AN/ Hmm...I didn't receive as many reviews on the last chapter as I hoped for...I hope with this one that will change. Remember, I work harder when I know more people are interested. I'll excuse the last time, but please let me know how I am doing so I can make the story better for you.

Universal Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own characters, and usually they are even based on something else.

Chapter Four In Which Zelda Makes an Unlikely Friend and Learns a Great Deal

Zelda was absolutely petrified. The great beast who now stood right above her, roaring loud enough to frighten thunder, had to be taller than her father just standing on all fours. The beast had a silvery-white color to it, but appeared to be a menacing gray in the darkened light of the clouds. His fangs glistened despite the lack of direct sun, highlighting the bloody tips. His claws, also coated in fresh blood, were as long as one of Zelda's fingers. The beast's big gray eyes had a frightening power in them, as if his ferocity could not be released through his battle cry and had to pour from his eyes. Zelda had no doubt as to why these other creatures feared him…

The lion, when he had stopped roaring, leapt down in front of Zelda, blocking the other mad animals from massacring the princess. Zelda crouched into as tight a ball as she could, genuinely thinking that she was going to die. Had she been looking, she would have seen the lion's attentions were focused on the lynch mob instead of her. When the lion began to growl and roar and grunt, he was speaking to them in a different language. Had she understood the beasts' conversation, she would have heard the lion's true intentions…

"Alright, enough of this!" the lion shouted, "How dare you all try to harm an innocent young lady?"

"Innocent? Pah!" snorted the boar that first confronted Zelda. The boar spoke with bravado in his voice, as the lion was bigger yet than he was. "What business have you here, Aslan? This girl has trespassed into Sitka and she appeared just as a demon reared its ugly head! She is a demon of deceit, you know it! She--"

"Had nothing to do with the demon," the lion named Aslan replied coolly, "For your information, I have watched that girl since she came here. She just barely stumbled out of the Tunnel of Eternity looking like she hasn't seen good daylight in a week before that demon tried to kill her. I can also assure you she has nothing to do with the witch."

"You lie!" several animals cried, "She must be a demon, she killed Inago! She killed him!"

Aslan roared again to silence them.

"For your information, the great boar Inago was the big demon of rage that was plowing through here, not the girl. Second, she was not involved with Inago's death because I killed him."

The boar before the lion seemed to shake in disbelief. "Inago a demon? Never, he was too strong minded to become a demon!"

"He became greedy for power, you know that. He tried to set himself up as our king and was defeated in a dual with that black wolf. He became so enraged that he quickly lost his mind. He turned into a demon before nightfall. He had to be stopped."

The other animals, which consisted largely of other boars, were shocked to hear that one of their most powerful had been turned into a demon. They looked at each other before Aslan spoke again.

"The girl would have been his victim had I not intervened. Besides, even if she did kill him, what would you do about it? Eat her? You know our laws forbid the eating of humans and those who can still think for themselves. You would just turn into stupid pigs if you ate her, and I would be here, ready to feast once you all lose your ability to think."

Again, they looked at him with disbelief.

"Who are you to say what are laws are and are not? You killed the leader of the Boars!" shouted the first boar.

"You always do forget my title, don't you?" said Aslan, sarcastically. "I am Judge Aslan, thank you. I was there when these laws were written; do not forget that."

The big lion looked out at the crowd of animals before him.

"There is nothing more to see here. Leave the girl to me."

Reluctantly, the animals left and went back into their houses. Aslan then turned towards the girl.

Zelda, completely unaware of the conversation that had just happened between the boar and the lion, stayed huddled up as far back from them as possible. She heard the sound of hoofs and some paws padding away from her, but she didn't dare look to see if the lion was still there. She kept her eyes shut tight. She began to shake when she heard very big paws padding towards her. Her only thought was whether the lion would kill her quickly and get it over with or tear her to shreds piece by agonizing piece…

She felt something tap her on her shoulder…………………A large paw.

Zelda looked up to see the big lion gazing at her with concern in his big gray eyes. Now that she had a better look at him, she realized that, when he wasn't trying to look ferocious, he actually had this calming aura around him. She still feared him, but not as much as before. Also, Zelda noticed that the lion had pointed ears.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice very deep. Zelda, still speechless, nodded.

"Good to know." The lion held out his paw in an attempt to help her back on her feet. She, albeit tentatively, allowed herself to be helped up. Once on her feet, she realized how tired she was. She felt like collapsing…However, she steadied herself.

"Allow me to introduce myself, Princess Zelda, I am Judge Aslan." he said politely.

