Disclaimer: Just borrowing for fun, sadly I don't get to keep them.

Word count: 100

A/N: The challenge was to include an idiom. I'm not sure if this one is technically an idiom, but it's the first thing I thought of and just seemed so perfect. Plus it gave me an excuse to re-watch scenes with Dean Winchester and The Solitary Tear of Manly Anguish, so it's all good.

Happy birthday LivingforTV!

Be Careful...

"Can't feel it can you? Not with food, not with drink, not even with sex... "

Dean paced Bobby's yard as Famine's words echoed in his ears. He'd not wanted to believe it, couldn't admit it even to himself, but Famine knew and he'd called him on it, in front of Sam, in front of Cas.

"You're not hungry Dean because inside you're already dead."

He thought back all those months ago, confessing to Sam about his time in hell, how he "wished he couldn't feel a damn thing."

Turns out you really should be careful what you wish for.