Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Naruto.

A/N: I've been having fun making fan fics and I hope that you like this one. There might be some lemon/smut later on, which is why I went ahead and rated it "M". That and she's working in a freaking night club, so that in of itself is pretty suggestive. Anyway be sure to R&R! thanks! I'll be working on chapter two to upload!

(5/15/17): Sorry for any confusion regarding what I'm doing to those that follow this story. I've decided to go through my older past works and try and re-proofread and take out extra typos. If you're following this story I apologize as there is no new content. You'll see me doing this with each chapter. I'm trying to universalize my formatting so that my layout is consistent for those who read multiple different stories of mine, as well as fix grammatical errors and improve sentence structure. And to those who haven't read this before, enjoy! I'll be trying to fix as much as I can soon! x3

Sakura was a college girl who just wanted an easy job to pay for her college tuition without sacrificing her dignity. Much to her dismay, the only jobs that she was offered were in a club called "Sharingan" that belonged to the Uchiha family's corporation, so she'd heard anyway. They were currently looking for dancers and entertainers since they were still a new club and were somewhat under-employed. She saw that the shift times were flexible and pay was very generous, but she didn't want to sacrifice her dignity, did she? The listed jobs that she could choose from where as follows:

Poll dancer

Lap dancer

Cage dancer

Floor dancer

Bar maid (must take self defense course to apply)

Go-go dancer

Escort girl (you're the date of any guy that comes to the club alone and wants to dance)

And stage dancer (dance on the stage with or without someone performing)

The last one had caught her attention and she immediately asked the lady who was the staff manager for Sharingan if that job was 'dirty' so to speak.

"Well you perform some flirtatious moves, and you show more then a 'decent' amount of skin, but since you're on the stage, no one can touch you, if that's what you're implying. So in other words, it's about the 'cleanest' job we have besides a bar girl, but you don't meet the requirements since you aren't skilled in some form of self defense" the lady replied while handing Sakura the application forms.

The receptionist scanned over them when Sakura had finished filling them out and then handed Sakura a schedule sheet. Her eyes widened and said "this says my shift starts at 6pm tonight! That's in an hour!"

"Well then I guess you better hurry, the club's only twenty minutes away from the employment office here, and they'll be waiting for you there to get dressed in your stage clothes. You better hurry up and get going."

Sakura waved and gave her thanks while running back out to her car. She got in and started speeding down the road while trying not to be too reckless. When she arrived there, she bumped into a man who was dressed in a navy blue collared button up shirt with the top four buttons undone, revealing a white t-shirt underneath. He was also wearing dark denim jeans with a white wash pattern on his thighs and shins. Sakura was taken aback at his dark onyx orbs and equally striking black hair. She'd never seen a man more handsome, and now she'd knocked him pretty much on his ass on her big rush down the hall.

"I'm so sorry!" She yelled while trying to help him up.

"Why are you in such a rush anyway?" The man replied with a grunt while rubbing his behind where the impact hit him most.

"I'm sorry! I can't talk right now! I have to go! I need to get ready!"

"For what?" but when he asked she was out of ear shot and running down the hall.

Sakura wiped her brow and hopped that man was just some random person who didn't work here or wasn't planning on coming to the club tonight. Little did she know that he was the owner of the whole place, and would be watching the party from his private plexiglass windowed suspended booth in the middle of the whole place fifty feet above the ground. All four walls were giant plexiglass windows, and the floor was a thick plexiglass too. There were a few sofas and some mini holes in the glass to hear the music through, as well as a self serving bar. It was quite a hang out, but then again, he was the owner. He was planning on bringing a few friends tonight too.

