Chapter 10

"I don't think he's going to notice," said Mikage. "You just have to act like you do it all the time."

"Yeah but, what if he realizes I'm not a soldier? Then what?" asked Teito hesitantly peering through the round window on the kitchen door.

"I'm telling you, he definitely doesn't remember most of the low-ranking officers," said Mikage reassuringly. "Look, I'll prove it, okay?"

The blonde gently ushered Teito away from the door and took a deep breath before pushing it open. Walking in long valiant strides he puffed his chest out and made a beeline for a tray of freshly baked pastries. He extended his hands to grab it but the instant before he could reach it a glint of silver caught his eye just in time for him to dodge a knife that someone had clearly thrown his way; (as opposed to the knife spontaneously coming to life and flying in his direction of its own accord.)

From the other side of the door Teito heard what he imagined a parrot caught inside a box with a cat would sound like; provided the parrot was remarkably quick and nimble and the cat was extremely overweight and sluggish… and carried an arsenal of cooking supplies.

He peered dubiously through the window once again only to see Mikage sprint towards him, a huge grin on his face and a tray in his hands. He had no time to move away before the door was brusquely pushed open and his friend jumped out into the hallway followed by a large metal pot clashing against the wall in front of him. Grabbing the tray with one hand Mikage caught Teito's arm with the other and made a dash for it down the corridor.

Teito heard a voice scream "Mikage you sneaky thief!" before they turned the corner.

"I thought you said he wouldn't recognize you!" Teito accused as their dash slowed to a more comfortable pace.

"I said he wouldn't remember MOST low-ranking officers," defended Mikage. "It just so happens I'm not most," he added beaming proudly at his friend.

"Is this how you've been 'sneaking' food from the kitchen all this time?"

Mikage appeared to ponder on his words for a moment.

"Pretty much," he replied nodding.

Teito sighed in defeat as they continued walking down the long corridor. The sight of Hyuuga talking to another high-ranking officer caught his attention as they walked past an open door and somewhere in the back of his mind he got the inexplicable urge to approach him; he wasn't entirely sure why.

"Say Mikage, would you mind going on ahead without me?" he asked as he lagged behind the blonde.

"Sure," he replied slightly confused but made no further comments as he noticed Hyuuga walking out of a room they had just passed.

Teito had felt this feeling before, as if someone were talking to him. Mikage's silhouette became blurry as his body turned around of its own accord and walked in the same direction Hyuuga had just gone. A muffled 'apologies' echoed inside his head and then there was darkness.

"STOP!" a voice commanded from behind him and almost instinctively Hyuuga halted and turned on his heel to address whoever had issued the command.

After assessing Teito for a brief moment he let out a short whistle of approval.

"Well I'll be! Look at you all prim and proper. For a minute there I almost didn't recognize you," he commented casually. "Although you know, just because you got a new haircut and a change of clothes it doesn't mean you get to give orders around here, Tei-" all of a sudden Hyuuga became quiet as he finally noticed the true identity of his interlocutor.

A tiny smile inadvertently crept on his face before he remembered the usually crowded nature of hallways and somewhat abruptly he caught the boy's arm and dragged him to his quarters. At that moment anywhere the eyes of other people couldn't reach was as good a place to be as any.

Perhaps, he pondered afterwards, he should have thought that particular course of action through a little bit more BEFORE finding himself behind closed doors with a probably infuriated, possibly murderous archangel. Nervously he turned to Mikhail half expecting a white blade to pierce through him at any instant. Silence befell the duo until Hyuuga reckoned he was (for the time being at least) out of danger and spoke up.

"You must have very little regard for your master's safety to show yourself like that," he denounced.

Mikhail said nothing; he simply stared at Hyuuga with an impassive expression on his face.

It struck Hyuuga as odd to say the least. If there was one thing he had learned from his short interactions with the archangel thus far it was that Mikhail seemed to enjoy listening to himself talk a lot more than would be considered normal to humans. Presumably that was the reason his manner of speaking was a tad too theatrical to Hyuuga's liking.

"What, no snarky comeback?" he ventured bracing himself for the worst. "No threats against my life? No 'hush you contemptible anthropoid lest I sever your throat'?" he escalated as he became aware something was up.

