Chapter Three: Sleeping Beauty and the Prince with the Emotional Range of a Teaspoon
Much had changed since the war. For instance, Malfoys had switched sides in a strange turn of events...losing half their fortune for their trouble. They also worked at Hogwarts. Even after they had served three years in Azkaban for their crimes, people treated them with injustice. Lucius taught Arithmancy, a widower thanks to his former master, and Draco taught Ancient Runes. Another Slytherin turncoat on staff, was Pansy Parkinson, orphaned and disowned for switching sides in the last year of the war. She had taken Madame Pince's job as librarian and from time to time helped Ron Weasley run the new campus bookshop and student lounge.
Albus watched as Pansy smiled shyly as Ron explained some sort of quidditch maneuver enthusiastically. Poor girl, the idiot really had no idea...he smirked as his perfect moment became blindingly clear. Now which fairy tale? He did like that one about the beautiful narcoleptic...or did she have Kleine-Levin Disease...but anyway the prince comes and valiantly saves her with a good snog! Yes, that would be a good one to have played out...though he had the nagging feeling this was going to get out of hand. Shrugging he started mentally making a list of all he had to do.
Pansy stretched as far onto her toes as she could, but the box she was stowing just wouldn't make it. She nearly dropped the package at the sudden warm presence behind her. The masculine scent of fresh air and orange zest that could only be associated with Ron Weasley, wafted into her nose.
"Here you go," he smiled over her shoulder, sliding it onto the top shelf of the cafe store closet. "You know, for a Slytherin and former Pureblood Supremacist, you sure do forget to use magic a lot," he teased.
She turned around after steadying her breath. "I find I'm not that grand of a magician and only do well in pressurized situations."
"You are a theorist not a practitioner. Why do think that is?" he asked holding the door open for her.
"Remember I was raised with one purpose to take care of my husband and gracefully produce beautifully pureblood children," she said in a wispy voice, imitating her mother.
"Well...I was raised to dote on my wife and make sure I provide a life that if wasn't luxurious, was happy," Ron said, saddened by her mother's philosophy.
"Happiness is reserved for the husband not the wife," she sighed.
"No wonder so many purebloods had issues. That doesn't sound like a healthy environment at all." He wiped down the counter.
Pansy watched him clean before they opened for the afternoon. Dumbledore had instituted a student work program for the poorer students so they could have spending money on Hogsmeade weekends. They worked in the bookshop and library in the afternoons. Some worked down in the Care for Magical Creatures Barns and even on custodial staff with Filch. She managed the library in the morning and evening, while Ron coached quidditch during the same times. Because they were put in charge of the Student Life Department they spent much of their free time together.
And at the beginning of the school year she looked over at him one day, and realized how attractive he different from any man she'd been with he he was no longer that annoying weasel from school, but a man...but apparently he wasn't interested. Or worse, he had no clue she was attracted. Ginny and Hermione both said he was daft when it came to girls.
Draco had been her first choice as a fiance, he was the perfect pureblood prince and their families got on well...but he had told her that he couldn't marry his friend. So then her parents arranged a betrothal to Blaise Zambini. Pansy, no matter what Blaise and his mother thought, was not compatible with him. And thankfully, the one thing that went right when she was disowned, her betrothal was eliminated with her turning sides. As she recovered from the war, Ron Weasley had come into the picture as a steady presence, defending her and making sure she was okay with everything. "Anyone brave enough to leave it all for the right side is a friend of mine," he had said.
"So you ready?" he asked going to unlock the doors.
"Always," she smirked.
Pansy was out shopping with Hermione, Ginny, and Luna, her girlfriends. She hadn't really had those in Slytherin. She wanted to breech the topic of Ron; and seeing as one was his sister and the other two had dated him briefly at one point...they'd be the ones to ask.
They settled into the pink leather chairs of the nail salon and Pansy took a deep breath. "How do I know is Ron Weasley is...that he fancies me?"
The other three women got quiet and turned to her in surprise. "Why do you ask?" Ginny squeaked.
"I...I find him...I want to have his babies okay?!" she blurted out, turning red.
The others burst into laughter, causing her to relax into a chuckle. "One thing you have to understand is Ron isn't going to let you know unless he thinks he has a chance," Ginny smiled. "I think you would be cute together by the way."
"Well...I don't know how to do that exactly. I make sure I'm always dressed nice around him, that I smell nice, and I make a point to speak to him every time I see him."
