Disclaimer: I don't own Kamen Rider Den-O or Tenjou Tenge.

Den-O Tenge

Ryotaro Nogami walked through the halls of his new high school Todo Academy trying to find his homeroom. He still couldn't believe his luck. First off somehow the final year of his school records disappeared and he had to redo his last year. Second he mysteriously got transferred here and he had to go to this school.

This was some good news. He was still a member of Police Den-Liner despite the fact that has not been any rampaging Imagin for a couple of months. Also a couple months ago Sakurai-san reappeared mysteriously.

When Ryotaro asked what happened Sakurai -san replied "When the present connected to the junction point it was only a matter of time before everything was put back to normal."

A week later he and Airi got married as they were supposed to. Strangely enough at the wedding Ryotaro even saw the Taros and Deneb in tuxedos watching the wedding from afar.

Ryotaro was broken out of his revelry when he heard voices. 'Maybe they can help me.' he thought as he walked towards the voices. As soon as he got there however his bad luck hit him hard as he tripped forward with his arms out pushing a spiky haired blond guy away. Ryotaro was then hit by something from behind and was suddenly being launched through a window and he dropped through the roof.

When Ryotaro regained conciousness he sat up and felt something squishy. He turned to see before him a naked girl. 'What is this?'

'Your lucky day I suppose. And you didn't even have to string her along.' Urataros said with a chuckle in his voice.

'This is not the time for your antics you perverted turtle." Momotaros said.

'But Sempai...' Urataros whined.

'Ohh what are those bumps on her chest? Hey Kuma-chan let me see.' the childish voice of Ryutaros called out.

'Children should not be seeing such things.' Kintaros said.

The girl suddenly opened her eyes looked at Ryotaro and before he knew she grabbed him and gave him a kiss.

Ryotaro was so shocked by the kiss that he didn't noticed other people running up towards them.

When the girl ended the kiss she smiled and said "Nice to meet you. I'm Aya Nastume. Please marry me."

"Huh?!" Ryotaro asked as his mind boggled at what had just occurred.

"Please marry me." the girl Aya said again.

Ryotaro's mind then shut down and he fainted.

Meanwhile miles away from all this two cloaked figures appeared on a rooftop.

"So Kai failed after all." one of the figures said.

"He shouldn't have been the one to do it anyways. He barely had any real knowledge of his abilities." The other said as a glowing ball of light circled around him.

"You think you can do better?" The first asked.

"Of course and to start I'll remove the one major obstacle to our ideal future, Den-O." The other said as he removed his cloak to reveal a young man in his early 20's wearing clothes similar to what Kai wore.

The ball of light flashed before revealing an imagin. It looked like a human-shaped thundercloud with flashed of light appearing on random sections of it's body.

"I wish you success brother." The first figure said as he disappeared leaving the man and the Imagin alone on the rooftop.

The man got an evil smirk on his face and said "I'm coming for Den-O." The man then laughed an evil laugh that could be heard to the heavens.

What trouble had Ryotaro gotten himself into now and who are these cloaked guys and how are they related to Kai.

You find out when I put it up.