I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters in chapter one this one or any other.




"Sesshomaru you bastard!" Inuyasha screamed at his half brother who was no longer there. Why did he have to take Kagome? Why did he have to always lose his temper? Maybe if he would keep his cool he wouldn't keep losing people that mattered to him. As Inuyasha sulked in his own mind Sango turned to Miroku.

"Miroku how are we going to get her back?"

"We need to head west to find them that is for certain. Inuyasha, can you pick up their sent? Do you know where your brother's castle is?"

Inuyasha looked to the group then looked at the ground if possible even more depressed.

"He must have blocked their sent when they left. As for where he lives I aint got a clue. I never had been there. He knows when people get close to his lands. I aint one of the people that ever gets to step foot on them."

"Then I guess we start by heading west we need to get Kagome back," Sango sighed as she started packing up the rest of the camp. She was going to get her best friend back no matter what.

Kagome woke next to a blazing fire. 'Where am I and why does my head hurt' she thought. She looked around as far as her eyes would let her but she couldn't see anything. She made to get up when she heard the growl to her left.

"And what do you think you are doing wench?"The lord of the west stepped into view. Kagome looked up into his eyes and shivered. Let's just say it had nothing to do with the night air.

"What do you want with me Sesshomaru?" she basically spit out at him. She regretted those words as soon as they left her mouth. The next thing that happened was her struggling for air as she was pinned to a tree with a certain demon lord crushing her wind pipe.

"How dare you speak to me like that you wretched human."Sesshomaru snarled into her face. Just as she was about to pass out he let her fall painfully to the forest floor.

"You wench will help me get what I need."Sesshomaru thought that was the end of that conversation because all she did was sit there crumpled on the forest floor and stair. He finally took a good look at her instead of trying to kill her and noticed her strangeness. She wore indecent clothes for one thing. She also talked with weird words that he wasn't familiar with. Like the ones she was spewing out of her mouth now what was this 'buddy boy' she was talking about? Instead of paying any attention to her rambling he went to the other side of the camp and sat down.

"You had better rest while you can human we start traveling again at dawn and this Sesshomaru will not be carrying you."

"Why did you take me? I can't be of real use to you. Like you said I am just human."

She was waiting for him to answer and he just sat there staring into the distance. She was about to give up when he surprised her with an answer.

"The half breed cares for you, I have you, and he will come. Plus you work into my plan as well."

"What do you mean I work in? What do you need us for?"

"You are trying my patience wench. I suggest you silence yourself before I silence you." Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at the woman on the other side of the fire. Kagome decided now would be a good time to shut up and figure a plan of escape.

"Don't even think about doing anything rash like escape or I will render you unconscious myself." Sesshomaru growled at her. Damn she thought how did he know that?

"Get up wench we leave now." Sesshomaru kicked Kagome in the side. She yelled out in pain but got up slowly. Kagome watched as Sesshomaru started walking westward and took it as her cue to follow. They walked for hours without a break or food or worse for Kagome conversation. She finally had it she didn't care what the punishment would be she needed something besides silence.

"Sess... I mean Lord Sesshomaru where are we going?" He wondered how long she was going to keep silence.

"We are going to my castle we are about two hours walk away. We traveled a great distance yesterday." To say she was shocked was an understatement. He actually said more than a couple of words.

Why did he explain his self to the wench? Why would it matter if he told her anything? He needed her for his plan to save his lands. That was all. He didn't care what she thought he would use her how he saw fit.

"O my god" Kagome whispered softly. Sesshomaru turned slightly behind him to look at her, for the first time he noticed her large ice blue eyes staring ahead of her with amazement in them. Kagome thought as she took in the sight of Sesshomaru castle that she has never seen anything so beautiful in her life. At that same moment Sesshomaru thought he hadn't seen anything so beautiful either.