A Note of Thanks and Fare-wells

Hello reader of Fighting the Shadows! As you have probably figured by this time, this is not a chapter of FTS. It is actually a notice of the discontinuation of this story.

Now, I wouldn't' be shocked if this were no surprise to you, dear reader, as I haven't updated in God knows how long, and frankly, I've completely forgotten the plot that I had in mind for this story. But that isn't my only reason for dropping this story; I've gone through a lot of growth as a writer (or, so I like to think), and this story just doesn't quite meet my personal standards anymore. I've gone through a lot of trying events in my personal life, which I am still getting over both emotionally and psychologically, and I've simply lost interest in the Hetalia fandom, but I've also lost my main source of encouragement and editing to time and its nasty tricks.

Aside from the long, babbling explanation, I'd like to give you all my deepest gratitude for your patience, commitment and encouragement throughout the eleven chapters of this story. You've all been so wonderful.

Thank you all once again,
