Summer Boy

I : Clare&Declan


by the way, this is custom here. I'm only using the characters in Degrassi. Okay?



Clare groans as her Aunt shakes her in an attempt to wake her up. Coming to the Hamptons for the summer was now being proved not a good idea. She should have stayed at Degrassi, maybe to be a T.A for summer school. Yeah, right.

"Clare! Get up right now!" Clare woke up slowly and fully before changing into jogging clothes. This was normal, everyday, today the last day, her Aunt would wake her up at six in the morning and they went for a jog. It was taking a toll on Clare's body though - instead of full and curvy, she was now thinner but still had her curves.

"Clare!" Rolling her eyes, Clare walks down the stairs to see her Aunt holding a protien bar. Can you say health freak? She was just happy that her Aunt would be leaving tonight, leaving her alone for the rest of the summer. Bliss.

"Clare!" Her Aunt barks, Clare is brought out of her dreams and she scowls. "Okay, okay." The teen mutters, taking the wrapped bar from her Aunt and walking out of the large house.


Declan smiles as he walks downstairs to see his nanny, as his parent's liked to call her, cooking him breakfast. His nanny, Hilary, glares at him. All his workers hate him, it doesn't really matter whether they like him or not.

The bronze teen walks over to a stool and sits there, his elbows on the counter waiting for his food. "Hurry up, will you?" He snaps, Hilary glares at him before placing a plate of food infront of him. "Here, brat." Declan turns his attention away from his food to glare at her.

Picking up his fork, he rams a cut piece of waffle into his mouth before spitting it out, "Hilary! What the fuck?!" Instead of Hilary, his mother rushes down. Hilary comes next, her face full of fear because of the trick she had played on the "bronze haired brat." Declan's mother walks over to him and looks at the waffles, she turns to glare at Hilary, "Make this again and this time, try not to kill him." Hilary nods quickly before going back to cooking.

Declan smiles evily before looking at his mother, "Where are you going?" His mother looks at him with a smile, "Oh - well, your father and I are going down to the country club. I'm sorry we'll have to leave you behind. But, you'll be okay, right?" Declan nods, hiding his malicious smile with an innocent one.

"I'll see you...later!" His mother yells as the maids take her bags and she walks out with his father. Declan shakes his head, sometimes his mother could be such an idiot. He turns to look at Hilary, who is re-cooking his breakfast, "Your lucky I didn't get you fired."


7:55 pm

"Remember, I'll be back at the end of the summer!" Clare's aunt warns her with a look. She never really did trust kids, teens none the less. "Yes, auntie. Everything in order.." Clare's voice trails off and her aunt smiles proudly, "That's my niece. I'll see you in a few weeks." Clare nods at her aunt's words, hugging her goodbye before watching her walk away.

"Oh, wait!" Her aunt rushes back with keys in her hand, "I almost forgot - keys to the house, keys to the beach house, keys to the cars." Clare nods and takes them from her aunt, "Okay. Go! You're going to miss your flight!" Her aunt nods and hugs her again before quickly walking to her terminal.

"Bye! I'll miss you!" Clare waved at her aunt before she boarded the plane. The smile on the teen's face brightened before she promptly walked out of the enormous airport. The brunette drives home with a huge smile on her lips.

Her phone buzzes as she steps into the large house, Clare reads through the text message and smiles before responding.

Alli : Aunt gone? Party at rich dudes house, be there in 30. =)

Clare : K, see ya.


Yeah, Declan has most of his own personality but Claire has almost none. lol.

- Marie xx