Mikhail closed his hands into fists but remained silent.

"It can't be that you can't speak. I heard you shout 'stop' just now. I can continue this conversation by myself if you want but I don't see much point to it," he said becoming overconfident. "'You dare jest at the expense of a god you inconsequential excuse of a being!?' Why, I would never! But if you insist I-."

All of a sudden Mikhail lifted his fist and thrusted it against Hyuuga's chest. Likely out of sheer habit Hyuuga flinched expecting to be blown against a wall or alternatively be stabbed by some form of sharp object. Luckily for him there was nothing but a soft thud; which was ever so slightly anticlimactic. When he looked back at Mikhail he realized he was hanging his head in what he could only assume to be shame.

"He sealed them with this… ludicrous artifact," came the hesitant voice from behind a curtain of hair. "That scoundrel sealed my powers!"he finished through gritted teeth.

Hyuuga was astonished. The profound intimidating voice he had become accustomed to now sounded disheartened. The body that despite being smaller than his own had once appeared imposing now looked fragile in comparison. A mighty archangel reduced to the level of a mere mortal…

"Well, isn't that something!" exclaimed Hyuuga as a wide grin made its way to his lips. "I can definitely get used to this." His smile broadened as he saw Mikhail twitch.

"You treacherous little-."

"Whoa there," interrupted Hyuuga catching a fist aimed at his face. "No need to overreact like that. I was only kidding. Although I have to admit it's a little relieving not to have to worry about you killing me in a fit of rage."

"Was it not you who proclaimed to be fearless? Why do you acknowledge fearing me now?"

"Don't misunderstand. I may not be afraid of death but I'm also quite keen on life, you see."

"I would not let my guard down just yet, human. Your conceit will be the undoing of you," Mikhail scoffed.

"Funny you should mention that," began Hyuuga as he placed a hand on the archangel's head. "I'm sorry it seems to have slipped my mind; how was it that your powers got sealed again?"

Mikhail huffed in irritation but kept his composure and replied.

"You speak accurately. My excess of confidence indeed contributed to my current predicament. However," he focused his eyes on Hyuuga, "it was my mislaid distrust on you which ultimately became my downfall.

As I am now I am incapable of rectifying the grievance I have inflicted upon my Master; which is why I am here to demand-." Mikhail paused and shifted uncomfortably. "I am here to request that you fulfill your pledge and protect him in my stead."

Hyuuga stared amusedly at him. What a sight to behold! An almighty archangel humbling himself to him! If this wasn't the greatest feeling in the world then it was a damn close second.

"That's all very well and good but," Hyuuga smirked wickedly. This was too much fun to let it end so quickly. "I'm afraid you have me confused with someone who actually gives a damn."

"You would deny the request of a celestial being!? You arrogant buffoon!"

Hyuuga hissed softly and shook his head from side to side. "You're not really helping your case there."

"There is no reasoning with a fool such as you!"

"I don't know about that," said Hyuuga forcefully pinning him against a wall. "How the tables have turned, don't you agree? I guess the question now is what are you capable of when forced between the human and the cold metal wall?"

"What a pointless inquiry. Unlike you I am immortal; I truly am without fear."

"Ah, yes, you are right. But of course that only applies if you have no other concerns," replied Hyuuga slowly placing a hand around his neck, "and we both know you do. So, if you want me to protect him you'll have to do something for me."

"You humans and your ridiculous greed… Very well then, what is your desire?"

Hyuuga smirked. "You have to ask me nicely," he replied pleasantly.


Hyuuga fought the urge to burst into laughter. The stupefied look on Mikhail's face and the uncharacteristically ineloquent retort were absolutely hilarious.

"You heard me. I want you, with that nasty human-loathing mouth of yours to ask me pretty please. Feel free to throw in an 'Oh benevolent Master Hyuuga' in there somewhere."

"P- pretty pl-." Mikhail seethed in irritation. "You dare make a mockery out of a god you contemptible excuse-!" he immediately shut his mouth before finishing the now ridiculously sounding sentence. As if he would let a mere mortal get the best of him… again.

