Timmy POV:
I was walking downstairs smiling. I had just burst into the room, just before Quinn was going to take Rashel's top off. I had ruined the mood and I knew it. I was looking for Poppy, she was my favourite Circle Daybreaker. I don't really know why, it might be because she was a somewhat new vampire, like myself. As I reached the foyer I saw Jez and Morgead, along with 2 others who I didn't know. So I went to investigate.
"Hey Morgy" I said knowing it would just piss Morgead off.
"Hey Terrible" was Morgead's reply.
"Hey Morgead thats not nice!" Jez said to my defense, wait I also like Jez.
"So who are these people joining the freak club?" I asked laughing at my own joke. I could see the younger girl laugh a bit. I don't really know why I cared what she thought of me, but I did.
"Well, this is Thistle and Raven, they're from our old gang and they're here to join!" Jez said excitedly almost bouncing up and down Jez doesn't bounce.
The shorter girl, Thistle, had feathery blonde hair and amethyst eyes and glistening white teeth. The taller one-Raven black hair, short in the back and long in the front with hair falling over one eye only letting me see that her other one was midnight blue.
"Welcome to the home of losers." I said dramatically spreading my arms out.
"Hi I'm Thistle and I'm ten, well technically I'm 17 but I just look ten!" Thistle said proudly.
Raven half smiled and said "Hi"
"Well I'm Timmy and I'm 4 well I'm accually 17 as well, but I'm a made vampire so I can't age. I'm sure you'll meet many loserific people here. Expect for me of course." I said sticking out my hand. Thistle took it and sparks exploded everywhere.
Well this is weird.
Tell me about it I heard Thistle's voice in my head.
Hey you think were-
SOULMATES she finished for me I don't know is this what its supposed to be like?
I have no idea.
"Uuummmmm you guys can stop shaking hands now" Morgead said awkwardly.
"What does it feel like when you first meet your soulmate?" Thistle and I asked at the exact same time.
"Well if you meet them at a later age than what I've heard is that sparks explode and you're surrounded by a pink haze for us it just kinda happened." She said looking at Morgead "Why?" She replied
"Well I think I found mine." I said looking at Thistle
"Oh. My. Goddess!!" Jez said almost bursting "RASHEL GET DOWN HERE FAST!!!" Jez shouted.
Rashel appeared at the top of the stairs. "What is it Jez?" she asked annoyed.
"Its Timmy!!!"
"WHAT!?! is he okay??" She ran downstairs and was there in less than 10 seconds.
"Hes fine, hes better than fine!! He found his SOULMATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jez said too happy to hold it in anymore
All of a sudden Quinn was standing in a protective stance in front of Rashel "What happened?? Who came?? Am I too late to save people?"
"Nothing bad happened." Rashel stated "In fact you probably wouldn't be too interested..."
"Something made you scream and I wanna know what." He demanded straightening up and crossing his arms.
This was funny, obviously Thistle thought so too I could tell she was trying to hold in a giggle. Even if I wasn't soulmates with her I would still like her.
"Weeeelllllllllll............" Quinn looked ready to kill something if he didn't find out soon "TIMMY FOUND HIS SOULMATE!!!!!!!" Rashel screamed.
Ash than appeared and said "OI!! Can you keep it down down there? some of us are trying to sleep!"
"Ash its 2 in the afternoon" Rashel said back.
"Well you try doing a night shift right after coming back from a mission." he mumbled something about not having a soulmate to see so he gets the shifts right after missions.
"So you wanna ditch these losers?" I asked Thistle.
"Sure!" Thistle replied.
We snuck off while Rashel was fighting with Quinn about me finding my soulmate being a good thing or a bad.
"So who were those people? The girl kinda looked like you." Thistle said looking me up and down.
"Well that would make sense, seeing as shes my sister. Her name is Rashel. And the freak was John Quinn they're soulmates."
"Cool." was her simple reply. After a few minutes she suddenly said "So you wanna send some people on a fake mission?"
"Why didn't I ever think of that!?! YOU'RE A FREAKING GENIUS!!" I said
"Well I try. hhmmm....... Lets send them to Mongolia."
"Okay, well Theirry is out on his honeymoon with Lady Hannah. And so all we need to do is send the mansion a package saying that there is a group of vampires that have been terrorizing young teens. And someone reported seeing blue fire." I said already planning.