Rule #1: A good body is a fully burnt body, it is impossible to slam a spirit back into a non-existent corpse.

Chloe's POV

"H-H-How do I d-do t-t-t-this?" I asked myself in fear.

We had been at the safe house for a few days and I'd had my first nightmare on this night. It was about me raising an army of zombies and not being able to return their spirits back into their bodies, so naturally I thought that I had raised something. I didn't wake Derek up because he seemed tired when he went to bed, now I am thinking that letting him sleep was a very stupid idea because right in front of me was the body of an animal, the one problem, its soul was now in its body and I couldn't focus enough to get its soul out of its body.

"I a-am so s-s-sorry." I apologized.

It was about dog sized so it was probably a wolf of some kind. Ironic, I know. I could sense that the thing hated me, but I wasn't able to put it ––or me- out of misery.

I jumped on plan B: GET DEREK!

I ran in the direction of the safe house hoping that Derek would be easy to wake.

Life had other plans. Not even a minute after I started running I tripped on a fallen branch and fell into a patch of mud that was left by the storm we'd had the previous night.

Aww . . . for once can things just work right? It wasn't really my fault. I have horrible luck and add that to being completely clumsy and you get injuries and a lot of lost coin tosses.

"It's o-o-okay Chloe. N-Nothing is broken. Just g-get b-back up and go to the safe house. Do not be stupid." I whispered. There was no real reason to be talking to myself, but I'd go crazy if I was left alone to the silence.

You know talking to yourself is something a crazy person would do. Said a voice in my head.

Yes, thank you. I know that. I have been down that road before. I answered.

Just checking . . .

I heard an attempt at a growl coming from the animal's reanimated corpse.

Okay think. Focus. I tried to clear my mind of everything except for the animal's spirit being released. I heard silence. Did I do it?

Another attempted growl. No I didn't.

Breathe in and out. Calm down. Another growl that came out as more of whimpering pained sound.

"F-F-F-Forget calm!" I exclaimed, panicked.

I got up and continued running.

I kept running and didn't look where I was going and crashed right into Rex and we both fell onto the forest floor.

"Okay…… ow? What was that for?" Rex asked, getting up.

"Animal zombie," I panted, pulling myself up using his outstretched hand.

"Where?" Rex asked, trying to pick the leaves out of his hair.

He had long black hair that went past his shoulders, amber coloured eyes, and he had a copper skin tone a little darker than Rae's. He's also a fire-demon, like Rae.

"Back there and there really is no point in taking the leaves out of your hair until the mud dries a little." I explained.

"I have got to get myself a haircut. I am telling you . . " Rex complained.

"You are always saying that you will but you never do." I pointed out.

"How can I cut my beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous hair?" Rex asked, patting his hair affectionately.

His answer was a pained attempt at a whimper from the animal zombie that just came into view.

"I think he agrees with you." I said. "By the way what on this foresty earth are you doing in this forest?"

"Looking for some mud to switch with Simon's shampoo." Rex said.

"That's mean." I said.

"So is raising that thing. Speaking of which, can you please kill it? Or release it? OR DO SOMETHING?"

"I sort of can't." I said.

"Uh . . . what?" Rex asked.

"I was going to run into the house and scream for Derek to help me." I said.

"Brilliant." Rex said.

That thing dragged itself closer to me and Rex.

"You know what? We really don't need this." Rex said.

He then produced flames from his fingertips and started burning the animal zombie alive…… or semi-alive. I heard its sounds of pain. It could still feel the pain of its body being burned. It screeched and the bones incinerated and burnt to ash.

I saw that once the body no longer existed, the animal's spirit was released.

"Thanks." I murmured, relieved.

"I think I am going to throw up." Rex exclaimed, he looked pale.

"Not on me please." I squealed.

"I won't." Rex promised.

"At least I won't raise it again." I pointed out.

"Only because there isn't a body to raise it with." Rex countered.

"Fair enough." I shrugged.

This is the first chapter of a series of one-shots by Agony-Fairy and I. This one was written by her. Hope you like it, and we don't own Darkest Powers.