"Nice to--how did you know my name?" Zelda said, baffled.

The lion chuckled softly. "A true Hylian always knows when he meets his ruler. Besides that, I--"

Aslan was interrupted by a crash of thunder. Both the beauty and the beast looked up into the sky and saw that the storm was starting.

"Tut, tut, looks like rain…" Aslan pondered aloud, "Perhaps this conversation could best be continued at my den? It looks to me like you could use some rest and a hot meal. Forgive me for being so bold as to say, but you look like you have seen better days…"

Zelda knew he was telling the truth. She felt like she had seen better days. Her new uniform was very dusty, she was beginning to look gaunt from lack of food, she knew her eyes must have been dark from lack of sleep, and she was also very pale from who knows why. She was so sore from walking for days and from falling off of and being dragged behind Prince…The lion's offer was difficult to resist.

"Come," he said gently, turning towards the path that led up the mountain, "I don't live too far from here. Get on my back, you've walked enough."

Zelda normally would have protested, saying she could walk just fine. But not this time…She was so tired…

Aslan laid down so Zelda could easily get on top of him, and once she was situated near his shoulders, he stood.

"Hold tight to my mane if you need to, we wont be long." he said gently. Zelda swore he had a fatherly quality in his voice only matched by her own father…

As Aslan padded his way gently up the trail, Zelda didn't bother to look around; she was too tired to lift her head, so instead she contemplated her new ally. As he moved, she could feel the raw muscles contract and relax with every step he took. No matter how gentle or kind he may be, she knew he could crush her if he so chose. His head was another point of thought. She remembered when he was looking right at her; his mouth, even when closed, could fit her whole head and snap it right off at the neck. His paws…Oh his paws were bigger than her head as well, and the claws within had to be razor sharp if those other animals feared him so…

Why did they fear him? Was he dangerous and had lied to her? No……She could tell whether or not a person was lying very easily just by looking into their eyes…she pictured them in her mind…They were deeply wise. She couldn't tell for sure what his intentions were…she would have to be wary…

Zelda noticed, after several minutes of deep thinking while being drenched with rain, that the ground around them became more and more covered with cherry blossoms as they went. She found the energy to look up to see a forest of cherry trees. And looking ahead, Zelda saw a huge tree that reached into the heavens so high that a cloud appeared to surround the tree half way up, and it was so big around, that Zelda was not sure the monster fish Link had mentioned from the Water Temple could wrap itself around it. The path they were on led right to the tree, or rather, right to an opening in the ground that led down near the roots. The opening was sheltered from the rain by a great canopy of a thick fabric Zelda didn't recognize and a hanging piece of the same cloth. She slid off of Aslan, nearly instantly regretting it due to her sore legs, while the big beast shook the excess water off him and went inside. Zelda followed suit after wringing her hair.

Zelda was hit with an instant wall of hot air and incense as she stepped inside Aslan's den. The space was like a large circular room with large cushions and thick rugs everywhere, hiding the dirt floor. The only place where there was not something covering the dirt was around the fire that was situated in the center of the room, which happened to have a large pot and a tea kettle hanging over it on a grid made of iron. The ceiling had more tapestries draped over them, presumably to keep out loose dirt from above, as well as incense burners. The burners gave the den the smell of cinnamon…The smoke from the fire and incense was funneled out the top from the draping tapestries and must have had an exit out the top, which explained the cloud she saw…

Presently, Aslan was using his paws to stir the pot, that seemed to contain a noodle soup, and he checked the tea kettle. He bade her to grab a cushion and sit down by the fire, and again she obeyed without question. Pulling a large, soft cushion towards the fire and reclining back, she felt revived now that she had a second of rest. The heat from the fire warmed her aching body and put her at ease. Aslan pulled up a cushion large enough for him to lie on comfortably, but did not lie down on it. He instead moved to the back of the den, where several items lay in orderly piles, and returned with two bowls, two cups, and two pairs of chopsticks. He filled the bowls with the soup, while the ravenous princess saw pieces of meat that she guess were pieces of chicken coupled together with long noodles and a reviving broth, and the cups with tea. Green tea, Zelda guessed.

Aslan gave her the soup and tea along with a pair of chopsticks. Zelda had to learn how to eat with them once before, and with a little practice, was doing it as well as her host who, despite being an animal, used them perfectly. With every bite of chicken and noodles, Zelda felt her energy come back to her and the tea helped her relax.

The two ate in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, eating their dinners at an easy, casual pace. It wasn't until Zelda set her bowl and tea cup on the ground and eased back into the cushion that Aslan spoke again.

