deeply before willing himself into action.

As if a switch had gone off in his mind, Revan leapt upwards into the air, tossing the two grenades towards his unassuming targets. As he twisted, Revan used the Force to control the explosives. He pushed the plasma grenade towards the beast that was closer towards him, and the smoke projectile towards the monster on his right. Revan slowed his decent, waiting for the explosions to rip through the room, before landing and engaging his enemy. He could hear the tarentateks howl as his feet hit the ground, and his lightsaber sang with its new voice in greeting. He reached high with the weapon while the beasts were disorientated, and from his belt sprung three lightsabers. Revan closed his eyes as the blades burst into life. They hurtled towards the beast on his right as he ducked under a hulking paw that flew towards his head.

"The underbelly." His thoughts cut clearly through the visceral noise of the room, and he let the physical fight slip from his gaze as he opened himself to the energy of the present. The fury in front of him swung again as Revan stooped to one knee. He curved the palm of his right hand, all the while pushing forwards with the motion of his opposite side. A scream seared his surroundings. The weapon resting in his left hand had slashed deeply across the tarentatek's chest, just below the throat. The beast before him flopped forwards. Right shoulder crossing over to the front as it fell into the dirt. Dead on impact. Revan's eyes remained closed as he rose to his full height. Turning towards the remaining target. The levitating blades he controlled, enraged and distracted the hulking menace. His right hand now extended a little more as he increased the flurry of their attacks. The monster roared in anger as its claws hit out at the sky. The trio of blades bouncing off its toughened scales. From his left hand, Revan's most trusted torch soared. Violet illuminating the room as it flew towards its destination. Heat rupturing the enemy's stomach. Within a moment, the remaining foe fell. Slowly, Revan's eyes opened as his blades dropped into the cold sand next to the still searing mass of hate. He retrieved his weapons before glancing at the information he had copied previously. Following it's guidance, Revan searched for a hidden cranny, within he found a container supplying one ice, and one fire grenade. Revan shook his head at his own foolishness, he had a cryo grenade on him from the start. Returning to the river of acid, He tossed the ice grenade into the abyss, and watched as the river froze over, smothering the damaging fumes. Satisfied with himself as he passed without hassle, Revan's smugness soon turned to frustration as he found himself locked in a second chamber a moment later.

"Think you idiot." The Jedi internally cursed as he stared at the puzzle before him. What felt like an eternity had passed and still no exit. Five pillars. Fiver rings of energy. Each ring a different size. It was obvious where each energy ring needed to go, but moving each individual ring to its specific pillar had proved taxing to say the least. After many more exasperating attempts, The sweet release of the sound of grinding stone told Revan that he had passed his trial. Slowly, his tired frame snaked up the stairs into the final part of the tomb. In the distance, the Jedi heard the now familiar whoosh of a Star Map activating, but he paced himself. Taking time to examine the offering on the pedestal before him. It was a lightsaber. A shoto to be precise. The hilt was black, almost obsidian, and curved to a hook. Obviously designed to conform with a very personal take on form II, Makashi. The grip was tight, but with practice, Revan summarised it could be a deadly offhand ally. When ignited, the lightsaber produced a blindingly orange blade. Short and thick and almost golden. The weapon of a Sith he was sure. Delaying no longer, Revan moved towards the waiting Star Map. The last piece of the puzzle. The one he had been desperate to find. As he downloaded its knowledge, Revan felt no victory. Only sorrow and apprehension over what was to come. Bastila was alive, he was sure she was. But what horrors had been inflicted on her? What had they done to her? Quickly, Revan found himself taking several short and shallow breaths through his nose, as his mouth turned downwards. Tears pooled at the pale rims of his lower lids and he didn't know what to do. He rubbed his hands together as his lips quivered uncontrollably. Like a little boy who had lost his mother. He was briefly without purpose. Without a plan. The front of his face twinged as he suppressed his fear.

"Get to the Hawk. Get back to the Hawk." Revan told himself in frantic thinking. Quickly, he traced his steps back through the tomb, but found himself halting on the acid river at the sight of The two most prominent Sith at the academy. Uthar and Yuthura.

"Congratulations are in order young one." Uthar, the master of the academy spoke. His silken voice rolling slowly over his words in controlled rhythm. "You completed your task quickly."

"I should think so, it wasn't much of a challenge." Revan noted dryly, finding his restraint whilst folding his arms and rocking back on one leg as he did so.