It was too late however, Mikhail realized, as he noticed the mortal in question slouching over and laughing audibly.

"Cease your shrieking, mongrel!" he demanded fuming. "However weakened my condition may be at present, I assure you that even if you do not fear death now I shall make you regret that foolish bravado of yours for all eternity!"

"Oh," said Hyuuga stopping his laugh but not erasing the smile from his face. "That's a little more like it. I was starting to think your powers weren't the only thing that got sealed. That would have been no fun at all.

I'm a man of my word; I'll watch over him for you," extending his right hand Hyuuga gently patted his head. "Besides," he added, slightly amused by his reaction, "how can I refuse a request from you when you're making such an adorable expression?"

Immediately Mikhail swatted Hyuuga's hand away and returned to his composed self. His lack of reaction disappointed the Major but he allowed him to continue talking.

"Once I release my control over my Master's body he will not regain consciousness immediately. You must see to it that he is returned to his quarters safely. Also, I severely urge not to disclose information about my presence to him for the time being."

Hyuuga simply nodded. "Anything else?" he asked almost out of habit.

Mikhail stared into his eyes for a brief moment. "You have my gratitude," he spoke softly as his body collapsed forward into Hyuuga's arms.

Hyuuga stood petrified in place for about thirty seconds before he finally became aware of the fact that he was not actually holding an incredibly grateful Mikhail but rather an unconscious Teito. He scolded himself for falling for such an obvious trick and spoke aloud knowing that even if he wasn't controlling Teito he was definitely watching him.

"You can laugh all you want; I'll get you next time!"

So much for not meddling into this anymore, he though as he sighed and lifted Teito in his arms. Taking a peek at his sleeping face he moved a few strands of hair away from it. He stared at it intently trying to find Mikhail in it but only managing to see Teito.

He briefly wondered how exactly it was possible for his mind to find it so inconceivable to think that the boy he was currently holding in his arms and the one he had just been talking to were one and the same. He might have also briefly pondered what Mikhail's sleeping face actually looked like; then again, did gods even sleep at all?

As he strolled down the corridors Hyuuga walked with a bright smile on his face which basically was Major Hyuuga's equivalent of carrying a huge "DON'T ASK" sign. Accordingly every soldier he walked past made a point out of looking the other way and pretending not to have noticed him at all.

The only thing he was concerned about was not running into any of the other Black Hawks or Ayanami himself. After having been specifically warned to 'tread lightly' Hyuuga was more than a little on edge as he walked by holding the reason such a warning was issued in the first place in his arms.

In perspective though, now that he thought about it, he would very much rather have to face a lifetime of Ayanami's wrath than an eternity of Mikhail's; although neither of those prospects sounded promising at all to be honest.

When he finally reached Teito's quarters he quickly walked in to avoid being seen by anyone. In his hurry to get in and get out as fast as possible he failed to notice Mikage sitting in the corner of the room until the young soldier decided to speak up.

"Hyuuga-san?" he asked taking the man by surprise.

"Mi- Mikage-kun!?" he managed to blurt as he placed Teito on the bed.

"What happened? Is Teito all right?" he inquired worriedly as he made his way to his friend's side.

"Yes, nothing to worry about," Hyuuga replied smiling reassuringly. "Probably just a little side effect from… well, you know."

Mikage eyed his commanding officer suspiciously but knew better than to press the issue any further. He knew very well what a pointless exercise it was to even attempt to draw information from Major Hyuuga.

As the older man walked to the door Mikage followed him with his eyes. Suddenly he spun around as if he had forgotten something incredibly important.

"Oh and Mikage-kun?" he spoke as he lightly pressed his index finger to his lips. "This is never happened, okay?" he smiled as opened the door. "That's an order," he added almost as an afterthought before exiting the room.

Mikage stood there wondering exactly what in the world had just happened. Alas, his curiosity would have to wait until Teito woke up.

A/N: Full-disclosure… I actually love Mikhail's almost imperceptibly theatrical speeches.

I can never seem to tell whether Hyuuga is a sinister bastard or just an incredibly lovable one.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It didn't take as long this time, did it? I'll try to take even less for the next one. Thank you for your kind support.

To be continued…