The "Witch Weekly" Contest
Another one…yeah, I know…but is there really ever enough Snape fanfics to quell our reading enjoyment? Just a note…this fic can stand alone…but it makes many references to chapters in my other fics, especially The Mental Mentorship and A Gift For A Hag.
Disclaimer: I do not own, nor did I create, nor do I hope to profit from the characters or Harry Potter books. This is just for fun.
Really…when you pick a fanfic pen name such as Galleons…goblins think you're like made of money.
Chapter 1: Details To Follow…
The professors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry sat in the staff room and could not believe their ears. Professor Flitwick stuck a finger in his own ear and shook…no…he had heard correctly…
Among the stone faces and dead silence, an excitable Professor Aurora Sinistra and a nauseous, yet goggled-eyed Professor Vector were the only two teachers showing any signs of life.
It had started off as a routine lunch meeting on a shortened period schedule. Tea was served and Aurora blurted out, "It came…the owl came…I can't believe it…I have never won anything in my life. Would you believe that I entered Septima's name into a contest for her birthday and she won a date with Gilderoy Lockhart?" She gushed in a loud, conspiratorial tone as if there wasn't a room full of people present.
Professor Sprout had spit her tea out onto her robes.
Professor Vector wished to die right there in the staff room of utter embarrassment and would not make eye contact with Professor Snape. Her best friend had run to her quarters to tell her about an hour or so ago, but she guessed she hadn't quite digested the information due to the shock she had sustained.
And Septima could not be cross with her…she knew Aurora just about worshipped Lockhart and was the kindest most devoted friend one could ever ask for. She hadn't even entered her own name in the contest because she didn't want to ruin Septima's chances…
Aurora continued…"It is a "Witch Weekly" contest and the birthday girl will spend a grand Saturday night being squired about by Gilderoy," she smiled maniacally at everyone in the room.
It was most unfortunate that Aurora, as a much younger member of the teaching staff, had no idea that she was the only Lockhart fan amongst the older professors.
Minerva McGonagall blinked behind her glasses and looked sternly at Aurora, she recovered after a spell. "Why, er, would you do that, Professor Sinistra?"
Aurora looked at her in disbelief. "He is one of the most eligible bachelors in the wizarding world…" She looked at McGonagall as if she had three heads; much like Fluffy did.
Flitwick slapped a palm to his forehead and shook his head…"Do you realize what you have gotten Septima into?"
"Of course I do… it is her birthday…" insisted Aurora cheerfully, never realizing what Professor Flitwick was insinuating
Professor Snape, who thus far had remained dead silent and immobile, stood in a corner, arms folded against his chest, his black robes draped around him and sneering as usual. He did not comment on these revelations, but listened intently to the conversation. Those who knew him could tell because one eyebrow was raised, what some had observed seemed to act almost like antennae.
Interestingly enough, not one staff member glanced in his direction as if they wished not to see…he was extremely sensitive at the very mention of Lockhart's name…since the exuberant claims by Lockhart that Snape had been his assistant in the now dormant Hogwarts dueling club.
"Er, we are still going to the pub on Friday to celebrate Septima's birthday, are we not?" questioned McGonagall.
"Of course we are...the date is on Saturday. I should be receiving an owl from the magazine very soon." Aurora grinned at her friend and elbowed her suggestively. "Septima, it will have more details that I can pass on to you…lucky girl."
Septima nodded mechanically and sipped at her tea carefully, because her cup and saucer was held delicately in her hands, but appeared to shake slightly.
Maybe Snape could recommend a few poisons she could try before then. She was sure he would be more than happy to do so…
Flitwick and McGonagall were both forming similar plans.
If they kept her out very late…perhaps the poor girl would not make the date. They both remembered what she was put through at the ball two years ago…
The clock struck one and all of the professors rose to leave. They had a meeting with Dumbledore. No one had to heart to speak anymore on the subject. They weren't sure they could truly convey to Sinistra what she had gone and done…but they guessed there was one person who would have something very enlightening to say regarding the matter…eventually.
The professors filed out in silence. Nobody spoke until the last professors to leave heard a loud thump and rushed out into the hallway.
"Aurora…dear Merlin…what happened?" asked McGonagall.
"Professor Snape was behind me and I guess he swung the door too hard," offered Professor Sinistra from where she was sprawled out on the floor, after taking quite a tumble.