"You are displaying like a Slytherin, attracting a Slytherin. Ron is a very...he doesn't catch subtle hints," Hermione stated. "Luna, had to lock him is room and give him a strip tease for him to get the picture."
"And he was such a good lover," the blonde sighed dreamily.
"Ew! I didn't need to hear that!" Ginny gagged.
"Oh...I don't think I can do that...I mean only my mother and my healer have seen me..."
"You are still a virgin?" Ginny gasped. "You always seemed to Draco wrapped around your pink plastic dildo."
"You have to be pure on your wedding night," she said as she been taught to say like a mantra.
"It's noble of you Pansy," Hermione said glaring at Ginny. "I couldn't have done Luna's method either. That's why I had Harry and the Twins talk some sense into him."
"Yeah we'll get Harry and Draco to talk to him," Luna sighed. "Maybe he'll ask you to the Leaving Ball!"
Pansy grinned. Wouldn't that be something...
"Mates, Pansy's been acting strange," Ron said over pints a few weeks later. "She keeps asking if I have a date to the dance and staring at he expectantly...what do you figure buzzed up her skirt?"
Harry looked over at his former rival in disbelief. He couldn't believe he had to do this AGAIN. It was blatantly obvious that Pansy had a crush, if not more, on the redhead. He cleared his throat.
"Sounds like when she wanted me to ask her to the Yule Ball our fourth year," Draco said smoothly.
Ron stared at him a moment. "She wants me to take her to the Ball?"
Draco nodded. Harry sighed. "Doesn't this seem...familiar, mate? Didn't you go through this with Hermione?" he tried to hint.
"No, this is different. Hermione liked me and wanted to go out..." It was almost comical the way he froze and the gears of his mind groaned as they worked toward realization. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
"You think she has a crush on me?!"
"Don't think it, we know it, Weasel," Draco drawled.
"Why? Why would someone so pretty and perfect care about me?"
"Love is a strange mistress," Harry sighed.
"Sh-Should I go for it then?"
"Clearly. You both want it."
Ron swallowed and then quietly finished his beer.
Pansy rubbed her neck, in tired relief as she stepped into her quarters. She tossed her books on the table and hung her robe on the correct hook. She kicked off her shoes and began the trek to her bath, but paused and backpedalled to the common area.
Levitating in her living room was a beautiful, gunmetal colored gown. It was accompanied by a diamond necklace and note. She grabbed the parchment and tore the envelope open excitedly.
Pansy, Please do me the honor of accompanying me to the Leaving Ball this Saturday. Sincerely, Ronald Bilius Weasley.
She nearly swooned, as she bit her lip in happy anticipation. She ran her hands over the shiny fabric, twirling a piece of her black hair over finger. Humming happily she went to take her bath. Tomorrow was Friday and Saturday was...going to be perfect!
Ron straightened his tie for the hundredth time. Yesterday he had spent the whole day with his mother, listening to her go on and on about him getting too old to be single...blah, blah, blah. Dammit! Charlie was his buffer! Now it seemed that the woman wouldn't be satisfied until all her children and Harry were married and pregnant!
"Harry, I can't do this. All the other girls I've fancied have been purely on the physical level-"
"At least you admit it now," Harried mumbled, rolling his eyes.
""But with Pansy it's like she's my best friend and the most attractive woman I know."
Harry smirked, placing a hand on his taller shoulder. "That's how it's supposed to be. Look at Charlie and Sirius, Remus and Mione, the Twins and their wives, and heck your parents! You are supposed to find their mind just as appealing as their body."
"You realize that once Ginny and I are coupled off, my mother will latch onto you until you find someone," he stated in a deadpan.
Harry blinked. "Oh shit! Why am I helping you?"
Ron took a deep breath and knocked lightly on Pansy's door. He fidgeted with the rose in his hand, shuffling his feet. The door squeaked a little as it opened and his deep blue eyes shot up and didn't leave the vision before him for the rest of the evening.
Her pale blue eyes twinkled happily as her wavy raven colored hair swept over one eye and cascaded down her back. She had started growing her hair out after leaving home. The modest diamond around her neck shone perfectly against her flawless pale skin.
"Hey," she smiled. "Let me get my cloak-"
Ron shook out of his revery and moved forward. "Allow me. And here." He awkwardly handed over the rose. Holding out her green velvet cloak, he continued, "There's a charm Hermione's been teaching me all morning...let's see if I can get it right..."
