AN: Hey look- New fic and new pairing! This is a little something I came up with the other day, and I've been desperate to get it written down, so here's the prolouge and the first chapter is in the making :) Enjoy x


The forest was full of sound: birds chirping high up in the trees, droplets from the recent rain dripping onto the soil, a lone mouse scarpering as I passed its home, a deer innocently chewing the rain-covered grass. Its scent was overwhelming, the sweet woodland aroma, and the scent of the earth and of the rain. The smell of blood. The syrupy, sweet scarlet liquid that was blood. My mouth watered at the thought of the blood caressing my aching throat, and I felt the gold of my eyes seep away as the hunger deepened. It became unbearable for me to simply stalk the innocent young doe, and I carefully yet quickly proceeded towards the creature, hoping its instincts for predators wouldn't kick in; I was too starved to give much of a chase, my strength had dwindled rapidly since my last feed.

As I inhaled I caught a different scent on the air; adrenaline. The deer before me had sensed me. I launched forward and saw the look of terror in the young deer's black eyes before it darted away. I may have ended up with a slight chase but even at such low strength and immense hunger, I was still much quicker than a mere deer. It darted in-between trees, under fallen branches and across the vegetation which lined the forest floor. I ran alongside it, just a matter of metres between us. I saw the fallen, moss covered tree up ahead and knew that I could capture the deer best there. As planned, the deer tried to escape by launching itself over the fallen truck but I was too quick for it and had reached there earlier, enabling me to catch the animal in midair and cascade down the other side of the small bank, the young doe securely in my grasp.

I kicked my foot and spun myself with ease out of the downhill roll and into a kneeling position, the deer secured to the ground by my hands which were positioned on its neck and hind legs. She truly was a magnificent creature. I muttered an apology to the innocent animal and efficiently broke its neck, she shouldn't have to experience anymore terror than what she had already. I licked my dry lips and brushed earth off the deer's slender neck before latching onto the vein I knew would give me the best access to the blood supply which was still laced with adrenaline. I drank the sweet, intoxicating energy until I was sated and the animal empty. I sighed as I admired the beautiful creature before me, its neck now stained with its blood which was quickly congealing in the cool air. So many creatures had been slain at my hand simply to satiate the hunger that burned my throat, simply to keep me alive in my dead body. Again, I apologised to the now limp creature that I cradled in my arms. I felt its blood working its strange magic and the gold returned to my eyes, and a greater strength returned to my muscles. Flexing slightly, I inhaled deeply, sensing the air; no one was around. And with that in mind, I took off towards the reservation, the wind whipping my short hair as I ran through the woodland, the scent of dog getting stronger as I drew closer. I came to abrupt stop at the invisible boundary line, laying my kill as close to the boarder as I could without stepping over the line. I had taken my sustenance from the animal; there was no need for the creature's now empty vessel to be wasted. And with that, I turned in the direction of home.


"What is it? What do you see?"

Flashes. So many flashes. Blood. Pain. Fear. Eyes. Red eyes. A face. A pale face. Not vampire, no, but pale nonetheless. Dark hair and eyes of chocolate. Human. A name floated in the air just out of my reach. I succumbed to the vision and it threw me in deeper. Her name. Isabella. Bella. Bella Swan. Who is she?

A car. No, a van. A blue van, hurtling towards her, towards a red truck. Suddenly it stops. Stops. A hand. A pale hand, crushing the blue metal. A vampire hand. Edward's hand. Eyes. Topaz eyes.

A book. A book of legends. People. Bella. Fear. Laughter. A Volvo, a silver Volvo. Edward. Mushroom ravioli. A secret. A secret revealed. A voice filters thought: "I tell you I can read minds and you think there's something wrong with you?" Secrets. Our secrets. Murder.

Realisation. Another secret. Our secret. My secret. "Vampire". A change of events. Happiness. He hasn't been happy in so long. It will come at a price. An unforeseen price. Death. Death for all. It is not safe. They've discovered us: murderers. "You've brought a snack," Snarling. Aggression. Hate. Fear. Protection. Challenge?

Running. So much running. The sunlight. So bright. So dazzling. "Mirrors. A room full of mirrors," My own voiced echoed through. Escaped. She's escaped. Ballet studio, that's where she went. Gotta run, no time. Gotta keep running. Edward's faster. But not stronger. Running so much running. Faster. I need to be faster.

"Carlisle! The blood," I heard my voice again, cracked and fearful. Blood. Fresh blood. Her blood. Smells so good. Would taste so much better. Pain. She writhes in pain. No, leave her. You can't have her. Venom. She's changing. She'll change, it's decided, its destiny. Fire. Huge fire. Broken bones. Torn limbs. Blood. Flesh. Burning. Ash. Edward, he's hurting her! "Find the will," He's killing her. No! Stop Edward! No! You're killing her! Stop! She's not yours! It wasn't meant to be like this. She isn't yours. You are not supposed to change her. Not yours! Mine. Only mine. Bella. My Bella. All wrong. Wrong. My Bella. Mine.

"Alice, what do you see?"

"Bella," Alice breathed, her mind still in the vision, "I see Bella,"

"Bella, who's Bella, Alice?" asked Jasper, his hand gently squeezing her shoulder as he soothed the atmosphere, calming Alice's erratic breathing.

"She's mine," her voice a possessive whisper, her eyes still wide and glossy as her mind slowly slipped back to reality, and her hand darting unconsciously across the page, sketching the Phoenix girl she had never met. "Mine,"

AN: Hope you like it so far, if not just tell me to give up now. Oh and Alice's vision - I know its all crap grammar and stuff (The amount of green squiggly lines is horrendous) but I was trying to convey the confusion etc that Alice feels (in my opinion) when she's bombared with all these images... If its a crap way of writing it, feel free to say so. Stay tuned x