With you is where I want to be

Chapter four

I shuddered with anger after all this time he decides to show up!

When my life is actually going decent, I have a boyfriend and best friend and the best aunt ever he shows up to make my life twist up.

I knew Damon was the Damon the first time I looked in his eyes.

The way he acted and everything he is evil!

I grabbed my car keys from my dresser and stomped down stairs to my car so I could go to Dam- Stefan's house so I could get some closure with Damon the part of me that was urged to know the reason Damon left all the sudden.

When I got there I didn't even bother to knock I barged in heck they keep their door unlocked anyway.

"Elena"? Stefan asked

"Yea hi Stefan where is Damon"? I asked venom in my voice

"Yea he is in his room, what did he do"? Stefan glared

"Everything" I shouted wiggling my arms in the air while running up the stairs

I swung open his door and found him wrapped in only but a towel

In a split second I was in awe, he had a fabulous body my mind saying the term "Hottie Alert"

But then my face was flushed as I covered my eyes

"Get some clothes on" I shouted

"My room and don't you ever knock" Damon said with the same sarcasm that I remember

I kept my eyes shut as I heard him open drawers.

"You can look now" Damon said slyly

"What if I open my eyes and your naked" I shot back

"Elena, Elena, Elena so innocent just like when you were a tot" Damon snickered

He came to me and peeled my hands off my eyes

I opened my eyes to be face to face with Damon my breath caught in my throat but then the same anger from before raised.

"Damon why did you leave me" I asked tears rising when I thought about the pain of the first time I discovered he wasn't at the forest


"Damon" I sang as I skipped happily to the forest carrying a basket with a blanket and brownies in them

Today I was gonna tell Damon that I loved him and I was convinced that he loved me back I mean why would he come every day just to see me?

I went to the spot and spread the blanket out with the brownies on a paper plate and two cokes

I sat crossed legged and waited

Soon I fell asleep, but then awakened to nothing I figured out it was 6 hours later and he never came.

I immediately started sobbing


"Oh please don't be dramatic here's the story I couldn't stay because one I'm a vampire and I was hungry that day two it's was seven years I'm sure you know that I should be aging and three I didn't want you to tell mommy, daddy and brother that I met a strange man in the forest" Damon explained

"You could have said goodbye" I muttered

"Say goodbye please I'm Damon Salvatore I always get the last word I knew I was probably gonna see you in the future and ta-da here's Damon" Damon smiled

I slapped him in the face he rubbed his jaw but we both knew that it didn't hurt a bit, I just did it to show how pissed off I was.

"Ow Elena didn't someone ever tell you don't hit a old pal" Damon smiled cheesily

"Shut up Damon" I snarled

"I told you the reason what you what me to lie but I'm guessing you wanted me to go all The Notebook on you and cry while I explained why I didn't met you that day it's a thing called Get the Hell Over It" Damon spat back

"I don't care anyway so goodbye Damon" I growled

"If you didn't care than why did you come over here to get closure" Damon smirked

"I…" Damn he got me there

"See I always have the last word" Damon said cockily

My fist balled up and started to get madder than ever

"Bastard! Ha! I did get the last word" I screamed at him

"Elena inside voice" Damon smirked

I let out a sound of frustration and walked outta there

"Elena remember I always get what I want and if the last word is what I want I get it okay just remember that" Damon said

I rolled my eyes and clenched my jaw I walked down the stairs and into my car I forgot to say goodbye to Stefan but oh well.

When I was on the road back to my house I started to cry because Damon was right I did want him to apologize but he has too much pride for that.

My tears were blurring my vision and I sniffed not paying attention to the road but I saw a dark figure before I could slam on my breaks

I screamed as my SUV collided with the body the car flipped over three times and I was hanging upside down I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt but it was jammed

I looked at the figure again to see it put its bones back together and slowly walked towards my car I screamed.

Yea buddy!
I had too i just had too it was to tempting to countine writing this fic so I did!

Lol whatevs i also working on in the end too so yup i'm writing like crazy so it's all good

Love ya :D

P.S: Cheyyifyy i made this 345 word longer than the other chapter because it's 925 words and i subtracted the other story amount of words to get 345 and i liked writing the story longer because i get to add more detail so thanks for the review :) -it helps me alot-