Standing in front of her again, he pointed his wand at the rose. Pansy gasped as it turned to glass, making it look like the rose had withstood the winter frost. Then, it fluidly braided itself around her wrist. She examined it closely, smiling happily up at the tallest Weasley boy.
"It's's all lovely, Ron...thank you," she said softly.
Ron gave a boyish grin, extending his elbow. "Shall we?"
Albus watched the budding romance, happy, but confused. In the story there had been so much more drama...this seemed too easy.
Ron walked the school librarian back to her quarters, lazily holding her hand.
"I didn't remember you being such a good dancer," she chuckled. "Or such a romantic."
He stopped at her door and grinned down at the woman he was most definitely in love with. "Well I like to surprise my girlfriends. If everyone knew then girls would be using up my romance and I'd have none saved for the woman I marry," he commented truthfully.
Pansy bit her lip in amusement. To her surprise, he kissed her then. A chaste, adoring kiss that left her cheeks rosy and insides toasty.
"For future reference...when you want something from me, just say need to get our friends involved..." he smirked into a playful wink.
"Noted," she snorted.
"I have breakfast with my mother again tomorrow, but I'd love to take you to lunch...and dinner."
"Are you asking me out Ronald Weasley?" she teased grabbing the lapels of his dress robes.
"Yes and a little more...wanna be my girlfriend Pansy?" he asked seriously.
"YES!" Pansy squealed, let him kiss her again.
He kissed her cheek. "Good night. See you tomorrow..." He backed a ways down the hall before turning around and strolling toward his rooms.
Pansy sighed in absolute bliss as she shut her door. She did a little dance and fell back into her bed. What to wear tomorrow? She skipped to her wardrobe and found her favorite blue sundress. It had a tear in the skirt from picking berries in the Forest last July.
There was no way she was getting to sleep now, might as well stitch it up and have everything ready for tomorrow. She didn't bother changing yet, she really loved this gown. Fetching her sewing kit and sliding out of her shoes. That was weird she couldn't find her thimble...
Shrugging, she threaded her needle and began stitching the rip shut. "Ow!" Of course she would prick her finger. Sucking the tip to stop the bleeding, she started feeling dizzy...really sleepy. "That's...str...ange..." she yawned and suddenly fell over in a dead sleep.
Out of the shadows near the window, a figure unfolded itself and gazed lovingly at the sleeping beauty. Effortlessly, the man lifted her into his arms and disappeared out the window.
"If I can't have you, no one will," he growled.
It was weird, Pansy hadn't been at breakfast. Hermione made her way down to the librarian's rooms. The two of them were supposed to go get their nails done this morning with Luna while Ginny was at her parents with Ron.
She knocked. Nothing. Maybe she's still asleep. I should wake her up. The brunette gave the password and tiptoed in. It was eerily quiet. Hermione felt her hair stand on end, and a cold shiver run down her spine. Something's wrong. She crept into the bedroom, and her worry only increased. The window was wide open, the curtains blowing in the slight breeze. Pansy was gone.
She fluidly transformed into her wolf form and sniffed around. Someone else had been here...a male, but not Ron...The wolf nuzzled the bedding and pulled her nose back suddenly and stood up on human legs. She carefully picked up a bloodstained needle. It had smelled horrible.
Running out of the room, she sprinted up to Dumbledore's office. Excellent, Snape's here as well! The two men stared at her as she panted holding up the needle.
"Something's happened to Pansy! She's gone! There's some sort of substance on this and we should use a time turner to find out who took her!" she blurted still gasping for air.
Severus stood and took the needle from her and pulled a testing kit from his robes. It reminded her of one of those CSI shows she'd liked watching in America. The clear solution he had put the bloody needle in turned a violent red.
He stood up straight. "Endless Sleep Potion," he stated.
"The cause of the sleep of the girl in the muggle fairy tale Sleeping Beauty," Hermione commented. She looked up at a frozen Albus. "Albus we need to find out who did this."
He cleared his throat. "Right, sorry. Let's take a time turner to her room."
The three cast invisibility charms and watched the scene unfold from the night before. As the stranger neared her unconscious form, his face was lit by her lamp.
It was Blaise Zambini.
Once everything had swirled back into place, Hermione spurred into action. "We need to get Ron. He is her true love and that's the only way to wake her-"
"If he survives Madame Zambini. She is an insane sorceress," Snape said calmly.
