Disclaimer: I do not own either Power Rangers or Harry Potter nor do I make any profit from these words.

This idea refused to leave me so I put it down. Parts of it are similar but different from 'Dark Paths'. Let me know what you think.

Please do ignore if any descriptions of school are off, I never attended such a school. Also the USA is a bit new to me so some of the stuff compares to what I have known and I've based off that information. It is likely off a bit.

Thanks. Iolar


Chapter 1

The young man in a dark green and white gi quietly entered the crowded Youth Center and made his way to the booth where the judges sat. The first man looked the boy up and down, then said to the man beside him, "Here's an arrogant one."

The young man heard the words but didn't react. Instead, he simply signed his name on the sheet, taking several minutes to list his rank and styles, took the rules the third man offered him, and faded off into the crowd.

"Thomas Oliver," the second man read the name. "You might be in for a surprise, Pete. I've heard of this kid."

Pete looked over the sheet, reading the rest of Thomas Oliver's information. "Fifth black in Karate, third black in Kung fu, second in Jujutsu, specializing in Mantis at brown, and others? Chris, he didn't even list all his forms."

"The others are below brown level and listed in Martial Arts World this last month, anyway."

"Martial Arts World lists the kid's credentials?" the third man joined in. "What's his ranking?"

"It's said he could be the next Bruce Lee," Chris stated. "But as far as national ranking, he hasn't really done a lot of tournaments yet. It'll be interesting to see how he does against Jason Scot."

"Won't it though," Pete said, his tone contemplative.


Near the end of the day, a young man dressed in a solid red gi was doing a light warm up as he prepared for his turn in the tournament. After years of practice, not to mention the life and death pressure of leading the Rangers these last few months, Jason Scot was more than confident he would win this competition. So confident, in fact, that he wasn't even paying attention to the other competitors.

"He's cute."

Jason rolled his eyes at that. Kimberly Hart, the Pink Ranger, thought most guys were cute. Nothing ever came of it though, she preferred to spend her time with the other Rangers, which made it easy to ignore such comments.

"I know. I've been watching him since he came in. I wouldn't mind getting close to him." The two girls giggled.

This did get Jason's attention. Trini Kwan was not one to be oggling the guys. Jason thought it odd that the usually dignified Yellow Ranger would even think such a thing, let alone say it. But, he still didn't look up from his training.

Zachary Taylor walked up, his eyes scanning the crowd even as his manner seemed open and relaxed. And his eyes settled on one surprise. "Man," he breathed. "That guy might give Jas some real competition."

This did get Jason to stop. He walked over to where his friends and teammates stood watching someone. As he approached, Billy Cranston, the Blue Ranger and genius of the team, joined them.

"So, what has everyone so distracted?" Jason asked, his tone casual.

"Him," Kim, Trini, and Zack answered as one and pointed to where a guy their age, dressed in dark green and white, was just finishing up a kata with the ritual bow.

Jason watched as the guy knelt beside his green duffle bag and removed a water bottle. "What's the big deal? The kid looks cocky. I mean, I don't know him and he's wearing green and white."

"You're wearing red," Kim commented. Each of the Rangers were wearing their colors, though only Jason was competing in this competition.

"I've earned it."

At that moment, Gary Pointsman from the judges panel called, "Final match - last year's champion, Jason Lee Scot against Thomas Oliver."

As Jason stepped forward, he tried to place where he'd heard the name Thomas Oliver before. Seeing the guy in green and white that his friends had been making such a big deal over, he decided one of them must have called him by name. It did surprise him a bit that someone so obviously cocky made it this far.

On his way forward, Jason took the time to nod to a few friends, and offer his parents and his teammates' parents a smile.


Thomas Oliver walked to the ring without a sideways glance. He knew, without looking, that there was no one present to support him. No one ever was, no one ever would be. It didn't matter, he was used to it. Stepping into the ring, he bowed first to the judges, then to his current opponent. Last year's champion, a very sure of himself small town boy. Thomas hoped the boy was as good as he obviously thought he was and would actually give Thomas some competition. He'd always hated the boring little contests the Olivers insisted on him entering, the price money going to them to 'pay for his upkeep'.

Just before the match began, two boys and two girls made their way to the edge of the ring. The girl in pink caught Thomas's eye and waved. Thomas hesitated for a second, unsure what to think, but then simply smiled and turned to meet his opponent as the match began.


"He smiled at me! He smiled at me!" Kim said, all but hopping in excitement.

