Title: All Hail Starscream Epilogue
Title: All Hail Starscream Epilogue

Author: dreamerchaos

Fandom: IDW's comic-based Official Movie Sequel 'The Reign of Starscream'.

Rating: MA. Mature. Warning. Dubious consent!

Pairing: StarscreamxPerceptor.

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters are owned by Hasbro.

Characters: Perceptor. Starscream. Various characters from the comic as well.

Summary: Starscream has returned to Cybertron, dealing with the small group of Decepticons who had threatened to overthrow the Seeker upon his return. Now that the immediate threat is over, Starscream, as the current Lord of the Decepticons, must deal with the small refugee groups and neutrals who continue to evade the grasp of him and his soldiers.

Important note: Dubious consent! Might not be for the faint or squeamish. It won't be absolutely terrible, but I'm giving you fair warning. If you have problems with consent issues, then it would probably be safe just to avoid this portion entirely.

Time Units, following nova_myth's references from recent drabbles:

Kilk- 1.2 minutes
Breem- 8 min
Joor- 1 hour
Orn- 1 day
Meta-cycle- 13 months-1 year- 400 orns
Vorn- 83 years

"Unhand me this instant, you malfunctioning, oversized oafs!"

Starscream raised his optics from the datapads spread across the span of his impromptu reading desk, sitting at the head of the banquet table. Reviewing a handful of charts and graphs, as well as the most recent summarized report on the successful mission on the retrieval of the small group of refugees.

"Aaah. Perceptor!" Starscream cheerfully greeted the microscope as he entered the room. Or perhaps, - to be more correct and forward about the truth – the microscope is dragged through the entryway, his heels scratching across the tiled floor as he fell underneath the pressure of their solid unmoving hands. Lugged inside, resisting, his rage impotent, bodily hauled against his will, into the room. "How kind of you to return to me. You are indeed a punctual and thoughtful mech."

The Decepticon Lord rose from his seat, a sharp scowl at the drones, causing Perceptor's guards into swiftly releasing the prisoner's arms before the two incurred their Lord's wrath.

"Leave us." Starscream prompted them, the command sharp, snapping them into action. The drones retreating the way they had came, allowing their Lord and his pet some much needed privacy.

Perceptor's face twisted into a scowl of disgust, glaring up at the Seeker. "Did my performance amuse you, my Lord?" The microscope shuffled several steps towards the side, edging away from the Seeker. Trying to, unobtrusively, shift ever so closer to the main door entrance.

"Did your little slave provide enough entertainment to suit his master's fancy?!" Perceptor bit out the words.

The Decepticon Lord's optics slit into tight red beams of malevolent scarlet. Staring down the microscope, a warning clearly etched into his next words. "I would watch your tone. I find it very disrespectful."

Perceptor, tired of enduring constant instruction about what to do, what to feel, and how to behave, had had enough. "I will not watch my tone! And do not speak to me about respect, when you possess no knowledge or compassion in order to wield such an emotion!"

"Calm yourself this instant." The Seeker warned coldly.



"No!" The microscope shouted right back at him. "I will not cower and grovel to you. I will not roll over and bare my anterior plating in a show of submission, just to sate your sick, perverted desire to have every mech and femme tremble and simper at your pedes! I'm sick of this – I'm sick of YOU!"

The Seeker's wings lightly thrummed with tension, shifting and twitching as fury slowly began to beat through his energon tubing. Denta gritting as he rose above the microscope, standing and glaring down like an aerial metal god. Severe and equally awe-inspiring.

"One final warning, Perceptor." Starscream's voice is frigid. Talons squeezing together into a tight fist at his sides.

"Just stop." Perceptor twisted his hands over his audios, face torn between fury and agony. "Just….stop this. Leave me alone…Just let me go. I don't want to stay here. I. Don't. Want. To. Be. Here. With. You. I don't want to have anything to do with you." His helm throbbed, vents heated as the emotions fired through his circuits. Coolants threatening to leak from his optics from the frustration and lack of control that he possessed.

He began to ramble. "You're horrible. You're a monster. Every time I look at you, all I feel is horror and disgust. Why? Why am I even here?! I'm not your slave or servant! I never chose to become your property. This isn't fair. I'm not a slave. I am…I was a scientist! Why are you doing this? I'm not your property!"

It should not have failed to surprise him when the hand stifled his next words, muffling a cry of fear and outrage, talons clicking together as the Decepticon's grip stifled his vocal processor. Pressure encircled, tighter and tighter, and while the violent act would not incite the microscope to suffocate, the cruel pressure began to rupture and bruise sensitive wiring underneath the flexible dermal plating.

