Love hurts. It gives you what you want, what you need, and then cruelly rips it away. Or it waves it tantalizingly in front of you, teasing you when you know you can't have it. Everyone in Camelot knows how it feels to be hurt by love.

It kills Merlin every time he thinks of Freya. She was perfect for him, but then she was ripped away. The wound still hasn't healed. He loved Morgana once, but she never seemed to care. She was too busy misusing her power to see what was right in front of her, so eventually he gave up. Or did he?

Arthur wants to scream every time he sees Gwen with Lancelot. It isn't fair he can't have her. And why did love try to trick him into wanting Vivian?

Gwen yearns for Arthur so much it's painful, but she knows she can't have him. And then there is Lancelot. How is it possible to love two men so much? Why does love have to be so cruel?

Morgana fell in love with Merlin from the moment she met him. He lied to her, he foiled her plans, he even tried to kill her, but she still wishes he loved her too.

Uther gave up on love when his wife died. He grieves for her everyday. She was the piece that made him whole, his other half. She died because of magic, and now he extracts his revenge on all of Camelot.

It doesn't matter who you are, love will betray you. Love hurts.