Emily POV

"Sas….haa its not what it look like!" "Oh yeah? So explain to me why a boy says he loves you?" Sasha said angry as a bull.

"It just happened he sweeped me off my feet I couldn't deny him" Emily replied nervously. I began biting my nails. "Oh my gosh….Sasha is going to kill me I'm not allowed a boyfriend..I'm an elite gymnast!"

"Well guess what Emily? Your not seeing this…Damon EVER AGAIN!" . I sat there with a blank look of shock on my face. How could Sasha do this to me. Tears started rolling down my eyes.

Sasha POV

I couldn't stand to see Emily cry. She's only sixteen; she doesn't know anything about love. All that boy wants is to get into her pants. But it was for her own good.

" Emily….you need to know that you cant have Damon as a distraction. Your an amazing gymnast! You have much potential to go to the Olympics. I don't want to see that dream be ruined by some boy. "I said gently to her. If only she could see how important and special she is. But she cant she thinks she's nothing extraordinary. This needed to be changed.

I noticed the bruise on her arm once again. "That shouldn't be there, she didn't injure herself there. Somebody must be hurting her…..". I sat there for a moment before I asked her: " Emily ….why is that bruise on your arm..you didn't fall there?". Suddenly Emily froze still and eyes went wide.

Emily POV

"OMG he cant be onto me…he cant find out about Joe. He'll kill me if Sasha knows.." .Frantic thoughts ran through my head. I relaxed and replied in a very stiff manner; " I fell off my bike Sasha, as I was coming to the Rock the other morning". No matter what I couldn't let Sasha find out, he'd try to protect me and Joe would hurt us both. I began to start shaking in terror. Sasha opened his mouth to speak. " Emily…you didn't fall of your bi…."

Just then a nurse popped her head in. " Excuse me Sir, no visitors are allowed after 8:00 pm" she said in a very stern voice. Sasha was just about to open his mouth and make an excuse, but the nurse swooped in and usher Sasha out . On his way out Sasha gave me a deadly look that clearly said: we are not done talking about this.