"Well, now that you've had a chance to get your vitality back, I can tell that you would like to inquire about me just as much as I would you. If I may suggest, perhaps we could take turns asking each other questions. As you are my guest, you may go first."

Zelda looked down at the fire, thinking about what to ask first.

"Okay……First, who are you? I know your name already, but I don't know who you are."

"Ah, a biography?" Aslan lapped out of his tea cup just like a cat.

"I suppose I could. I was a judge in the court of King Daltus VIII."

Zelda's eye's widened. "King Daltus VIII? That was over a thousand years ago!"

Aslan's eyebrow raised just a bit. "Has it really been that long? I will have to update my count…But yes. I was one of his most trusted advisors and helped him settle some very important matters in the kingdom and in his foreign affairs. I also knew his daughter, Princess Zelda XI, Sage of Time and your namesake."

Zelda's eyes grew wide again but she remained silent.

"I knew the Princess quite well. True, that as a child she did not quite trust me; but after I won the affections of her nurse and married her, she opened up to me and began to confide in me. I also knew the Hero of Time as well, as he became the Princess's bodyguard after her other one retired. But, tell me, have you heard of the tragedy of the Hero and Princess of Time?"

Zelda, who had to be well versed in Hylian history, attempted to raise the old lesson from the depths of her memories.

"Ah…I remember that, after a period of several years, the Hero and the Princess fell in love against the King's wishes. The Princess, to prevent a marriage to the Hero, was quickly engaged to a prince……I forget where he was from, but the Princess was firm in her objection. The King, enraged by her dislike of the prince, had the Hero of Time killed. The Princess discovered his murder and took her own life in response…right?" she added when she saw Aslan's dubious expression.

"Well, your Highness, I can assure you the real story has a better ending than that. Yes, the two grew to love each other and, yes, the King disliked the idea and engaged his daughter to the prince of Termina. However, their supposed deaths are false. You see, my wife one day handed me a note telling me to meet the writer in the shadow of the Temple of Time long after dusk.

"I kept the appointment, and I was met with the Hero, Princess, my wife, and my twin sons. The young couple told me they planned to leave Hyrule, that the Princess chose to give up her throne in order to live happily with her love. I married the two in the shadow of the Temple with my family as witness, and had drawn up a marriage contract to make it legal. I encouraged the two to stay close to Hyrule for a time in case I could convince the King that they were perfect together. I also encouraged my family to go with them, so they could not be punished if I were found guilty of treason.

"When I went back to the King, he was outraged that I could disobey him like that. He had me thrown in the dungeon and sent search parties out to find the runaway couple and my family. However, the cells beside me remained empty and the searches all came back with bad news. They had not been found and his Highness became more angry. He started some deranged quest to make himself live longer because he had no heir to the throne. He made himself sick with everything he tried.

"I spent a year in the dungeon before I was brought before King Daltus once more. He sentenced me to death by banishment here in this place. He sent four guards with me to make sure the job was done correctly, but they were killed by the other beasts here. I survived and was transformed into a lion. A useful side affect. I also do not age here; funny, that I should be the one who lives a thousand years while my king who sought immortality likely died early in his search."

"What ever happened to the Princess, Hero and…your family…" Zelda asked, trying to be careful about asking about his family.

Aslan, however, looked quite fond of his recalling his wife and sons. "I suspect that the Hero and the Princess found a happy life outside the kingdom. As for my family, I know they are happy wherever they are tonight, and that is reason enough for me to live her contentedly." Aslan again lapped at his tea.

"Now it is my turn. What is it that brought the Princess of Hyrule to his long forsaken world in the first place?"

"I came here looking for a friend of mine. He's under a terrible spell, and I promised him I would help him. But before we could do anything to help him, something…happened and he banished himself here. I followed him here so I could help him, but I haven't seen a sign of him…"

Aslan furrowed his brow as if in thought. "By any chance, was this friend of yours a large wolf, completely black with steely blue eyes?"

"That's him!" she cried in excitement. "Have you seen him?"

Aslan shrugged as well as a lion could. "I'm afraid all I know of him is hearsay from the village below. I haven't seen this wolf for myself, but he seems to have caused quite the stir near our chief city."

"In what way?"

"To answer that, I must ask you a question. You remember that ugly monster that attacked you when you first arrived?"

"How could I forget," Zelda muttered.