"Perhaps not, or perhaps your true challenge has yet to reveal itself." The Sith master replied with a smirk. "for now you must battle for you life against my own apprentice...Yuthura."

The pale skin of Yuthura's violet cheeks flushed slightly as she realised her deceit was over. She eyed Uthar for a moment before turning to Revan."Remember our deal!" Uthar's dead eyes narrowed briefly as the Twi'lek's words reached him, and a moment later, his red weapon was striking hard and fast against his protégé. Revan's strong wrist extended in an instant, the purple of his blade crackling as it collided with crimson.

"I remember." Revan said with a slight smile as he glanced towards Yuthura, before pushing hard against the Sith master.

"You have chosen to die then!" Uthar cackled as he let out a bolt of lighting towards Yuthura, shocking her to the ground. Revan struck a blow upwards, both hands clasped to his lightsaber as he followed through with his power attack. The Sith's blade slid freely across the middle of Revan's weapon, spitting in defiance and spinning low at lighting speed. The Jedi skipped backwards as he moved to parry, loosening his grip as he smacked the jibes away, soaking up the pace as he danced. He could feel Uthar weakening, the poison he had placed in his chambers kicking into effect. The Sith glanced around, then raised a fist in panic, sinister tendrils reaching outwards, reaching towards Yuthura in an attempt to drain her life force.

"I don't think so." Revan muttered as he hurled a wave of energy at the Sith, dislodging his attack. He staggered backwards, confusion etched across his face as he felt his strength deserting him. Uthar quickly shook himself from his stupor, gripping tightly to his weapon as he readied himself for another attack. Then, quite suddenly and without warning, a crimson blade protruded through his chest. His yellow eyes widened as he realised what Yuthura had just done. After she deactivated her lightsaber, he knelt there for a moment, glancing briefly at the both them.

"It seems I...have been outplayed." He whispered before succumbing to the cold stone floor. Revan grunted quietly in discomfort after the deed was done. His death deserve more honour. Still, the deed was done and so were his dealings on Korriban. Before he could move to leave, the hiss of Yuthura's lightsaber made itself known at Revan's ear.

He raised a dark brow at the action, turning his jade gaze to meet hers. "You don't want to do this, believe me."

"Oh, I think I do." The Twi'lek growled as she moved to straighten, stepping towards her quarry. "End a betrayal before it begins. This academy is mine."

"I wouldn't have betrayed you." Revan placated as he turned to face her fully. Her purple skin dulling out under the glare of her crimson instrument. "Incidentally, what do you hope to gain here?"

She scoffed at his question, small nose turning upwards in response. "Power."

"To what end?" Revan queried as he eased towards her, the red blade pointing to his chest as he did so. She blinked into silence as he waited for her reply. "You are not greedy, you don't want power for powers sake, so tell me-"

"To free my people!" Yuthura blurted out with more emotion than she intended. Her mask slipping for the first time in a long time.

"You were a slave?" She nodded mutely. Defiance in her stare. "And you were a Jedi?" She lowered her head. "The Sith could not drive the compassion from you though, could they?"

"The Jedi are as bad as the Sith! Neither care for the fate of those beneath them!"

"I know how you feel, believe me, I do." Revan offered with his palms out in front, stepping over the corpse of the previous master of the academy. "But the Jedi, despite their failings-and they have many-the Jedi try to do the right thing."

Yuthura's lilac eyes burned with a passion that she had concealed for so long. Gone was the restraint of the scheming Sith form the academy. This was simply a woman looking for justice."It is not enough! I thought here...if I could gain enough power I could-"

"Free your people? Perhaps you would be strong enough to eventually wage war on the Hutts, but Yuthura. You know the way of the Sith..." Revan countered as he met her gaze. Her long lashes contrasting the pale purple of her skin. She looked on with confusion as he spoke. Her heavy eyes weighed down with the strain of a lifetimes worth of sorrow. "..after gaining the power you seek, would you still have your compassion? Would you still care about your people?"

"I.." after a moments thought, she had deactivated her lightsaber. Conceding the hopelessness of her situation as her cylindrical device hit the floor.

"The Jedi will welcome you back you know." Revan whispered as he reached a pale hand outwards towards her shoulder. Her sobs turned to laughing in response.

"Look at me! After everything I've done? I doubt it."

"If they can take me-" The liquid in the Sith's eyes flicked into the dark as she looked up at her new true friend. Confusion forced her curiosity.

"Who are you? Really?"

