New Story.!

Summary: Kagome is beaten raped and abused by Inuyasha. She fleas with Sesshomarus and Shippos help. She is sent back to the future wounded. When she awakens she sees her cousin Naruto. With starngers, What is Naruto doing in Japan.? And why does she feel so attched to the hansome stranger.?


Kagome: 18

Squad seven: 18

Kakashi: 21

Inuyasha and Gang ( Minus Shippo): 20

Shippo: 10

Disclaimer: I Dont own anything.!!

"Imouto, Run now.!" Sesshomaru yelled blocking a yellow strike. Kagome stood back helplessly next to a scared Shippo. She was badly hurt her legs and arms were bruised. Her stomach held a huge gash and she could barely see due to unexpected attack. She has been trained by Sesshomaru for a year now and soon was adopted as his younger sister.

Inuyasha didnt like that at all. They have all defeated Naraku and have gone on with their lives. Miroku and Sango left together after their marriage in Kaedes village. Shippo still was with her, only because he had no where to go she didnt mind. She was glad he was there. Ever since Kikyo came back, Inuyasha has been colder to her. Kagome thought about not coming back but she continued to come back for Shippo, Sesshomaru and Rin. She was happy non the less.

That was before Inuyasha went nuts. Soon he started to hit her. Abuse her and rape her. Kaagome thought she could handle it. And she did. She only told Sesshomaru whats been happening. He countless tried to do something about it but Kagome stopped him every time.

And thats how all of this happened. Inuyasha tried to touch her again. She refused and he started beating her. Sessshomaru acted.

Now we begin our story...

"Move the hell out of the way.! This isnt your business.!" Inuyasha yelled. Sesshomaru punched him square in the stomach.

"Obviously it does. Kagome run."


"Kagome your not going anywhere until you hand over Kikyos soul.!!"

Kagomes eyes widened. Then narrowed. How dare he...

"Its not hers its mine.!" Her eyes started to glow white. "Give it back.!" Kikyo who was off to the side started to glow a white color as well. Kagomes eyes started to flare like a fire as her sould emerged from Kikyos body causing a blinding light and a hurtful yell. The soul sprung into Kagomes body. She was whole again. Her eyes died down back to their original brown. She shook as she collapsed to her knees panting. Seshomaru glanced at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Kikyo.. You killed her.. You Bitch.!!" Inuyahsa yelled as his eyes glowed red. He soon gained purple streaks and charged Sesshomaru with amazing speed. Drawing Toukijin He countered Inuyasha atck.

"For the last time Kagome.! Run.! Damnit.!" He couldnt hold off demon Inuyasha for long. Kagome looked up and nodded with silent tears. With the strength she had left she ran for the well. Shippo quietly helping her. The jewel glowing as she ran. Inuyasha saw her flea and growled angrily. He slashed his claw at Seshomaru which was blocked. throwing a kick and a strike he wounded his older brother. Inuyasha smirked when fresh blooded stained his hands.

"Blades of blood.!" Inuyasha shouted before Sesshomaru could register he had ben struck with ten blood red strikes. Forcibly being forced to the ground he was covered in blood and wounds. Inuyasha ran past his brothers body and went for Kagomes. Sesshomaru tried to stand but in no vail.

'Kagome be careful..'

Kagome and Shippo who was now in the clearing ran toward the well that was not far ahead of her.

"Kagome.!!" She heard a demonic voice yell. Shippo eyes widened when he saw Inuyasha come into the clearing. Shippo hurried Kaogme forward.

"Iron Rever Soul Stealer.!" Could be heard as five yellow streaks struck him and Kaogme in the back. They both yelped in pain as they both fell down the side of the well. A warm blue light engulfed them as they fell. Kagome, who was barely conscious toke out a set of bead. Chanting something under her breath the well glowed purple. When Shippo and her finally reached her home the well had stopped glowing.

Shippo cringed as the wound met dirt. He desperately tried to get Kagome up the well. With all his strength he managed but that was all.

"Someone help me please.!!" He yelled.

"Naruto is this it.?" A girl with bubble gum pink hair said/asked. She had emerald green eyes and wasnt that tall. she wore pink and red ith a plain whit circle on the back of her shirt. She had on long boots that showed her toes.

"Yeah. This is where my cousin lives its been a long time since ive seen her.." A boy with goldish hair explained. He had beautiful baby blue eyes and whiskers on his cheeks. He wore a black and orange jump suit.

"This is a shrine if im not mistaken. Right Naruto.?" A man with silver hair asked. It was slanted to the side. He wore a mask that covered the bottom of his face and he had a head band that covered one of his eyes. He had his nose into a book that was orange.

"Yeah thats right sensei." Naruto said ignoring the glare because of 'sensei.'

"Hn. Well what are we waiting for.?" Said a tall man. He had raven hair that was like the butt of a chicken in the back. (no offense Sasuke i love you.!) He had dep black eyes and was pale. He wore regular black pants and a white shirt with a Uchiwa fan on the back.

"sasuke right Naruto lets go."


Making to the top of the stair a few minutes later they walked toward the front door. But was stopped. Naruto froze in place as he felt Kyuubi talking to him.

'Human. Cant you feel it.?'

'Feel What.?

'Another fox presence check that shed over there.'

Naruto looked toward where he was talking about. 'You mean the well house..?'

"Someone help me please.!!"

Squad seven heard a call.

"you heard that right.?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah lets go check it out.!" Naruto said as he and his group drew a kunai and ran for the shed. Opening it they gasped at what they saw.

"Thank kami. Help me please. Momma is badly hurt.!" Shippo exclaimed as he saw 4 unknown figures open the well house.

"Kagome.! What happened.!" Naruto exclaimed as he went to her side. Sakura assisted him.

"Ive never seen these kind of wounds before. The only time ive seen these is when i treat wounds made by ninja hounds.."

"So youre saying a dog did this.!?" Naruto exclaimed.

"Shutup Naruto.! Im not sure but i can heal them." Sakura made hand signs and her hand glowed green. Sasuke recognized these types of wounds. He had the same kind when he battled Naruto when he was being taken over by the nine tailed fox. It was demon wounds. Sakura tried her best heal them but it wouldnt work. Instead Sakura was repelled by a pink energy.

"What the hell.!" She said shaking her hand.

"you cant heal momma wounds with outside energy.." Shippo said standing. Sasuke and the team got a good look at him. He had carrot red hair and green eyes. Greener than Sakuras. and he had elf looking ears.

"come we need to take them in the house." Kakashi nodded and went off to the door to inform his aunt. Sakura tended to the young boy as Sasuke picked up the girl. She was a mess.

Kakashi walked behind them as they walked into the house only to be greeted by the girls mom.

"Oh dear.! Kagome.!" She exclaimed.

What had happened. And who was this girl.?

My first fic.! give me advice please.!