Far too easy to let him off with something as simple as a small, sharp slap of punishment. A harsh rebuke, a jolting shake, would never be enough to discipline the mech for his tone and failure to follow his Lord's command.

Perceptor's mandible and throat fit snuggly within his palm. The room spun, dizzily, the ceiling tilting and suddenly he is smashed flat upon the banquet table. Datapads and chalices of energon spill from the gleaming surface, rattling to the floor. Precious lavender fluid creating abstract artwork upon the tile, a mockery, and mimicry of the life fluid that thrummed underneath the microscope's plating.

His sensors screamed in agony, back strut threatening to warp and bend, slammed as he was upon the table. His pedes never met the floor, the table top too high for his limbs to touch the ground.

"You are too daring for your own good." Starscream's face snarls against his own. Visage offering no hint of mercy, no implication for respite; such things were beneath the Lord's contemplation.

He was very eager to remind Perceptor that he dallied with the temper of a mighty, vengeful beast.

Who suffered nothing…Least of all for his pet who did not know when it was wiser to submit, cowed, rather than to snap and bare his fangs. Challenging his Lord for dominance.

"You are property." Starscream bent closer, giving one hard shake as Perceptor's optics narrow, an argument forming and twisting within the mech's stubborn, frightened gaze. "No other being will address you as slave. You are no one's slave but mine. I would give you more than any slave would ever be offered. My pet. My own. Despite all that I am willing to offer, you dare to hackle and whine."

"-mmmmph!" Perceptor screamed shrilly against the palm of his hand. In outrage, he kicked at Starscream's waist, slighter limbs banging like tribal drums against the thicker metal. The attack merely frustrating the Lord further.

Starscream growled. "I have suffered far more agreeably with my own enemies than with you." The Lord shoved closer, width forcing the microscope's lower limbs to spread and accommodate his bulk. "Perhaps I should cease treating you as my favored pet, and more like the slaves or prostitutes who warm the company of my soldiers and officers."

The comment garnered quite an intriguing reaction. His pet froze within his hand, fingers still enwrapped around his wrist. Blue optics staring up at him, wide and disbelieving, refusing to accept the words uttered by his Lord.

"Now there is a pleasant idea." With one swift turn, the Seeker flipped the smaller mech over until the microscope sprawled flat, chin smacking upon the tabletop.

"NNN! MMMMMNn!!" His mouth still shielded with Starscream's hand, Perceptor bucked against the larger mech at his back. Hands slapping the slick surface, fingers scratching the smooth finish as he endeavored to scrabble free from his captor.

"You continue to wail about enduring the title as my pet." Starscream propped his weight upon the mech, other arm and hand reaching around Perceptor's waist. Fingers possessively surrounding the mech's codpiece, forcing his hips to arch, bumping the microscope's aft and back strut to meet the Seeker's chassis. "Mayhap you would prefer I treat you like one of the slaves offered to sate my sickperverted desires." Starscream hissed, repeating the microscope's earlier accusations with heat that scorched the mech's audios.

Perceptor trembled at the foreign weight and pressure between his legs, the guiding hand rubbing his body against the Seeker's. Like a beast in heat.

"Do you know what they do with prisoners?" Starscream asked, hunched over, dragging his glossa along one trembling audio, "Especially what they did more frequently with prisoners near the beginning of the war?"

He dipped his hand, fingers tracing the seams of the sliding plate hiding the treasure of the mech's interface port.

"There was nothing greater than a fresh prize soon after a raid or battle." Starscream continued his storytelling. "And the prize always went to the highest officer or the soldier who exhibited the greatest courage or fortitude during battle."

Starscream ground against Perceptor, eliciting a short whimper at the screech of metal upon metal.

"Imagine having no rights. Possessing no title. You were no different from the refuse that littered the streets. Available for the picking, at the leisure of whoever saw fit.

"Your pleas and insults incur nothing. No mercy. No rebuke. Why bother disciplining something inferior. Someone who does not know better when to welcome and enjoy the soldier's company as best as he or she could. Better to spread their legs willingly rather than to have them wedged open and their bodies plundered, fighting uselessly until he or she is battered and bruised. When he or she could have avoided the shame and injury simply by acknowledging the situation and accepting that there is only the here and the now, rather than the uncertainty of the streets or of the empty battleground and the empty shells of your friends and allies."

