Much Like Family


They'd done it. They got there. They fought through hords of zombies, fought all the beasts of their worst nightmares and finally made it to safety.

And their safety was a large US war ship. He shouldn't have been surprised, and Nick really couldn't say he was.

What else would you expect? Nick wondered. A five star hotel?

Ellis didn't seem to mind. He clambered up to peek out the window in excitement, watching the small dot in the distance that was to be their new home. He yapped on about Keith and something about a marine unit. Or something.

Coach was the opposite. He was leaned back and resting, not at all concerned with what was about to be their new residence.

Nick was tempted to tell him the boat was made of chocolate. Just to see if he'd jump up and down like Ellis.

Rochelle was beside the window. She had a look of peace on her face along with a slight smile. Nick had no idea what she was thinking, and considered asking. She spoke before he could.

"Ya'know. Back before all this started, I would have given anything for a story like this one. I was a news reporter, always chasing that next report like a moth to a flame. Then I got it, and it did; it took everything." She said.

She shook her head, still smiling.

"Yeah, I wouldn't exactly call that a happy story." Nick said.

"Don't you get it? My ex-husband always wanted me to settle down and have a family. He told me it was a dangerous job, and that he wanted kids. Could you imagine what would have happened if I had listened? I can shoot zombies, and fight to survive, but if I had to watch a baby I raised turn into one of those monsters…." She trailed off.

Still not a happy story. Nick thought, but didn't say it out loud this time.

"Ah' know what'cha mean." Ellis said. "Ah' had ta watch Keith, my bestest buddy ever, turn into one o' them. Something like that strikes ya harder then jus' 'bout anything else. Ta watch tha' humanity ripped from 'em…"

Coach nodded and entered the conversation.

"My parents died before the infection struck. It was a car wreck, and they never saw it comin'. Night it happened, I was devastated. I wanted to ask god why. They were good people, why them? Now, I can't help but be thankful they died that way. Had they still been alive, I don't know which would have got 'em first: the infection or the zombies? Don't know how my heart would have taken that."

Nick remained quiet. He himself really didn't have anything to share. He had long ago alienated himself from his relatives and anyone he could call a friend was right there in front of him.

That didn't stop the three from looking at him expectantly though.

"Uh… I got nothing." He diverted his gaze to the window.

He figured if he tried hard enough, they'd believe he really was interested in watching the birds or something.

"Aw, come on Nick." Ellis said. "Ya never tell us anything'."

"Yeah," Coach agreed. "I actually think I know less about you then when we first met."

"We all shared things with you, Nick" Rochelle said.

"Honestly, I've got nothing."

And they all stared at him, not believing him for a second.

"Oh, come on, Nick. Everybody's got somethin' ta tell." Ellis said, grinning. "I won't stop pesterin' till you do."

"Alright. Fine. When I was sixteen, me and my father had a falling out. Some words were exchanged and… I ended up stealing his car in the dead of the night and driving to Las Vegas with every dollar my father ever had. Haven't been back since."

Rochelle's mouth fell open, then she burst out laughing. Coach just raised an eyebrow. Ellis looked on in shock.

"Ya really did that?" The boy questioned.

Before Nick could answer, Virgil's voice boomed through the speakers.

"We're dockin', prepare yourselves."

"Thank god." Nick said. "And no more family bonding moments."