Sakura bolted into the back room to find all the girls getting dressed. She was uneasy about being backstage with a bunch of girls whom she deemed 'sluts' subconsciously, but then she saw a rack with outfits and name tags, and she figured she might as well take a look. When she examined the rack hers was in a plastic casing, she guessed it was to protect the material (however little there might be). She took it to a small little dressing room in the back with a curtain and unzipped the bag to find not just a top or dress, but a whole outfit, including hair accessories with instructions to take said accessories to the hairdresser backstage. She slipped on the white leather dress that ended mid thy. It has circles cut out of the fabric on her sides from below her bra to where her underwear started, but she was able to hide the two undergarments so she wouldn't have to take them off. From the front it looked like there was half circles cut in it, exposing her skin, it was sleeveless and pink lined all the fabric edges including the hem, collar, sleeves, and the two circular cut-outs on her side. She didn't like it… but the upside was that she wasn't going to have to strip off her cloths or expose anymore than what she had showing already. To complete the outfit, there were white Go-Go boots that came up to her knees and had pink circles of different sizes stamped all over them. She like the outfit a lot, despite the fact that she could probably only get away with it here. Then she went to the hair dresser to get her hair done.

It was basically a plain white headband (without any pink) to match the dress. The lady straightened her hair so it looked pretty much paper flat, but it kept it's volume. Her hair was flowing down to her back and was thick as well as pink. It was also her natural color, but she always felt like people thought she was some attention hound or something by having pink hair as if it were on purpose. When she was finally done, she realized that they only put on a little make up, hardly any at all… why?

"Why is there so little make up? I thought for sure that you guys would 'paint' my face like some picture." She asked with a humorous tone.

The hair dresser giggled then said "well if we put too much on it'd make you look ugly, you have such pretty natural features, so there's not a lot we can do to make it better. It's better to have lighter make up anyway. There's less of a chance that it'll melt on your face when you sweat, your face will feel lighter and it'll be easier for you to dance, then when you get home it'll be a breeze to wash off."

Sakura bowed and gave her thanks as she was ushered to the stage. It was 6:30. Her shift started 30 minutes ago, but she thought "It isn't my fault that the girls with the littlest pieces of clothing take the longest to get dressed!"

When she was about to walk out she felt like a nervous wreck. Then her two fellow stage dancers she had yet to formally meet, Ten-Ten and Temari, gave her pointers on her new position, "it's all improv, we're almost never in unison unless we practice before hand, and even if guys look at you wrong, they can't touch you, and no matter how much you stink at dancing, if you look sexy the guys totally don't care."

Their words definitely helped her collect herself as they walked out onto the stage, and heard some music and lights flashing every which way. Someone announced their names and they flowed out onto the stage rolling, popping, and locking their bodies to the beat.

Sakura found herself lost in the music and started swaying her hips and rolling her body only to be cheered on by screaming voices yelling "go pinky!" and "yeah! Go pepto bismol chick!"

She sort of found the names insulting, but she knew that they loved the show she was putting on. She kept going and for a minute she thought that she was actually loving her job, until she looked up. When she saw a see through plexiglass 'Tupperware' shaped room? suite? box? She didn't care. She only saw the boy she bumped into in the hall earlier with his eyes locked on her. She almost froze on stage until Temari hip bumped her to come back down the earth. Lowering her head for a minute, she thought "he probably thinks I'm a slut! Great!. . . at least I know I'm still a virgin. . . too bad the rest of the world thinks I'm some whore. . . I'm starting to really hate my job."

Sasuke was breath taken at the girl he swore he saw earlier, she was gorgeous. He could tell it was her because of that abnormal pink hair. He never got the chance to ask her name, so when he looked at the staff list of the stage dancers there were three, and he knew two, so there'd be an odd one out. His finger scrolled the sheet of paper on a side table near the sofa. Sasuke's eyes widened in satisfaction as he said "Sakura Haruno…" then Neji walked in and waved hello. Sasuke immediately excused himself and found a staff member just outside the room and said that he wanted 'Sakura' from the stage dancers to be brought up to his suite as soon as she was given a break. The servant nodded obediently without a word and walked down the hall and wait to fetch the so called girl.

When Sasuke walked back into the room he saw that the rest of his 'crew' had arrived consisting of Neji, Naruto, and Shikamaru.

