Chapter 33

Healing Waters

By Demon-of-Cats

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, the Tite does. I own my OC's and OOC's

Warnings: This is AU and has some spoilers.

No Flames please, but constructive criticism is welcome.

Moria watched as Merlin looked over her children and then watched as he smiled. He walked off and when he returned he explained how they were going to transport the children.

Once they were in Europe they exited the jet and entered the soul society there.

"Just like I remember," Yamamoto mumbled.

"Welcome to Camelot," Arthur said, "If the Komamura's will follow me please. I will introduce you to The Lady of the Lake."

The walked toward the grand castle and as they neared the gate fell to allow them entrance. They walked a ways through the castle, which was more a city than anything else and soon they reached a door.

In front of the door stood Orihime.

"Hello your majesty," Orihime said with a curtsy, "Do you wish to see The Lady?"

"I do."

Orihime's lips showed a line for a moment and then she said, "Her mood is foul and she doesn't wish to see anyone. She won't even let me in. A few days ago she became very pale and the next day she wouldn't see me."

"I had a feeling that was the case," Merlin said then, "I know the cause to the Lady's dilemma. We have children that need her care, and were going to be used to restart a curse and end The Lady. If one dies the Lady dies as well."

A silken voice spoke through the door then, "If Merlin is so sure then send the group in Orihime. Bring your fiancé as well."

"Ah!" Orihime said and turned.

Ichigo suddenly appeared next to Arthur.

"I'll never get used to that," Ichigo muttered and then smiled as Orihime embraced him.

The door opened and then the group entered.

Beyond the door was a huge open space, very similar to Urahara's basement. In the middle, however, there was a huge lake of sapphire blue water. It the middle of the water stood a woman.

Her skin was the color of snow and her hair the color of light filtering through the waves. Her eyes, the color of the sea, stared at the group that entered with an intensity that few could manage. Her ears were pointed and she smiled pleasantly with lips the color of blood. The dress she wore was simple, and seemed to just be a few pieces of fabric stitched together.

"You are unwell my lady," Arthur said as he walked forward. His boots touched the water and he floated on the top as he walked to the woman.

Kureno saw this and attempted to do the same yet there only came a magnificent splash as he was suddenly shoulder deep in the water.

"Wha happened?" Kureno asked as he looked at his father, who had scooped him out of the water.

The Lady in the middle of the lake looked amused for a moment at the antics of the child and then her smile turned to a deep frown. The woman at the center of the lake suddenly sank and then she rose from the water at the edge near Sajin.

"What happened to you child?" she asked Kureno.

"Bad man took me an cut my ear an my fore'ead an did it to sisters too."

The Lady nodded and then looked to Moria and the two babies she carried. They were currently sucking on their thumbs as they gazed at their mother with silver eyes. Haruka looked at The Lady and smiled for a moment then looked back at Moria.

The Lady nodded and then walked out of the water to Moria and, after getting permission, took Haruka and Himiko into her arms. She then told Orihime and Kureno to follow her. She walked to the edge of the water and then stepped into the crystal waters. Her foot sank a few inches upon touching and she took another step and sank deeper, as if she were walking down a staircase.

Orihime followed quickly but Kureno took a little of encouragement from Arthur and Orihime to follow. When he did follow he gasped in surprise and then hurried next to The Lady, disappearing up to his nose into the water.

"What in the world?" Moria muttered.

"Notice that there are no ripples in the water," Arthur said after the group had vanished, "To them, as soon as they touched the surface of the water, the water disappeared. There is some sort of reality bender here. They aren't in the lake; they are in The Lady's home."

"I see," Moria said and touched the surface of the water. The vision didn't change, but, she heard a voice in her ear.

"Your babies are safe," The Lady spoke, "I am healing them now. When they are well I will bring them to you."

Moria nodded and then sat a few feet from the water. Sajin sat next to her while he watched Ichigo and Arthur begin to square off.

He couldn't help but smile, even at this terrible time. Something about this place put him at ease and he closed his eyes.

He breathed in Moria's scent as they waited and hoped that she would never leave him. She was such a pillar of strength to him that, he could never tell her how much every smile meant to him. Every "I love you" was more precious than the last. How much every second they shared supported him.

In the 160 years that they had known each other, there had been no moment more special that those that he had spent with her.

Their children were the proof of the bond he shared with her.

