Title: Guess

Word Count: 138

"Hey, Kate, guess what I'm doing this weekend." Tony sat on the edge of her desk as he smiled down at her.

"I don't care, DiNozzo. I'm not interested in what you do with the floozies you call girlfriends."

"I actually don't have a date this weekend. So guess what I'm doing."

"You don't have a date." Kate's tone was only slightly mocking this time.

"Shocking, I know. So... guess what I'm doing this weekend."

Kate sighed. "Tony you could be doing any number of things this weekend. None of which I have any interest in. Now, go away. I have work to do."

"You're not the only one," said Gibbs as he head-slapped Tony. "And DiNozzo, if you don't do your paperwork you'll be doing it over the weekend."