A/N: I was bored and wanted to write down this idea of mine. My other story was kind of annoying me. You can check that out if you want but right now I haven't updated it in a while. I hope you like this I don't plan to continue but I could if anybody wants me to. I think Xion and Axel are totally meant to be so that's probably what would come out of this but it would be just soooo boring to write a mushy love story without epic action and a little heartbreak. So yeah tell me what you think. Like I said this was just an idea I had, I've got millions of them. I own nothing but the storyline so enjoy.

"Waking up in darkness can be quite dangerous and even more terrifying."Xion felt like her head was going to explode. The pressure only grew worse as the voice continued to echo off of unseen obstacles in the darkness.

"Can you control the darkness before its power devours you?"The voice boomed. Xion wished she could move or at least speak. Of course she cold control the darkness, she was a Nobody after all. Xion mentally corrected herself.

'You're not a Nobody you're a puppet stuffed with memories.' She told herself and she flinched in pain at the awful truth of her own words.

"You're wrong, that's what you were. But now that Roxas has returned to Sora, he no longer needs you."The voice stated somehow hearing Xion's unspoken words. Xion wished she could speak otherwise she would have barked a sour laugh at the voice. 'Oh great, so now I'm useless even as a fake.' Xion wanted to pull her knees to her chest and mope depressingly in a corner.

"You have been recreated as a real Nobody."The voice declared and Xion started to notice that the voice sounded a lot like Xemnas. "Return to the Organization young one if you wish to survive." The voice ordered.

Before Xion could reply or react the darkness around Xion erupted. She felt herself being sucked into an unseen vacuum. She tried to scream for help as she was sucked down into the unknown but not a sound came from her lips. Finally she just collapsed and fell unconscious.

"Hey!? What the He…" Someone screamed quickly falling back into silence. Xion kept her eyes shut and stayed still, afraid to move. She was laying on a firm but slightly soft surface that felt very warm. She wanted to lie there forever; it felt so much better than the darkness she'd been stuck in.

"Xi…Xion?" Someone stuttered into Xion's ear. She opened her eyes to see the ground was pitched black and for a second she thought she was still in the dark realm. Someone cleared their throat and Xion looked up from the ground to meet two bright green orbs staring back. She got lost in those eyes for a moment but in that moment thousands of memories came back to her.

"Axel?" Xion asked and her voice sounded strained.

She stared into his eyes and then shifted her view slightly to see his face was bright red and his eyes where frozen in shock. She tilted her head to the side in confusion but then noticed his reason for embarrassment. She had landed on him when she had fallen from…somewhere.

"Sor…Sorry." She stuttered in her strained voice. She tried to push herself up but only succeeded in falling back down on top of him when her arms gave out. She felt her face grow hot and attempted to stand again.

"Hey here let me help you." Axel offered still red in the face. He sat up and helped her get to her feet, catching her when her knees decided not to lock into place.

"Wow nice entrance." Axel said sitting her down and rubbing the back of his head.

"Ye…Yeah." Xion mumbled trying to stay upright and conscious. "Xion I thought you were… What are you doing here?" Axel asked still supporting his friend's body. Xion fought to keep herself awake but she wasn't going to be able to hold out for long. "I…I don't know." She replied before passing out again.

A/N: Yeah so there you have it. I think it has potential but that's for you to decide. Peace out.