Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own Kurt & co.
Summary: What if Kurt's dad had reacted differently to Kurt's coming out? Kurt's life changes drastically as he deals with his sexuality and many arising problems. Rachel/Kurt. Eventual Kurt/Finn.
Beta-ed by: Debraelq
Timeline: Monday
--Breaking the Rules—
--Prologue: Drastic Measures--
"D-dad I'm gay…" Kurt said softly, wincing slightly.
"I know; I've known since you were three, and all you wanted for your birthday was a pair of sensible heals … but I had hoped you'd grow out of it. I was wrong to hope, though. These things must be forced," he said with a sigh and Kurt instantly became very nervous…
He gulped, watching in fear as his dad approached.
--Breaking the Rules--
The Glee club had not seen Kurt for 6 months… He had suddenly stopped coming to school, and the Hummels had moved from their house, leaving no forwarding number or address. It was as though he had just disappeared off the map, going forever and removing himself from their grasp.
Burt Hummel had closed his mechanic shop, and no one had seen him.
The Gleeks wondered where their friend had gone. Kurt hadn't been in their lives long, but they knew that if he had left because of the bullying, then he and his father would not have disappeared so completely.
--Breaking the Rules--
One day, exactly six months and 13 days after his disappearance, Kurt returned to school. The Glee Club noticed that he was different, very different.
In fact, Kurt looked so different that Finn had almost walked right past him without even noticing him, which was strange as the boy used to stand out like an Easter egg on a Christmas tree.
Kurt was wearing black sunglasses, and his hair contained no gel. Instead it was messy and sat raggedly around his face. He wore a plain, moss green t-shirt and casual blue jeans. The boy looked… Normal.
On closer inspection, Finn could also see that his lips were chapped, and his hair did not appear shiny or silky. He appeared to be nervous, tired and thinly worn.
The jock and gleek gently grasped his shoulder, and he instantly felt the teenager tense under his grip. Kurt slowly turned around and lifted his sunglasses up onto the top his head. Finn noticed that his eyes, which were dull and closed off, had prominent bags under them.
"Hey Kurt," Finn said with a smile.
A small hint of recognition flashed in the boy's eyes, and he smiled back thinly.
Kurt's voice was weak and croaky when he replied, "H-hi."
Finn gently squeezed Kurt's shoulder before he let go.
"I'm glad you're back, Kurt. Will we be seeing you at Glee practice today?"
Kurt bit his lip, hesitant. "Um… I don't know. I don't know if my dad- Err. Maybe… I don't know. Ahhh… I'll have to see."
Finn watched in dismay as Kurt ran off, acting as if the devil himself was after him.
--Breaking the Rules--
AN: Alas, poor darling Kurt. Please review and tell me what you like about it?
And Kurt has lost his cool and sarcastic demeanor, oh noez! D:
And please note that this is only a teaser, I'm not sure if I'll post more yet as I only have 13 chapters completed out of around 30-50 and I'm a really slow writer and tend to swap between stories as I get different ideas.
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