AUTHOR'S NOTE: So there it is. I know it's not the best of stories but had to get it out of my head...LOL! I didn't quite know how to end it so I'm pretty sure the end seems abrupt. I had alot of fun writing it and hopefully I get bit by the writing bug again and can come up with another story. I didn't quite have a plan for this one. I would just type a chapter as I went and then would come back and reread it and then decide how to take the next chapter from there. I need a better strategy...LOL! Thanks for reading!

Final Chapter


He Would Follow Her Anywhere


The rest of the day Clark and Lois stayed close to each other. They picked up a newspaper to look through the classifieds for an apartment for Lois. They hung out at the Talon knowing that Lana was in Metropolis and they would be spared any drama. They decided to head back to the farm when Lois's stomach let out a loud growl and they realized it was almost dinner time.

While dinner was being prepared Clark told Lois that he had some chores that he needed to finish up. He went into the barn and Lois decided to call Chloe and let her in on the latest news. She hoped that Chloe would be okay with it. Stepping out onto the front porch Lois was just about to dial Chloe when she saw Lana's car pull up. Preparing herself Lois waited for Lana to exit the car. She headed straight for the barn but stopped short when she saw Lois standing on the porch. She pivoted and headed in Lois's direction instead. Lois decided to meet her halfway and they stopped face to face in the middle of the yard.

"What are you still doing here?" Lana barked out.

"I live here." Lois said with a shrug. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Clark, you know my boyfriend." Lana said and Lois laughed. "The one you tried to steal from me remember. I can't believe you are still here after what I told you the Kent's thought of you. You can't be that desperate for somewhere to live that you'd rather live where you're not wanted."

"Who says she's not wanted?" they heard Mrs. Kent say as she stepped out of the house and headed in their direction. "We love Lois like a daughter and even more so now that she is dating our son."

Lana looked like she had been punched and was gasping for air. She struggled to regain her composure as Mrs. Kent continued her assault.

"Mr. Kent and I don't appreciate all the lies you told Lois in regards to our feelings Lana. We thought better of you and if you are just here to stir up trouble you can get back into your car and go back to where you came from. I never really liked the way you treated my son but I tolerated you for his sake." Mrs. Kent said. "Now that you are out of his life I can say that I couldn't be more happy."

Lana couldn't believe what she was hearing. She glared at Lois, this was all her fault.

"Please Lana," Mrs. Kent continued. "I don't want any drama on my doorstep. My son already told you he never wanted to see you again so if you would please leave."

"I'm not going anywhere until I talk to Clark." Lana said raising her voice.

"We don't want you here Lana," Mrs. Kent told her exasperated by her behavior. "I'm asking you nicely to leave or else."

"Or else what you crazy old bitch." Lana raised her hand as if to slap Mrs. Kent and that was all Lois needed to see.

She grabbed Lana's arm as it came swinging down and kicked her in the stomach sending her flying back.

"How dare you raise your hand to Mrs. Kent." Lois yelled at her advancing on her as she stood up. "You must be insane to think that you could come to her house and speak to her the way you did and then try and hit her with me standing there. You need to leave Lana before I really hurt you."

"You can't hurt me." Lana screamed and ran toward Lois ready for battle.

Rolling her eyes Lois waited for Lana to get close and then spun and swept her legs out from under her sending her falling backward onto the ground.

Mr. Kent and Clark came running out of the barn at the commotion. They came out just in time to see Lana try and slap Mrs. Kent and Lois grab her arm and kick her. They ran up to the women and Mr. Kent pulled Mrs. Kent to the side. They both looked on as Lois once again told Lana she needed to leave before she hurt her. Clark reached Lois and pulled her back as Lana got to her feet again.

"I will never forget or forgive you all for this." Lana yelled at them. "My only sin is loving your son who didn't deserve my love."

"Lana you need to get on with your life." Clark told her trying to calm her down. "We weren't meant to be and I'm sure there is someone out there for you."

"Not if she is bat-shit crazy." Lois snorted out and got a be quiet look from Clark.

"I don't have to listen to this." Lana said and turned to leave. "Just don't come crawling back to me when things don't work out with her Clark."

Lana climbed into her car and drove off the farm not once looking back.

When Lana's lights had disappeared from their view Lois turned around to make sure Mrs. Kent was okay. She found her laughing hysterically into her husbands chest and she pulled out and gave Lois a big hug.

"That was awesome!" Mrs. Kent said sounding in all her excitement like a little kid.

"Martha! Mom!" Mr. Kent and Clark said at the same time.

"Well it was." Mrs. Kent told them and pulled Lois with her as she walked back to the house.

Mr. Kent and Clark just looked at each other, smiled and followed suit.

Clark stopped at the threshold of the front door and watched as Lois and his mom set the table while his dad tried to sneak food. Lois looked up and gave him a lopsided smile. He was going to enjoy the journey by her side. Walking into the house he closed the door and turned to Lois grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the table.

"C'mon Smallville!" she exclaimed. "I'm starving"

Flashing her the famous Kent smile, he happily followed her. He knew he would happily follow her anywhere.
