This is the end of this story. Given the fandom, I couldn't help but end it on a certain note. This fic was a lot of firsts for me. First novel length, first major project, and now first completed fanfic (not counting oneshots). Thanks to all the readers to stuck it out to the end of this story. This entire story was probably some of the most fun I've had writing. Again, thanks. It was a fun ride to get this far.


1 Year After TSAB-Acturus War

"So, Mrs. Hennessey, what do you think of this?" said John, pointing to the memorial the TSAB had built over the wreckage of the Sacred War's bombardment.

"Large. But hey, we lost around 40 million military and 20 million civilians. They lost around 10 million military and 5 million civilians. It was thoughtful to include the Acturan dead too," commented Rakas.

"It still kinda pisses me off, y'know, the cold shoulder we get. We only lost sovereignty, three times as many soldiers and eight times as many civilians. They had it pretty easy during the war," commented Hennessey.

"They're not bad people. Healthcare is definitely better now. Besides, they haven't been too bad."

"Fuck Lokan. Slimy political bastard."

The two walked. They wore heavy jackets for the winter snowfall. They were browsing through the TSAB section of the war memorial. The three meter tall stone obelisks were covered with names.

"Kinda sucks, though," said John.


"Some of the shit we were lied to about the TSAB."

"Yeah. Fuck the politicians on both sides."

The two walked into the complex, a squat series of low buildings. There were a few displays which explained the war, why it had happened and such things. They'd managed to buy a T-70A3, Lancer, and some other surplus Acturan equipment along with similar examples of TSAB equipment.

It was a mere brush, a coincidence, but John noticed a woman slightly younger than his own wife with short brown hair. She was with some of her friends. It took a few seconds for the face to register with him.

"Hey Jane, is that who I think it is?"


"Back from the war, temporary TSAB commander, WMD on legs, Hayate Yagami."

"Probably. What's it to you?"

"How often do you get to meet the enemy commander even afterwards. We're turning back."

"Why the hell not?" returned the former Lt. Rakas.

The two doubled back. There were a few odd looks directed their way. It was probably the Acturan language, both because they'd been at war and because it just had a rather harsh sound to it.

"Hey Jane, could you please cut in."


"You're a girl and they, for the most part, are also girls. It could be rather awkward for me to do that."

"Fine. You owe me, though."

The two hastened their stride. Jane quickly cut in to their group.

"Jane Hennessey, pleased to meet you."

"Hayate Yagami, pleased to meet you to."

The two shook hands cordially.

"My husband wanted to come in to talk. C'mere John."

Hennessey walked over quickly.

"Sorry to bother you, but it's not every day that you meet the enemy commander. I suppose we're on the same side now. John Hennessey, former Sergeant in the Acturan Army. This is my wife..."

"I was a Lieutenant during the war, infantry."

Hayate laughed a little, "Fate. Does your friend know them?"

A skinny man in short jacket and jeans took a look at them, "Former Lieutenant Kyle Alexander, Acturan Air Force. Ring any bells?"

"I'm afraid not," returned Jane.

"Anyway, though you should probably be familiar with them. This is Fate, Nanoha, Signum, and Vita."

Greetings were cordially exchanged.

"Miss Hayate, Miss Nanoha, a pleasure to see you," came an old, gravelly voice. It was an old, grizzled man. He wore a brown trenchcoat over black jeans with dress shoes. The face was unmistakable for the people at hand.

"Mr. Parker, what brings you here today?" asked Nanoha.

"To pay my respects to the dead. I overheard a little of your conversation. It's almost as if we're having a TSAB-Acturus War reunion," answered the former Field Marshall.

"That's pretty much what this is turning into," said Hayate wryly.

"What say we go out and swap stories over some beer like old veterans?" offered the old man.

"Sounds good to me," said John Hennessey. There was a general chorus of assent to the suggestion, and the large group moved to leave. The war was common tie that brought them all together, no matter which side they had fought on. They might as well have been old time friends.
