Sakura stifled her laughter as she stared at her teammates.

Or is it just 'teammate' now?

He/they alternated between glaring at her, and looking rather sad and pathetic and ridiculously frustrated.

"Sakura, please stop laughing," Kakashi chided with sigh.

Blue eyes narrowed behind black bangs.

At the order, Sakura's mouth opened and her cruel cackles came out even harder. She pointed at the boy in front of her and proceeded to hunch forward, clutching her sides. Sakura's eyes watered and she began to lose her breath.

"I…" she began between joyous snorts and giggles. "I'm… gonna… asphyxiate."

The ridiculed boy huffed. "Good," he hissed.

Sakura glanced at him and then laughed even harder.

"Oh, it hurts," she whimpered, still snickering.

Kakashi merely smirked behind his book. He could understand the girl's amusement. The Panda Statue of Unity they'd been sent to recover was only asking for trouble. Kakashi made it a point to repeat over and over what two people grabbing onto the statue at the same time would do but apparently only Sakura listened to him.

Really, he couldn't blame girl for enjoying herself so much.

It wasn't everyday that her teammates managed to be dumb enough to get themselves fused together.

After what seemed like an hour, Sakura finally regained her composure as she took a few deep breaths to try and calm down. While she felt like she lost quite a lot of her dignity, what she did was nothing in comparison to what happened to—

"So," Sakura began, smiling innocently. "What should we call you, Nasuke or Sasuto?"

The boy lunged.