"What was that about teme?!" Naruto yelled as Sasuke irritatedly stuck a finger in his ear to rub his shattered ear drum.

"I wanted to meet someone is all, she'll be up here later." Sasuke said in a monotone voice as normal.

Neji turned to him and said "it's that pink girl isn't it?"

Naruto jumped out of his seat and said "oh my gosh! I saw her down there! She was AMAZING!"

Sasuke punched Naruto in the forehead making him sit back down and shut up, rubbing his head.

Shikamaru just nodded as if to say a silent 'thanks.'

Neji quirked an eyebrow at Sasuke and asked "do you think you could ask to send up Ten-Ten too?"

"Aa" was Sasuke's reply as he walked out of the room to send for both the girls.

"Wait, get Temari too." Shikamaru said as he lazily looked at Sasuke.

Sasuke just nodded this time in slight frustration, not bothering to say anything and popped his head out of the door once more to request someone to get not just Sakura but all three stage girls.

The lights on the stage went off while the rest of the lights around the club continued to flash and strobe like always. Sakura, trailed by Ten-Ten and Temari, all fled behind the giant black curtain to the backstage area to find a staff member standing there waiting there for them.

"Good evening ladies, you've been invited to the owner's suite, all three of you."

Temari and Ten-Ten clasped hands and jumped up and down squealing like girls who just saw a boy band… It kinda got on Sakura's nerves but she didn't say anything. She was scared that the boy she saw earlier would fire her for the accident in the hallway bumping him on his butt. She just lowered her head and plodded down the hallway behind Ten-Ten and Temari who had locked arms and were skipping singing "were of to see our boy friends! Those wonderful boyfriends of ours!" (wizard of oz tune "yellow brick road" sounding chant, if you can imagine that). It was a rather comical site for the people watching, but Sakura didn't think it to be any laughing matter.

When they walked into the room Temari sprung into Shikamaru's lap and Ten-Ten jumped into Neji's, leaving Sakura flustered and confused. Then she saw the man from earlier, who'd apparently called her up there along with her two newfound friends.

She gulped and said "y-you own t-this p-place?!" looking him right in the eye.

He just smirked and nodded then said "my name's Sasuke Uchiha, but I'd prefer that you just call me Sasuke."

She nodded then said "my name's Saku-"

He cut her off saying "Sakura Haruno. I know."

"How did you know my name?" She asked with mild concern.

"You're one of my employees, you think I wouldn't know your name?" then he looked in the direction of the employee list on the side table next to one of the sofas.

Sakura just stood there with a shocked look on her face, not sure exactly how to take it.

Sasuke didn't like the silence so he said "I was also made aware that you're not like the other girls who work here. You happen to still have something almost all of them have lost from working here."

Sakura blushed because she thought that he was talking about her 'virginity', although clueless as to how he would obtain that information, and wasn't really keen on continuing the conversation, but out of frustration she mumbled "I know I'm a virgin, but is it an employee requirement that I be a whore or something?"

Then she ate her words as she turned red in the face and earned laughter from everyone in the room. Especially the blond boy who had one finger pointed at her and his other hand on his stomach, because that was probably not at all what Sasuke was trying to hint at. She decided that she'd had enough of these strange people and their 'less then moral' ways and turned around to leave, but someone grabbed her wrist. She whipped her pink haired head around to see Sasuke with eyes that seemed to be apologetic as he said "I was going to joke and say it was your enthusiasm. I don't know where you drew that conclusion from, but please stay…"

Sakura just nodded in defeat and felt so dumb for her false assumptions and for falling for those eyes of his. Satisfied, Sasuke took a seat on the sofa. Both sofas in the room were only able to seat two people. One couch had Naruto and Neji with Ten-Ten in the brunette's lap, and the other had Sasuke and Shikamaru with Temari in the pineapple haired man's lap. Sakura didn't know where to sit until Sasuke patted his lap with a smirk.

"Uh…." Sakura said uncertain of what he was implying by that last gesture.

Sasuke's smirk broadened as he said, "You know you want to."