"He'll need this sword," Albus stated.
"What? Is he going to fight a dragon?" she joked.
"You have no idea," the men deadpanned.
"Ronald I was hoping to introduce the Adams girl from down the way," Molly said calmly.
"That won't be necessary Mum," he smiled. He had come to the realization that he would marry Pansy last night.
"But Ron, a boy your age should be dating, finding a wife, before it gets to too hard. I think I know what is necessary for my own son..."
"You misunderstood me, Mum. I am dating and next family dinner she's coming with me," he said calmly.
Mom spun around and rushed over to her youngest son. "Oh Ron! You make your poor old mother so happy! What is her name? Do I know her?"
Before he could dutifully answer the woman, Hermione rushed in with...was that a sword?
"Ron! Pansy was kidnapped by Zambini and put into an Endless Sleep! Only you can wake her and apparently there is a dragon involved!" she panted. "I've got to stop meeting people this way," she muttered, clutching her ribs.
Ron stood and moved with Hermione, anger in his clear blue eyes. He tossed a broom at the brunette. The two took off to the Zambini Manor, a militant, prisonesque building with one high tower. They landed to find Remus and Harry there already.
"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked.
Remus glared at his mate. "I can't having you get hurt, love. And Harry has an itchy trigger finger."
The quartet moved forward and blasted the door open. As they remembered from the last battle the Manor was a labyrinth of horrors and hexes, orchestrated by Madame Zambini. As the made their way tot the top floor and found the seriously psychotic Blaise Zambini, Harry moved in front of his best friend.
"Go on Ron, we'll handle him. But remember that where Baby is, Mummy is nearby," he said in a low growl.
Ron charged past the man out into the open air of the roof and pathway to the Tower. He was almost to the door when, just as Harry had predicted, Madame Zambini with her menacing red eyes blocked his path. Laughing in a shrill wickedness, she transformed into a black dragon.
"How dare you presume you can come and take my boy's precious," she hissed swinging her long, spiked tail at him. He was hit and flung against a stone wall. "Poor thing, a child sent to do a man's job..."
Harry, Remus, and Hermione rushed out in time to see Ron tossed into the air and swallowed whole. "NO!"
The dragon slid her serpentine eyes to the Savior of the World and roared at the sent of her son's blood on his clothes. "Harry Potter! Now this is a challenge I can't pass up...especially if you have taken my son. I will devour you-"she pulled back in a panic looking down at the wiggling bulge at her neck. "No! It can't be-"
She let out a scream of agony as she was decapitated from the inside. Harry stared in disbelief as Ron stood on the body with his sword limp at his side, covered in mucus and stomach juices. He was bleeding from his side and he stumbled a bit as his platform reverted back to her human form...Madame Zambini with no head.
"Hermione, could you remove this...stuff before I vomit?" he croaked weakly.
Hermione nodded numbly and cast the spell. Ron nodded and continued on his trek to kiss his true love. He staggered up the last step and smiled at the serene beauty of his Pansy, frozen in time. Kneeling heavily, he leaned over and brushed his lips over hers, still holding his side wound as blood trickled through his fingers.
He pulled back and sighed in relief when her eyes fluttered open. "Ron?" she asked taking in her surroundings. "Ron! You're bleeding!"
She yelled for help as he collapsed. All he could feel was his head being cradled by her soft arms, petting his hair to soothe him...then all went black.
Ron groaned into awareness, three days later. He went to stretch but found Pansy was curled into his body, sleeping. She lifted her head at his movement and hugged him tightly, planting kisses all over his face.
"Okay, okay! Pansy I'm here," he chuckled, finally stilling her head with his large hands and capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. Both pulled away out of breath. "Now that is out of the long have I been here?"
"Three days," she whispered, clearly still up set.
He ran his calloused fingers through her hair. "Can you do me some favors?" She nodded. "One, when you need to sew up an item of clothing...hire a seamstress."
She chuckled, some of the stress melting away. "And?" she purred.
"Start planning our wedding, because I have every intention of asking you to marry me soon," he grinned.
She hummed into another kiss. "For the record, I don't mind being kissed awake," she teased.
"Noted," he yawned, pulling her close.
Albus stared at his book of fairy tales. That was a close. Maybe he should turn it in... He really intended to. Until, he heard two of his professors screaming at one another outside of his office in September.