I got TONS of reviews for the sequel so here is the fist chapter, enjoy!!!
I ran downstairs so excitedly I was bouncing with joy. It was four days before the first day of the new school year and Blackthorne is coming back to Gallagher. I saw a white hummer limo pull up to the front gates. Just like Zach. Then I saw Zach step out of the car with a light green shirt and white shorts with black shades. He flashed a smirk at me and took of his shades. I ran toward him and jumped into his arms. He lifted me up and kissed me and asked, "Miss me?". "So much," I answered. "I missed you so much," he added and kissed me again. Then I saw Jonas, Grant, and Daniel get out behind him. They each gave me a hug and Grant asked, "Is Bex here yet?". I shook my head and we waited for them to show. I sat in Zach's lap and asked, "So how was New Mexico?" "It was nice and very hot. I just wish you could have come," he answered. "Me too," I said just as we saw three limos pull up. Liz stepped out of the first one and ran to hug me. Then she walked over to Jonas nd he kissed her cheek. The second one was bigger than the other two with an American flag sticking out of the top. Macey stepped out looking beautiful as usual in her new combat boots. She walked toward me fashionably and hugged me and then pulled Daniel in for a kiss. Then Bex stepped out of the third limo and ran at full speed in my direction. But she wasn't running to me, she was running to Grant. He gave her a big hug and then I said, "I guess I come second now," sarcasm dripping from my voice. She ran over and gave me a big squeeze. We went to the library and sat by the fireplace to talk until everyone got back. Because there was no one else in the library I plugged my iPod into a speaker. I put on Tik Tok by Kesha and everyone started to dance. Then Zach stood up and pulled me into a waltz. "You are such a dork," I said to him. "I know, but you love it," he answered. I giggled and added, "I do, I do."
It is super short and kinda boring but I wanted to put it up so you all knew that there is a sequel!!! The next chapter will (hopefully) be better so review!!! 10 reviews = New chapter!!!