"No, actually, I'm not a whore so I don't."

"So you're calling your stage mates whores?"

"No, they told me that these guys are their boyfriends."

"How do you know that?"

"They were talking about it while they were skipping with their arms locked over here."

"Well I'm your boss, so if you don't do what I tell you, I could always fire you" He suggested with a joking tone.

Sakura's gaze narrowed as she hissed "You wouldn't."

Sasuke just continued to smirk and bluffed, "You're in my club now, do you really want to test me and find out?"

Sakura walked over to where Sasuke was while she angrily muttered "There has to be some sort of law against this."

She turned around with her back to him, about to sit in his lap, when she felt herself being pulled backwards, and was dragged into his lap with his arms around her waist and the side of his mouth against her neck. She turned crimson red by how bold he was acting.

"You go to college?" he asked randomly and out of the blue.

"Uhm... yea" Sakura answered uncomfortably.

"Which one?"

"Konoha University… why?"

"That's the same school as me."

"Your point?"

"We might have some classes together, don't you think? Since we are going to go to the same university. Our first day starts tomorrow."

"I know that, but of all the times I've been on campus I've never seen you."

"Well I'm sure you'll be seeing more of me now" He mocked her with a slightly predatory smirk.

Ten-Ten broke out in fits of laughter screaming, "You two look like you need to get a room already!"

Neji just looked concerned and raised an eyebrow at his suddenly opinionated girlfriend, but shrugged off her sudden outburst.

Everyone else in the room joined Ten-Ten in her fits of laughter, minus Sasuke, Sakura, and Neji. Those three just had a blank look on their faces that said 'please kill me'.

Sasuke then stood up with his hands still around her waist.

He bent down to her ear and said "dance with me."

It wasn't a question it was an order, and she knew it.

He led her to the more empty part of the room where the lights were blazing through the plexiglass like infrared security beams with various colors. He put his hands on her hips and started making her sway with the beat.

"Want to make this fun?" He asked smirking against the skin of her neck making her shudder, which only made his smirk grow wider.

Sakura gulped then said "Uh… how?"

"Glad you asked" was his reply as he put a blind fold on her.

She was startled and yelped, "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

He bent down to her ear and whispered, "Your eyes aren't the only way to sense things, feel the beat of the music with your body, it's stronger."

Sakura didn't even really know this guy, or what on earth he was trying to do. She only met him this afternoon when she ran him over in the hall, and now she's dirty dancing blind folded with him?

Shikamaru raised a brow and said, "Wow she's the first one to not giggle or try and immediately start crawling all over you or something. She's actually rather feisty; you really think you can handle her, Sasuke?"

Sasuke just smirked at Shikamaru and nodded. He was already seductively running his hand over the front of her cloths from her stomach to her neck making Sakura shudder and turn red in the face. She couldn't help but feel herself being carried away with the beat of the music as she continued to sway her hips with the rhythm. Then she and Sasuke started doing more then swaying. Her back was still to him, but then Sasuke saw how she moved to the beat, and stuck his thigh in between her legs and said "do it" right into her ear.

She immediately started grinding on him from in front, making him grunt in pleasure. This only encouraged her as she just smirked and took it a step further. Sakura turned around to face him and straddled his leg again, and put her arms around his neck and started grinding, but also pressing her chest up against his, which made Sasuke start to get 'aroused' for the first time in a long time, too long in his opinion. He mostly did things like this for the simple sadistic purpose of embarrassment and toying with people.

"Told you so" he said to Shikamaru, who just had a blank look on his face, but then rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Temari who was still in his lap.

Little did Sakura know that she was playing a very dangerous game with this boy, and she'd already crossed the line of no return. The night went on, and the others in the room started to leave. Sakura was off her shift since thirty minutes ago, but why didn't she leave? Well, she was too wrapped up in Sasuke's dancing to notice. He'd taken the blind fold off her since it was starting to mess up her hair and she was complaining about it. He figured that if she stayed past her shift, he'd already accomplished half his mission. He pressed a button on the wall of the plexiglass room and purple sheets started folding over the see-through room.