He wanted to say something but a voice in the back of his head told him that Arthur, even though he appeared to be sparing with Ichigo, was rather close. The words he wanted to say were for when he and Moria were alone.

Moria felt his arms around her, and felt the support that came with them. When she had needed to cry, his shoulder was there for her to weep upon.

When she had been so happy, he had laughed with her. They joked often, and sometimes she would tell a joke just to see him smile at her.

Though he was ferocious at times, never had he raised his voice to her. Always he was calm, even when she was not. Always the voice of reason, when she was ready to tear someone apart, except for that one time . . .

But, that was a story for another time.

The children were a combination of the two of them, as much a combination their hearts as their DNA.

They both gazed into the other's eyes and knew, somehow, that they were thinking about the same thing.

They waited for an hour, reminiscing about the past and other things.

Then, Orihime walked out of the water and looked back. Kureno hurried up after her and spotted his parents and ran to them. He was scooped up and held quickly. Then, The Lady brought out the twins and they were soon in the embrace as well. All of their injuries were gone.

"Thank you," Moria said and looked at The Lady.

Her appearance had changed a bit. Her hair was the same color but her skin had turned to a light golden tan. Her dress had also changed to something much more beautiful. She looked a queen now more than anything.

"It was nothing," The Lady said, "And your son is very sweet. He tried to help me with things several times."

Kureno smiled and then yawned. It was well past his bed time and he was showing the symptoms of it. Haruka and Himiko had fallen asleep already.

The Lady looked to Arthur then and said, "I will send all of those from Japan home through my way. These little ones need to get home and sleep tight in their own beds."

Arthur nodded and then walked to the door. He opened it and then everyone from Japan was there.

"I am sending you home through my path," The Lady said, "This path can only be used with my permission so don't try to seek it again unless you hear me call you."

Everyone nodded, although a few looked a little out of sorts.

The path was explained and then the group walked into the water and down a set of stairs. At the bottom of the staircase there was a level area and then staircase climbing upwards.

The Lady was the first to stick her head above the surface and then the rest came up.

They had come to the Kuchiki manor; specifically, Byakuya's garden.

Byakuya turned to The Lady and said, "It is an honor that you chose my garden to be the exit for your path."

"I admire beautiful gardens," The Lady said, "And this one is very beautiful," for a moment she paused and then she smiled. She glanced around and then said, "The garden is loved and cares for the one that cares for it. It has seen great sadness and great happiness and hopes to give you a place to rest when your heart is tired. They say your wife, Hisana, would whisper secrets to them, the flowers and trees do," once more The Lady paused. She had her eyes closed as she listened and then said, "Hisana knew she was dying. She told the garden that she hoped you would find love again after her death. The garden is sad that you haven't."

Byakuya looked shocked and then tears started to stream from his eyes. He covered his face with a single hand and walked away from the group, trying to hide the fact.

He paused and then whispered, "Thank you," before he entered the manor.

The Lady only smiled and then disappeared into the water. The ripples and fish reappeared and showed that the passage was closed once more.

Then, everyone went their separate ways. Most went to their homes, and to bed, after the three youngest travelers were put to bed.

It was a warm spring day.

A woman with a bob cut stood in front of the academy with her children and her husband. Her oldest son wore the black shihakushĂ´ of a soul reaper and grinned widely at his father who just shook his head.

The two oldest girls wore school uniforms as they spoke with their family.

Standing to either side of their father stood twin boys, and they looked about five years younger than their sisters. They had dark blue hair that looked a little messy, as if they had just woken up.

In the mother's arms a baby slept. Her short brown hair blended well with the darker brown ears on her head. Her tail stuck out slightly from the blanket she was wrapped in. She looked no older than a few months and looked a good nine years younger than her brothers born before her.

Of course this is soul society so the children are much older and the time much longer.

Haruka and Himiko laughed and then turned to the building and ran in. Haruka's blue hair was in a bob similar to her mothers, though hers had short bangs. Himiko wore her hair long and it was held back in a long braid, tied with a black ribbon.

As their children ran into the academy to start their path to become soul reapers themselves, Moria and Sajin glanced at each other and shared a smile.

The path had been long and filled with surprises.

But, they had walked it together through the pain and the trials.

Through happiness and sadness they stood next to each other and their family.

They had each other.

Their pillars were strong.

That was enough.

The End