"We saw," Zack commented, his eyes laughing. "So have you noticed yet that he's better than Jason?"

"What!" Kim turned back to the ring, and saw Zack's words were true. Thomas Oliver was definitely the better fighter, the faster fighter, but Jason had the advantage in strength and weight.

"They're tied," Trini stated before Kim could ask. As she spoke, Thomas Oliver received another point. "Okay, change that. Thomas is ahead."

"Wow!" Zack exclaimed, excited. The four friends began cheering the competition in earnest.


Jason came over to the side of the ring where his teammates were and grabbed a drink of water while the judges conferred on where to go from here.

"So, bored this time?" he asked knowingly. The team always came to support him, but he knew they didn't tend to pay any real attention to the matches, as he always won even before they became Power Rangers.

Trini was looking passed him, though. "No one's here with him."

Jason turned and looked. It seemed she was right, his definitely not so cocky opponent was simply sitting at the side of the ring, patently waiting the judges' decision, and not one person neared him.

Turning back to his friends, Jason shrugged. "He's new in town. So, you think the judges will call the match or continue?"

"I don't know. Even if he'd just moved and hadn't made any friends yet, wouldn't you think his parents should be over there right now?" While it hadn't actually been stated, they knew Thomas must now live in Angel Grove, for this competition is open only to residents.

Gary Pointsman stood and called the two competitors over. "It is the decision of this panel to call the match, and the tournament, as a draw. Congratulations, boys, you tied. We can get another trophy and the monetary prize will be split evenly."

"Give my part to the children's home," Jason stated.

Gary nodded, not at all surprised.

Thomas asked in a quiet tone, "Would my parents have to sign for me to do that?"

"No, we give the prize to you, not your parents," Gary assured him.

Thomas smirked, something just a bit darkly dangerous shining in his eyes. "In that case, they can have my part, too. And, don't worry about the trophy, either."

"Just leave the trophy here, you can put both our names on it," Jason suggested.

Gary looked to Thomas, who simply shrugged, then said, "I'll see it done, boys. Now, if you'll step up into the ring, we can announce to these people our champions."


As soon as Gary announced the tie, Trini, Billy, Kim, and Zack rushed into the ring and surrounded Jason and Thomas in excited congratulations.

Thomas, assuming they were there for Jason alone, started to make his way out of the ring.

"So, Thomas," Jason said, turning to him before he could leave. "You want to join us in the park for the celebration picnic?"

Thomas smiled brilliantly, but it quickly faded. "Thanks, but ... I don't think I can. I should be getting home before I'm too late." He turned to leave, then turned back to them. "I enjoyed the match, though."

"Me, too. Maybe we can spar again sometime, Thomas."

He hesitated. "Tommy."

"Tommy. Oh, I'm Jason, this is Zack, Trini, Billy, and Kim."

After the chorus of hi's, Tommy asked, "You study together?"

"Uh, sorta. Why?"

"You all move like fighters, and way in sync with each other." He shrugged. "I should go." He took three steps before turning to them again. "Maybe I'll see you around."


Tommy quietly slipped in the house and made his way towards his room, praying he'd make it unnoticed. As usual, his luck fell short.


Tommy froze in place and closed his eyes against the fear he refused to allow to show in his voice. He'd known when he did it that he was all but begging for trouble. "Sir."

"Before me, now, boy."

Tommy let his bag fall to the ground and moved into the living room to stand before his father.

"The price money. - You did win, didn't you?" he demanded when Tommy didn't immediately hand over the money.

"Not exactly," Tommy said, smiling at the memory and showing none of the fear he felt. "We tied, they split the prize. I found a worthy opponent."

"You worthless piece of shit," the man growled while holding his hand out. "Hand it over."

Tommy heard his mother come out of the bedroom and stop several feet to his side. He took a deep breath. "I gave it away."

His father shot out of his seat. "You what?"

"Gave the money away," Tommy stated, forcing himself to meet his father's angry gaze. "To the children's home."

Mr. Oliver punched Tommy hard on the face; Tommy forced himself to not try to block the punch, knowing it would only make it worse. Sure, he could take him in anything even near a fair fight, but he had to live here and eventually he'd have to sleep. Or eat or drink. The force of the blow caused him to stumble back, but he remained standing. "The shed, now, boy," his father growled.

Without a word, Tommy turned and walked outside, heading around to the shed.


Continued - Review, let me know what you think!