A/N: So this is a bit different from the other stories that I have written, as you can tell it's and Edward/Jasper story. I hope you all enjoy it.

I must thank OCDJen for being the wonderful woman that she is for pre-reading this story and letting me know it isn't total crap. I know that anyone who would read this story has heard of her, but if you haven't, go read her stories now! You will not be disappointed. I especially recommend "Right There," it's one of my all time favorites.

Disclaimer: I own nothing and I am not making any money.

Everyone knows where they were on that fateful day that changed the world as we knew it. I happened to be at the club I worked at. It's a little place called Jungle, okay, well not exactly little, it's the largest gay club in Los Angeles. It was eight o'clock, a couple of hours before we opened and most of the dancers—no, we are not strippers—were either back stage getting ready or just lounging in the club before the madness set in.

The club is set up like a giant rectangle, with a bar off to the left and the main V.I.P room at the back of the club, making the main area a giant square. Over looking the main floor there is a balcony that is cut off into sections for smaller parties, and all along the edge of the floor, there are windows into rooms where the dancers danced and in between each is a door that led into the rooms.

I was sitting at the bar enjoying a nice drink. I wasn't in the mood to be here tonight and the other guys could tell. Normally the club doesn't have the TV's tuned into anything other than music videos, but tonight they had the news on.

"Hey, Seth?" I called.

"Yeah?" he answered from somewhere behind the bar.

"What's with the news? You never have it playing."

"I dunno. I just felt like having it playing tonight, I keep hearing from my buddies that some shits going down today."

"Well so far it's boring as usual." I muttered.

But it wasn't boring for long.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm Nancy Weatherstone. As you all know, late last month the Japanese company Citizen Industries released their revolutionary new synthetic blood, which they have name RealBlood. This new synthetic blood has single handedly released the world of its blood shortage. But with this new technology, I have just been informed of some, more…alarming news. It turns out that a myth that we had all previously believed to be fake is in fact, quite real. I am referring to vampires. This has come as quite a shock, lets go to Stacy Jones on location at the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, California where this new discovery is currently being discussed.

"D—Did you just hear that?" I sputtered to Seth.

"Shh! Man, listen!" he said, not turning away from the TV.

The scene had now changed to a large conference room in the hotel. It was packed with reporters, all pushing each other around to try and get the best shot at whoever was at the podium at the front end of the room. Stacy, the reporter was trying to talk over the commotion in the background and wasn't doing so well. It seemed like the camera guy gave up on trying to capture what she was saying, so he zoomed in on the person speaking at the podium.

I couldn't help the sharp intake of breath when I saw the woman who was waiting patiently at the podium to get a turn to speak. She was probably the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She looked to be about in her early twenties and had beautiful blond hair and a body that had me seriously thinking about becoming a straight man. The camera zoomed in closer and I got a better look at her face. She was even prettier up close; she had beautiful features, a perfect nose, plump lips, and high cheekbones. What was most shocking though were her eyes, they were a beautiful golden yellow and they just looked like you could lose yourself in them.

After a few more moments the chatter of the room slowly died down. The beautiful woman looked around again before she finally spoke.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." She said, in a voice that I could listen to for hours. "My name is Rosalie Hale, and I am a vampire." She looked around again to gauge the room reaction and she was met with stunned silence.

"My kind was finally met with an opportunity last month. A great breakthrough has given us the chance to come out of hiding and into normal society. RealBlood can sustain us and allow us to exist without the aid of human blood. We want nothing more than to come out of hiding and live as any of you do. We hope our 'coming out' is not too much of a shock and please remember, we do not mean any harm. Please fell free to ask any questions, I would love to answer them."

That was when the chaos ensued. Reporters erupted from their seats, arms flying everywhere shouting all of their questions. Lights were flashing everywhere and even I was getting a bit flustered with the scene before me and I was not even there. But Rosalie did not even seem surprised, her eyes slowly racked over the crowd before her and it seemed like she was listening to every question that was being asked.

After minutes of this screaming match, security finally managed to calm everyone down enough so that questions could be answered.

"Ms. Hale," a tall man with thinning hair asked. "Are you saying that all of the legends of vampires are in fact true?"

"While most are not accurate, yes they are true." She replied kindly.

"Miss, miss!" a short woman asked. "Are you truly immortal?"


"Would you burn in the sunlight?"

She chuckled a little, "No, I would not burn."

The murmurs started again only this time they were a lot quieter, like each person was only talking to the person sitting to his or her side. Rosalie's eyes roamed over the room once more before she looked over to her right to an incredibly handsome man. I'm not talking about a really good-looking guy; I'm talking about a man who left your mind with no coherent thoughts. He was tall and nicely built and had blond hair and the same beautiful golden eyes. They looked like they had a silent conversation because Rosalie looked forward again; ready to address the crowd.

"Thank you all for your time and warm welcome. We look forward to a wonderful new relationship." With that she stepped off the platform and walked out of the room, along with the blond haired man and a few other immensely beautiful people, much to the rooms chagrin.

The reporter than came back onto and said something else, but I was not listening. "Oh my god." I said.

"No," Seth said. "Oh my fucking god."

"That's kind of cool." I said.

"That's crazy, dude." He said, but he seemed like he agreed with me.

"You should go get ready," he said a little distracted. "We open up soon."

"Yeah, okay."

We opened the doors that night, but it wasn't nearly as busy as it should have been. Vampires were officially public knowledge, and I guess some people were staying home tonight.

A/N: I hope that this has grabbed your attention. I'll have the first chapter up in about a day or so, but I plan on updating this story about once a week. Thanks again for reading! Please review!!