Perceptor's vocals diminished into a stream of static when Starscream's fingers delve into the seam of his thigh, locating and pressing the hidden switch. The panel over his interface port snapping open with a sound that rippled through him; causing him to start like the echo of a wet twig snapping in the dark of a deep, black forest.

"It is far worse to be trash, rather then to be a slave or a pet." Starscream rubbed the tip of one talon along the smooth rim of the revealed port, riding the hard buckle and arch as the microscope instinctively ground against the stimulation. Grinning against Perceptor's shoulder when catching the sound of the helpless cry that escaped, the mech shamed by his body's illicit response.

"Trash is a mech or femme who is worth nothing, whether when lying in the gutter, or lying on the recharge berth. Trash has no Spark. No voice. No name. There is no point to praise or punish them for every good or negative act. Trash has no purpose but to eventual discard. Why reward or punish them?" Starscream snorted at the notion. "As if trash is capable or worth the time and effort to educate them on their prowess or mistakes. Drones are far more suitable. At least they are already programmed with the databanks and functions to suit their proprietor!"

Starscream allowed the hand over Perceptor's mouth to release, resting the larger hand palm flat upon the table, just above the mech's shoulder.

The microscope's breath wheezes when he was set free. The new freedom allowed him more availability to gulp down the precious atmosphere and cool down his systems.

Rather, his denta bit into his own hand, gritting onto the plating joining his forefinger and thumb. Using the grip to stifle the soft cries of bitter arousal as the Lord's finger delved deeper into his port, the invader scratching the sensitized wires and electrodes. Drawing forward an ache that settled between the microscope's legs, one he had not felt since before the War.

"A slave or pet, however," Starscream continued, cool and calm, the only sign of his restlessness were the rumble of his engines. The smooth growl and hum of the Seeker's jet form snarling like a half-slumbering dragon. "A slave or pet is groomed into his or her position. The owner determines how often to reward or punish, and to choose the magnitude or severity of such actions. This education is priceless, because the pet learns the role and necessity that their position in their master's household entails and the reputation of that master and house that must be upheld."

"You would make us no better than a fine piece of artwork. Or a fragile, expensive rug-" Perceptor grunt out, hand released from his biting grip, head hanging between his shoulders, words rasping between open lips, "J-Just something to primp and show off!"

"Is it such a terrible thing?" Starscream asked, genuinely curious, "Is it such a terrible thing that the pet or slave's master wishes to proudly present and demonstrate their masterpiece? A brilliant schematic of loyalty and beauty reserved only for his or her Lord. Untouched by others, save for the master. Any other Cybertronian who would dare to mar the pet with ill words or a callous blow forced to suffer the master's punishment for their thoughtless deed."

Starscream's weight shifted, pushing Perceptor's chassis completely flat upon the table. Not allowing a sliver of space or an inch in order to shift or maneuver. "You should feel so lucky that I wish to hold you in regards as my pet, rather than my whore." The Lord growled.

"But alas…" Starscream sighed in soft regret, "Such a shame that my pet must suffer punishment rather than reward. You would do best to learn to hold your glossa in the future, Perceptor."

There was little warning except for the snap of the Seeker's plates sliding open. Perceptor let out a sharp cry as Starscream thrust. The plug piercing between his spread legs, snapping and locking into his port.

"Hush." Starscream chided, not stirred by his pet's whimper. "Take your punishment like a mech. Or better yet, take your punishment like a Decepticon."

He captured the hands digging for a hold upon the table, talons clacking like ivory fangs as they wound together with Perceptor's, seaming their grip as one.

"Aaah….no…don't, please…" Perceptor begged, face pinched at the fierce stab of pain/pleasure. Not a virgin, by any means; in the past the microscope had shared pleasant interface sessions with close, dear acquaintances.

This…was far too cruel. A mockery of such an intimate, pleasurable act.

All that Starscream intends is to establish and confirm his dominance.

Starscream appeared to read his thoughts. He bent down, the motion pushing him closer and deeper, drawing another sharp cry from his partner. Sharp denta bit at the smooth neck plating, incurring a delicious shudder to race up his pet's back strut. "What is it that you hate more?" The Lord inquired. "That I can so easily establish my power over you with this act," He rocked his hips, and this time Perceptor can not muffle the abrupt scream elicited by the snap of electricity thrumming between his legs as the plug scrapes sensitive receptors, "Or does it bother you more that your body finds a deep, twisted sort of pleasure from this act?"