Revan sighed as he turned on his heel, moving now away from the frozen acid river. "A bad man, who is trying to do good. May the Force be with you, Yuthura. Think on what I have said."

As Revan entered the ramp of the Ebon Hawk, he felt a brief pang of regret at not offering Yuthura a place amongst his crew, still, he thought to himself, what guidance could he offer her when contending with his own dark side was providing a seemingly insurmountable challenge? Carth's jacket was draped across one of the chairs in the main hold. It was as if he had placed it there to guilt him. Revan snubbed the offending item as he moved to plug the his new information into the data receptacle. The galaxy map before him flickered briefly as it uploaded the new information. After a moment, Revan made his way to the cockpit. He ran a hand through his darkened stare as he entered a few more details into the navicomputer on the wall before him. It bleeped a few times as it attempted to keep up with its inpatient handler.

"Impossible!" the distinct accent of Juhani gasped as she glanced at the navicomputer from behind Revan's shoulder. The most recent coordinates pointed the crew towards the centre of the galaxy map. "All this time...we would have known if the enemy was right under our nose!"

"Well we wont know until we get there. Will we?" Logan brusquely retorted with as much restraint as possible, trying desperately to quell the feeling of dread the gnawed at his nerves. "Carth, coordinates ready?"

The soldier did not so much as glance towards Revan as he spoke. "Coordinates set. Entering hyperspace in three...two...one..." Revan leant back against the curved door frame that lead into the cockpit as the high hum of hyperspace came upon the team. The deep blue glow washed over the whole of the Ship as the Hawk dutifully made her way to her newest destination.

"Carth-" Revan muttered, breaking the silence that had filled many minuets.

"Just...don't." The older man quietly ordered, not looking back to his former friend from his position in the captain's chair.

Revan unfolded his arms and pushed himself to standing, opening his green eyes in the process."No, Carth-"

The older man glanced briefly in Revan's direction, before focusing his gaze towards the indigo swirl of hyperspace once more."I have nothing to say to you. W-whatever it is, it can wait until the mission is over and done with."

"No Carth!" Revan retorted as he flew to the second seat, "the engines were fluctuating! Now the ion cannon is offline!"

Carth's piercing glare flew towards the clear screen to his right, and within a moment it had confirmed Revan's words. Carth's shoulders dropped as he flew into action, scraping a mop of brown hair away from his forehead in the process."Re-routing power!" The soldier barked as his fingers slammed against a slew of buttons before him. This is not possible!"

"Sensors going dark, countermeasures not responding!" Revan announced with fury as he coordinated the probe of their own defences. Carth, we need to leave, now!

"We can't, the hyperdrive is dead, we have no shields!"

"Then we land!"

Carth's amber eyes glanced briefly out of the observation window before returning to his co-pilot's frantic stare." W-we have no choice there, Something is dragging us. We're heading towards that planet!"

"We've no shields..." Revan muttered to himself before thrusting forwards to his feet. "Carth, stall our impact by any means necessary...T3 you're with me!" Carth mopped his troubled brow several times as he set about maintaining the Hawks reverse thrusters without compromising the integrity of the hull. Despite his best efforts, it seemed to be a quick and painful decent towards the foreign planet below. However, the Hawk had not combusted on impact.

It had been a while since their landing. Revan was away from the rest of the crew. His hand was at his temple as he perched on the bunk in his quarters. He caressed his main lightsaber with his free hand. Feeling for her presence. Searching for a comfort that was so very far away, and that seemed to be moving further still. Like hot breath in the cold air. That was what his memories now seemed to be. Fleeting, fading into nothingness. Her face fading into obscurity. At the thought, Revan clipped the lightsaber to his belt and smacked at his cheeks a couple of times. He could not wallow. He needed to act.

"How are things looking guys?" Carth and Mission now more about ships than anyone in the group bar T3, and he was busy tending to the shields so he would defer to their judgement.

"It's no good...everything is shot to hell." Carth shouted from from beneath a blackened circuit-board. Revan Looked towards Mission's location for more conformation, and was frustrated when she produced a fistful of singed wires.

"It's true that we could do with a few new components," the girl conceded. "But look out the window and look on the bright side...we're in a graveyard!" The Jedi shot a scowl at his blue companion before pressing a cautionary eye against the glass. As he did, he observed at least two dozen downed ships standing silent in the near vicinity. It truly was a graveyard.

"So, what?"

Mission shook her head and rubbed a bit of grime from her pale blue nose as she pulled her little body from the main port she was working on. "So you big dope, it's time to go grave robbing!"