Ed crept back down the stairs and saw Roy waiting for him at the bottom. Roy looked at him with a look that said, 'Something isn't right here.' Ed nodded. Something definitely wasn't right but he couldn't quite place what was wrong.

They walked outside and down the road towards the station. They walked for a while in silence, both thinking about the current situation.

"So when are you two going to explain the plan?" Havoc's joyful voice rang in the air.

Both Ed and Roy whipped around and saw the whole group behind them grinning like maniacs.

Roy straightened himself and cleared his throat, "What plan Havoc?"

Havoc's grin, if even possible, just grew wider. "Nope that one isn't going to fly General. You know exactly what we are talking about."

Ed just sighed along with Roy, "I told you they were going to notice but you said that of course they wouldn't. Humph, oh how right we were this time."

"Hey I resent that! How was I supposed to know that all of them would notice at the same time?" Roy protested.

"Would it really have mattered? If one of them found out you knew they were going to tell the others. Then again I think it was Hawkeye who then told Havoc who then told the rest of them."

"Perceptive as always Edward." Hawkeye stated.

"No just common sense. Oh well, might as well get this over with now. What do you all want to know?" Ed asked.

"Well for one when did you and the General hook up?" Havoc's voice pitched in.

"Never Havoc. I didn't hook-up with anyone. Edward and I are in a serious relationship; simple as that." Roy corrected him.

"Hah! Told you all Mustang would be the one to say it first! You all lost the bet!" Havoc laughed.

All the others just groaned and handed over $100 each to Havoc, who happily collected his dues. Ed and Roy just looked at each other silently asking if the other understood what the hell just happened.

Fuery noticed their confused looks and decided to fill them in, "Havoc said that the General would be the one to say that you two were in a relationship and not just a fling while the rest of us betted on Ed. As you can see we lost that one."

Ed and Roy were shocked. Everyone thought Ed was going to just announce that to everyone? Why in the hell would he do that? And Roy was just shocked that only Havoc betted on him. He thought he seemed to be the more open and dominant of any relationship by nature. 'Maybe I need to double check that opinion later.' Roy made a mental note to himself.

"Now, time for the next question; who is going to tell Al and Winry?" Havoc asked smoothly.

Everyone saw the color immediately drain out of Roy and Ed's faces. It wasn't hard to figure out why though. Al would probably be fine with it but Winry; she was a whole other story.

Everyone who had even one eye could tell that Winry was infatuated with Ed and apparently she had been since their childhood. She also made no attempts to hide it from the public. She also hated Roy; that was another thing she didn't even bother to hide. Neither of them could stand her rants when she was 'calm' and neither wanted to know how she would take this but if they hid it from her and she found out some other way then it would be 100x worse then it could be now.

"So I'm guessing that neither of you are volunteering for that job." Havoc asked innocently, or at least what some would call innocence but they all know it was just him teasing them.

"No Havoc because we prefer being in one piece. Oh I have an absolutely brilliant idea!" Roy chirped.

Ed looked at him with an expression of pure curiosity. Roy just answered his look with his own sly smile and realization dawned on Havoc. Havoc blanched at the thought of what the two had planned.

"Why don't you drop some hints to her Havoc?" Roy purred.

"Yes Havoc after all we know you would never let something important slip out would you?" Ed joined in.

"NO! NO WAY IN HELL WILL I EVER TELL HER ANYTHING OF THE SORT!" Havoc screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Tell who what Havoc?" a sleepy, feminine voice came from behind the group.