"W-what's that for?"

"It's so we can see out, but no one can see in."


"It's later at night and there are crazy people down there who are stoned and might go hysterical if they see us 'floating in this see-through room'" he lied through his teeth, but how was he supposed to tell her that he wanted privacy for what he was planning?

They were finally all alone in the floating room and started dancing dirtier and dirtier, until Sasuke could feel her wetness seeping onto his leg while she was grinding. He was definitely glad that she hadn't noticed the giant bulge protruding from his pants at that moment.

He finally decided that there'd been enough dancing, and stopped, cupping her head in his hands as he pressed his lips against hers. And much to his pleasure, she didn't protest or shy away like she was saying she would earlier. Then when he realized that he'd kissed her senseless, he started leading her backwards towards one of the sofas while still claiming her lips with his. This was an Uchiha talent, being able to kiss women senseless.

When she finally realized what was happening, it was too late. She was under him on the sofa already. He then started sucking on her neck. Considering she'd never felt anything quite like this before, she couldn't bring herself to stop him and started moaning his name, which made him smirk with pleasure. Wrapping a leg around each of his sides, she linked her feet so her butt would hover a few inches off the couch. Sasuke continued to claim her lips and run a hand down her side, coming in contact with her exposed skin. He ran his fingers slowly and tenderly over it, which made her arch her back into him. He took it as a sign to try something one of his friends had told him about. Thrusting into her even though their cloths were on, he could feel the pleasurable pressure between them. Sakura could feel his rock hard sex trying to tear through his cloths and get to hers. She just reciprocated the thrusts at the same time as him to make the sensation more powerful. Sasuke decided to reach under her clothing and grab hold of her inner thy and stroked it gently, earning him another arch and pelvic thrust from the flustered girl under him. She unraveled her legs from him not being able to hold on any longer because of her head spinning with pleasure.

Sasuke sat up, using the arm rest as a back rest, extending his legs all the way out, he pulled her up with him so she sat right in his lap. Her legs were spread apart over the arm rests he was resting his lower back on. He started by unzipping her dress from behind while keeping his eyes on hers. He slowly and gently started to pull her dress up and off, tossing the fabric to the floor, exposing her electric yellow laced bra and matching panties. She had a glint of hesitation in her eyes, which caught Sasuke's immediate attention, but he decided he would hold out a little longer, wondering if it would just go away.

Sakura slowly shied away and covered her half exposed breasts with her arms and leaned forward, resting the top of her head right under Sasuke's chin. She slowly started weeping quietly but said "I…"

Sasuke knew she couldn't finish it so he said "Hey... it's okay. I'm not mad at you. You're not ready, I get it. It's not your fault, but I would like it if you could stay over at my place."

Sakura dried her tears a little and raised a brow and said "Why?"

Sasuke smirked then quipped, "I lost my teddy bear."

Sakura laughed as her tears started to fade at his sudden sense of humor. Then she said "promise that you won't push me to do anything?"

"Aa, I don't have a reason to. It's no fun unless you want to."

"Well I'm sure you've had fun with plenty of other girls, so don't think your personal experience will make me do anything."

Surprising himself, Sasuke admitted, "I actually haven't 'done it' with anyone. Tonight would've been a first."

Sakura's eyes widened and she asked, "Then why me?"

Sasuke shrugged and looked away and muttered, "I'm not sure. It just felt... right" and he wasn't lying through his teeth that time.

Sakura just smiled sheepishly and stammered, "f-fine, but I can't stay at y-your place. We need to sleep in my dorm."

"Why can't we stay at mine?" Sasuke asked disappointed.

"Because my place is closer to my classes, and I'm sure some of yours, and I can just run downstairs and get some breakfast."

"But isn't yours all girls?"

"Mine's co-ed, so you being in my room or coming out of my room with me won't get you in any trouble with the administration, for now. We're adults after all, but your fan girls might claw my face into scraps."