"Yes." He maneuvered Perceptor's wrists to cross together, allowing the Seeker to hold both hands pinned with only one of his. His other hand gripped the back of the microscope's helm, yanking his head back a ways, throat bent and arched back.

"Your body betrays you, when your words do not." Starscream rasped his denta against the freshly revealed dermal plating available for the plunder, scraping and scratching the untarnished surface. "You can't help but to ache for it. Whenever I falter or pause-"

To prove his word, Starscream halts. Pausing in mid-thrust, plug to port connecting their bodies with the bare trace of the interface cable entwining the two mechs together.

Perceptor cannot help but to arch back, gasping as the plug sank back in again.

"-Your body shouts for more!" Starscream laughs at the coup.

His denta threaten to snag and scratch the metallic flesh of his lower lip. Perceptor grimaced, trapped between the attacker molesting his throat with sharp fangs, and the invader snapping electricity and friction between his legs. He shouts brokenly, and tries again – failing again – to lever his vulnerable neck away from Starscream's bite.

"Give up." Starscream beckoned, pinning his mate, whispering and beseeching the mech to tumble deeper into submission. "Surrender with grace. There is no shame in it."

"Nnn-" Perceptor whined. Shaking his head fiercely, hating the way that they fit. Despising how well his body rocked against the Seeker's rolling thrust. "N-No…"

"If you will not bend," Starscream warns, "Then I will break the stubborn resolve that you hide behind."

Perceptor winces, and then shouts, when the interface cable snaps free. Before he can move, however, the microscope finds he is swiftly twisted around to face his mate. Sprawling recklessly into the Seeker's lap, the larger mech reclining back into the massive seat pushed away from the head of the table.

This time he screams when the cable reconnects, interface spike spearing the port and hub housed between his legs. Taloned hands keep his hips steady, not allowing him to break the connection.

"Don't waste your energy." Starscream commands. Seizing the mech's hands as they fumble and push against his chassis, capturing the smaller appendages within his.

Perceptor's lower limbs tremble unsteadily, holding the bulk of his weight above the remaining length of Starscream's plug; refusing to allow the connection a deeper reach within.

"Try to pretend to derive some pleasure from this." Starscream chides, "If it's not too much effort." He finishes sarcastically.

"F-frag off." The microscope hisses.

"I'll have to ignore your suggestion." Starscream says in mild rebuke. "Instead, I think we should become a little more acquainted."

"What do you-" Before his optics, Perceptor observes in momentary muted horror as the Seeker's chest plates begin to separate, revealing a burning red sun from within the core of the mech's chassis, the vibrant red spark humming with energy, churning and rolling with ruby and saffron fire.

"No!" Perceptor pleads. "Not that. You can't!"

"Oh, but I will." Starscream counters. "Open your chassis, Perceptor."

The microscope shakes his head in refusal. "No…" Perceptor tugs uselessly at his captured hands. "Such a union is to be shared through trust and devotion. Not through force!"

"I will not use force. But only… If. You. Open. Your. Chassis." Starscream repeats his command.

"I can't…"

"It is not a matter of can't." Starscream reveals the truth behind the microscope's hesitation. "But the fact is that you won't."



"…I'm afraid." Perceptor admits with a hitch of breath; trembling within the mech's grasp, chin lowered and quivering.

At the microscope's sincere utterance, the Seeker deigns to pause. Red optics staring down at his mate, alight by the glow of his bared Spark. Finally he speaks, "If you are afraid, then follow my lead."

Guiding the smaller mech with their entwined hands, Starscream coaxes the microscope to arch forward until chassis' brush. The azure light in Perceptor's optics flutter, sealed plates warmed by the concentration of heat pouring from the Seeker's Spark. A surprised 'Oh' spreads his lips, mirrored by the small gasp as he is rocked against the interface connection that still binds the two mechs.

"That's it." Starscream entices. Leading with a coaxing tone and persuading hands, "Just follow my every move."

His chassis bumped with the Seeker's, Perceptor whimpering and biting his lip at the pulse of heat that licked across his paintwork and frame. "We shouldn't do this…" He persists apprehensively.

"Perhaps…But we will, nevertheless." Starscream intercepts his partner's worrying, "Just focus on the stimulation. Offline your optics, if it causes you so much distress."

Perceptor complied, optics shutting down, turning dark. His breath fluttered against Starscream's grinning visage, the Seeker leaning closer, savoring the halting, hitched breaths of his partner. A visible shudder rocked the microscope when a heady pulse of of energy raced between the connection.