"The creature's name, before he became a demon, was Inago, the leader of all the boars and pigs in the Lost World. He got the idea in his head that we needed a king and that he should be it, despite strong opposition from every creature besides those in his own clan. He set himself up, using Touching Heaven Mountain as his stronghold. He had only held his, so called, power for a few days before a young wolf came here, wandering around Tai-Long, our capital. The young wolf had already been transformed, which is unusual here, and he crossed paths with Inago. Angered by the wolf's lack of knowledge and respect towards the 'king of the Lost World,' he challenged the wolf in a dual. Apparently, your friend won the fight, because Inago let his rage build up inside him and allowed himself to be transformed into that hideous monster you saw. I'm afraid I know no more details about him."

Zelda felt somewhat enlightened, but still felt to much in the dark.

"Your turn again, Princess."

"What is it about his place that causes the transformations? What is this place in general?"

"This place, if it at all makes sense, is not a world of its own. It is more like a world that is between all worlds…Beyond the world you and I know, there are possibly hundreds of other worlds that have connections to this place. I have talked to creatures who have described things unimaginable back in Hyrule. I cant even relate most of the experiences I have heard of. But this place, despite all its wonders, has a few downsides. One being that you are almost always doomed to transform into the animal that so matches your soul.

"You however," Aslan said, pointing a polished claw at Zelda, "are not as likely to transform. I know that, since your name is Zelda, you are the keeper of the Triforce of Wisdom."

Zelda was about to ask him how he knew that, but as if he read her mind, he answered first.

"The last Princess, as well as the Hero, was gracious enough to allow me a great study on the Triforce and its power first hand. I learned a good deal about it and its divine powers, and I believe that it is enough to protect you from the fate of the others.

"Another downside, connected with the first, is that, the more and more you lose your heart to such vices as fear, hate, greed, and others like that, the less of your mind you have until you are nothing more than a stupid beast no better than a farm animal from home. Beyond that point, if one continues to lose themselves, they have a great chance of transforming into a demon. The demons of this place, much like Inago, are manifestations of their vices. His hate consumed him, thus anything he touched he consumed. In order to prevent those demons from running amok, we kill those who lose their minds and become stupid. Once they cannot think, they are killed and eaten."

Zelda felt the chicken she ate threaten to come back up…

"But the worst drawback is that, even though there are not many ways through which one can enter this place, there are even fewer that lead out…"

"What?" Zelda whispered. She had forgotten about planning her exit…

"That's not to say that escape is impossible. Before I came here, apparently, there live a great owl who claimed to have had a vision of a possible way out. I think the owl's name was Kaepora Gaebora and had assisted the Hero of Time. But it is said that he spread the word of his vision, trying to free his fellow birds; but the did not listen and he escaped back to Hyrule. I hardly know what happened to him after that, or how long he lived after he went back; but I trust he did fairly well. So, have hope, Princess, there is always a way of escape. Your time will come, trust me."

Zelda nodded, but could not suppress a yawn.

"I believe," Aslan said, putting his dinner away, "that it is late enough to end our conversation for now." Zelda passed him her empty bowl, cup, and chopsticks and he took them to be cleaned and stored.

"Take any place you would like to sleep and make yourself comfortable," he called from his storage area.

Zelda, normally, would have stayed right were she was: right by the fire…but she was in a lion's den…She could not forget the image of him, mouth open and claws bared. She was lucky he was there to help her, but did not dare think her luck would hold out for that long. Idly fingering her necklace, she thought. There was a cushion near the entrance…However, it was much colder over there…

She watched as Aslan laid down near the fire. He said nothing but nodded courteously and lowered his head to drift off. Oh, how tempting it was to do the same. Zelda chose her own safety above her comfort, and with a silent sigh of defeat, dragged her heavy feat over near the opening. She was right, it was much colder near the door and the noise of the rain outside wasn't quite soothing to listen to either.

She watched Aslan for a second. Would he really betray me and eat me? I just cant figure out if I am really safe…maybe it's just the events of the day that's making me panic…But I will still try to make sure he doesn't attack……I'll try to wake myself up before I fall to hard asleep and check. If it's safe, I repeat the process. If not………I suppose I will have to sprint for my life again…

Zelda enacted her plan, resting for a few minutes, but catching herself when she felt herself about to nod off. She repeated the process three times. When it came time to check for the forth, Zelda failed to wake herself. If she had, she would have seen Aslan standing above her…

AN/ In every story, a little character building must come. I can promise you that Link returns in the next chapter, but I need some encouragement and critique before I can prepare it for you. Oh, and anonymous reviews are welcome too.

If you cannot tell who I base Aslan off of, you have been living under your rock for far too long...Please imagine him with Liam Neeson's voice for full affect.

But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and your reviews are the sun.