"Oh, about that…" Sasuke tried to find an eloquent way to broach that subject.

"It's whatever. I just roll my eyes whenever I hear your name being screamed by a million girls simultaneously and hearing bitch fights break out all over the place seconds later."

"How nice of you to fawn over me."

"In your dreams, Uchiha"

"If you're going to call me 'Uchiha', then I'm going to call you 'yariman'(slut)."

Sakura just twitched in annoyance, "Fine… Sasuke."


Sakura and Sasuke were walking the halls of her dorm. Sakura was wearing her normal cloths. She felt much more comfortable in her jeans and plain t-shirt with her unzipped hoodie and skater tennis shoes than she did in her stripper getup. Sasuke was somewhat shocked at her appearance. Not in a bad way, he just couldn't get over how she looked sexy in a club costume, and in almost boyish cloths. It was kind of freaking him out. Sakura was sliding the keys into the door knob when she heard a snicker and froze. She looked over in horror when she saw Sassori walking towards them.

The hair on the back of her neck immediately stood up as she snapped and said "Stay away from him carrot top!"

Sassori just laughed, "Is that any way to treat your beloved older brother? I think not. Besides I don't care if you have sex with him, but Gaara's the one who'll gut him inside out when I tell him. I'd be more bothered about him than me."

Sakura just narrowed her eyes and seethed, "He's just staying over for his own convenience to get to class early tomorrow. We already agreed that we wouldn't do anything, and if you tell Gaara-nii anything, I'll murder you with paper cuts and lemon juice in your sleep."

Sassori chuckled before mocking Sakura, "oooOOooo paper! I'm sooooo scared!" then turned around continuing to cackle as he started walking away, having the last word saying, "Good night lil' sis."

Sasuke just raised a brow at the boy as he walked away. It was most definitely one of Sakura's older brothers due to what he gathered from the conversation.

They entered the room and Sakura flipped on the light switch to reveal a rather spacious dorm room. It was almost like a condo, but there was hardly a kitchen. It only had a single burner electric pad for a stove, a sink, and a few cabinets and a mini-fridge with a microwave on top of it. However, she did have a small living room with a three person couch, a 60 inch flat screen TV, a Wii, a coffee table, and some bean bag chairs. Then she had her bedroom with a king sized bed, not to mention her own full sized bathroom off to the side. She even had a jacuzzi bathtub with a separate walk in shower next to it and a giant mirror and a sink. Sasuke could get used to living in a dorm like this. It was better then what he looked at getting at least. He would have to use a communal bathroom, and he'd only get a studio room with a small kitchen space maybe a few cabinets more than hers. But in her bed room she had a large walk in closet as well that didn't seem to be hardly taken up at all. Apparently Sakura didn't go on shopping sprees very often. When he walked back out he noticed a desk that had a laptop on it, some spread out papers, and a shelf above the desk with all the text books for her classes. In between the shelf and the desk there was a bulletin board that had other things attached to it that were mostly not related to school; like random pictures, buttons, bumper stickers, and post-it notes. He found the whole room comfortable since the walls were painted a cobalt blue and the floors were a black type of shag carpeting. The bed comforter was navy blue with baby blue sheets and white pillows. He actually liked the place.

Sakura walked in and noticed him looking around with almost a smile on his face. She just shrugged and flatly stated, "I'm going to go take a shower, I'll be out in a few minutes so just make yourself at home or whatever."

Sasuke just shrugged and decided to take that statement as a personal invitation. He got out his cell phone and called his penthouse over a half hour away, where he would usually reside and had the servants bring over his personal effects such as clothes, toiletries, books, and other belongings.

When Sakura got out of the shower she walked into the room to find Sasuke laying out a pair of his pajamas because he was going to take a shower too. Then something snapped in her head. "Where did those pajamas come from? When he came over here he only had the cloths on his back!"

Sakura just asked in a flat tone, trying not to sound annoyed, "Where did those come from?!" opps… that was definitely an irritated voice.

"I had them brought over, go look in the closet."