The deep, sibilant growl trickled through clenched fanged denta. One hand releasing the microscope's, running down and latching upon Perceptor's slimmer hip-

Digging in sharp talons, just there, the tips beading along hypersensitive cables underlying the plating-

Perceptor whines sharply, head and chin falling back to reveal the achingly fragile lines and tendons of his throat.

Starscream snarls, the sharp gusty pitch forewarning the pinching bite. Fangs snag the tender plating, holding a mouthful of metal flesh and sinew, energon rapidly pulsing within the captured cables.

"NNnn-" He can't help but twitch beneath the sharp bite, shuddering as the dangerous fangs close tightly upon his throat. Energon pulsing, atremble beneath the sharp pressure that can easily rend his dermal layers wide open.

The curled hand upon the mech's waist roughly grinds him forward, the microscope's chassis is nearly burning as the Seeker's spark snaps and licks at his plating. The fervent red glow probing for the illusive bright azure spark nestled behind the safety of the smaller mech's chest plates.

Starscream slams the connection deeper, not an inch or trace of the interface plug discernable between the two mechs' entwined forms.

A static, garble-filled shriek of surprise, the feedback from the hard push and sharp pulse of electricity. The microscope bolts upward, frame quaking, seized in a near epileptic fit or seizure. Hands clenching and digging into the Seeker's bicep cables as he tries to stabilize his body against the harsh assault.

Starscream strips his teeth away from the tender morsel of dermal plating and cables, lest he tear the microscope's throat open due to every sharp buck and thrust. He leans further against the back of the massive chair, reclining, arms encircling the smaller mech's body until his hands slide up the back of Perceptor's shoulder blades struts, entrapping the slender mech within an unmovable cage of metal flesh, struts, tendons, and wire.

Between the two, a thin, almost indiscernible sliver of azure light teases a bright seam linking the microscope's chest plates.

A mere inch, and then two, the chassis slowly splitting against the microscope's will.

Starscream grins wolfishly, rocking their forms together once more; the primeval dance of two bodies tangoing together in pleasure and harmony. In response the rolling thrust, the split in Perceptor's chassis teases open, slightly wider.

"No," Perceptor gasped, trying and failing to lean away, optics flaring sapphire, nova bright, "No more, I-"

"It's too late to retreat now." Starscream warns. Optics feverishly alight, watching the tempting glances of the mech's spark, zealously memorizing the whisper and patterns of swirling galaxies and stars that implode together to create the blazing flame.

"St-Starscream! Stop…" Perceptor pants. Vents' heavily struggling to relieve the hot ache as his chassis splits wider. The twin spot of heat nestled between his legs helped very little by the slow, continued thrusts of the Seeker's plug, snaps of static and white-gold electricity building between his port and around the sleek intruder. "No more. Primus, I'm going to-"

"Yessss…" The Seeker in mercilessly. Tugging him tighter, even closer.

The microscope's chassis split far enough to allow their sparks to finally meet.

Starscream's great, surging roar overlaps the microscope's tinny shriek of surprise when their sparks meld. Contact creating a hissing billow of steam and embers of golden fire. His smaller mate's head rolls back, curving into the final thrust. Their interface connection and spark-to-spark contact creating a continuous looping feed.

Perceptor watched in disarray as red warnings flashed in front of his optics, warning of systems overload. Far more menacing than the system alert, the fiery ruby of Starscream's spark seemed to consume him alive. Encircling the nova-azure gem of the microscope's. Wrapping tentacled red arms around the trembling sun, bringing them together as one.

The connection went on for what seemed like joors, but was really a mere breem or two.

Perceptor had offlined after only a few kliks.

Starscream's folded arms prevented the mech from tumbling gracelessly onto the floor, hazy sapphire optics shutting down as Perceptor slipped willingly into recharge.

The Seeker hissed as, reluctantly, his spark separated from the mech's with a final lick and caress. Finding it necessary to assist the microscope's chest plates to seal and lock shut after his own chassis swiftly concealed his ruby spark.

A lick of the glossa along gleaming fangs as he shifted, severing his plug from his mate's port, disconnecting with a tiny twinge of pain and aching pleasure as static popped one final time as he slipped free.

Taking a klik to tidy up after such…gratifying activities, Starscream relaxed within his throne seat. Running talons along the smaller helm resting against the broad expanse of his waist, the microscope's arms folded, legs crossed as he curled onto the Seeker's lap in deep recharge.

"What a fine treasure you will make, my dear pet." Starscream hummed in wicked approval.