July 1st

Okay, so the craziest thing happened yesterday. There' this girl at work who's all quiet and shy. Nobody really talks to her all that much, but she's been working there for like six months. Anyway, I was in between a split shift and the Manager said I could study at one of the tables on the far end of the restaurant that we only use when it's super busy. So I'm sitting there working on my science homework and Bernadette, that's the girls name walks up and ask me what I'm studying.

Well it turns out she's like a major science genius person. I mean not like Leonard, but she's getting a doctorate in biology and you still have to be pretty smart to be a doctor. The amazing thing though is that she can explain things in a way that normal people like me can understand. For instance I never realized that rust isn't caused by water. Water needs to be present, but it's actually caused by oxygen in the air. I didn't think that could possibly be right, but I had to explain what caused the iron in our dirt samples to rust. I got an A! Well technically we got an A, but Nate was no help at all. I told him what Bernadette said and he wanted to just go with water. I told him, if he wanted to do it together then we had to use oxygen. He was too lazy to do it himself, so we both got an A.

I think that might be the first A I've ever gotten. I got some pretty good grades mind you. I got a B+ in small gas engines in high school. I also did pretty well in metal shop. Why are electives always so much more fun that regular classes? Can't they make math fun? Oh well, I was so excited that I told Bernadette that I'd take her out on the town. I don't think she gets out much and she lives with her mom. Hopefully she doesn't just freeze up like the guys always do when I take them anywhere outside their comfort zone.

So the director in my play is really strict. He replaced two of the actors because they hadn't learned enough of their lines for us to rehearse properly. Wow! I hadn't learned all of mine yet either, but I'm definitely getting on it now! He said I very believable as a fairy, but that I was supposed to be playing a human. What does that even mean? Hopefully he relaxes after we get through our first full rehearsal.

So, I wasn't going to make rent. I borrowed some money from Sheldon. It was in his Green Lantern doll. I'm not sure where he put his snake money. I don't think he'd mind really, but I feel bad for taking it without asking. I'm totally going to pay it back. I made five Penny Blossoms™ and I'm going to take them to school tomorrow and sell them. If I can sell ten a week, I should be able to pay Sheldon back way before he ever knows it's gone. I've been wanting them to come home early all summer and now I don't want them to come back until I have enough money to pay Sheldon back. I'm so confused.

Confused Penny