Sakura was afraid to, but just opened the door, ignoring the fact that she was still only in a towel and started yelling "why are your cloths in the other half of my closet?! And where did they come from?!"

"Half your closet was empty, and again, I had them brought over."

Sakura just rolled her eyes and asked, "Are you moving in with me or something?!"

"Aa, you said 'make yourself at home' remember?"

"That was an expression you dumbass! Not a literal invitation to move in!"

"Well I like this place better than my stuffy apartment farther away. Living on campus has more benefits than living off campus."

Sakura knew that he wasn't leaving and she couldn't just kick her boss's ass out of the door. She sighed in defeat, "fine, on one condition."


"You can't do anything I don't want you to, and you know what I 'm talking about when I say that. You can't have more then two friends over at a time without me knowing. You can't throw any of my things away or sell them. You can't use the stove-"

"What's up with the stove rule?" He interrupted her.

"I don't want you burning my dorm room to ashes."

"I know how to operate a stove, but am I able to use the microwave?" he asked with mild annoyance.

"If you're actually heating something up to eat that isn't some experiment or prank? then yes. We're in college Sasuke. I know boys do stupid things with just about every piece of electrical equipment. Most of the time they don't even need technology to do something stupid."

Sasuke just smirked at her comment about male stupidity and nodded in agreement to her terms of moving in.

Sakura was tired and with exasperation in her tone whined, "I'm seriously wiped out from work. Between non stop dancing and dealing with you" she narrowed her eyes at him remembering his dance moves and advances on her. With a disgruntled growl Sakura just gave up and walked over to the side of the bed and collapsed, clutching the towel that was covering her body, hoping to just fall asleep and wake up in reality.

Sasuke only smirked and thought back to the previous events a few hours ago and sarcastically asked, "so are we a thing?"

Sakura just sleepily said "can we talk tomorrow? I really just want to sleep." Even though in all reality she was annoyed and knew he was just trying to get under her skin.

"Aa" Sasuke relented as he stopped trying to bother the pinkette.

Sasuke then went off to the bathroom and felt the hot water of the shower to be relaxing as it burned his skin and soothed his aches and pains. When he got out and walked back into the room, he saw that Sakura had just fallen asleep in her bath towel and smirked at how cute it was. He walked over and got dressed in his boxers. After walking towards the bed he realized that Sakura probably needed to put something on besides a bath towel. He searched through her closet drawers and pulled out a pair of plain white panties, then he couldn't find pajamas so he just got one of his large t shirts to put on her. He kept the towel on her and slid her arms through the sleeves then pulled the shirt down before sliding the towel off and he looked away as he put her legs into the underwear and slid them on her. Amazingly, she didn't wake, which made him assume she was a heavy sleeper. He felt like he'd done a decent job in making her decent. He pulled back the covers and slid them both underneath when he felt her stir then whine, "I was asleep….uuuuuuuugh" he couldn't help but think that her complaining sounded sexy because of the whimpering voice she used. Turning around to face him, she asked half asleep "how the hell did I get dressed in these?" alluding to the clothes she was now wearing in leu of her bath towel.

Sasuke just smirked, "I couldn't just leave you in a damn bath towel, so I got one of my large t-shirts and a pair of your plain white panties, and slid them on without seeing anything. I swear."

She just yawned and grumbled, "Whatever. I believe you, now shut up and let me get some sleep."

He just smirked as she cuddled up against his warm body of her own volition, laying her head against his chest facing him. He just pulled her closer and rested his nose into her hair and sniffed every bit of strawberry scented shampoo that his nose could handle. Sasuke opened his eyes and looked at the digital clock on the wall in the room that read "3am" well it wasn't that bad. They could still get a few hours of sleep before classes tomorrow. He was just content to be able to spend more time with this girl and not have her shove him away, but not swoon and smother him either. He found it oddly refreshing.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Thanks for taking the time for reading ALL of this. Anyway next chapter I'll try and add some more humor for more entertainment xD in the meantime please write a review! THANKS! ^_^