AUTHOR'S NOTES: This chapter marks the end of this story and also the end of this 'verse, too, as I only ever intended this to be a four (multi-part) story arc! I hope you all have enjoyed reading these fics, as much as I have enjoyed writing them. No doubt I'll be dipping in and out of this 'verse possibly in the future, as and when I think of suitable one-shots, and I also will be writing another 'verse at some point too. As always, thank you for all your reviews and for favoriting these stories - they all help me to keep writing, they mean a lot to me and are always very much appreciated!
The day finally came for Sam to have his baby. Gabriel unsurprisingly wasn't there, having previously expressed no interest in being there for the birth itself, busying himself elsewhere on archangel business. Castiel had remained unsurprised by his brother's decision and a long suffering headshake was his only concession to how he truly felt. Dean had displayed silent anger that Gabriel didn't care enough for the birth, despite knowing he wouldn't be there, yet Sam seemed resigned, too heavy with child to even care.
The younger Winchester barely moved all day, remained on the couch and rubbing his distended stomach painfully, eyes staring off into space as though he were mentally preparing himself while he waited. Elisha remained with him, while Bobby busied himself elsewhere, occasionally looking in to see what was what.
Dean and Castiel had their hands full with the twins, who seemed on an endless round of wanting milk or their diapers changed, or sleeping which their fathers watched quietly. Castiel often stole glances at Dean's peaceful face as he stared down at the sleeping twins, fingers gently stroking Dina's cheek gently every time she stirred. The angel smiled and reached for Dean's hand when the hunter looked up at him, smiled at Dean's contentment and happiness before pressing a kiss to his firm mouth gently. He lifted Dean's hand, kissed his wedding band reverently and making Dean smile his lopsided smile at him.
Finally, Dean decided he was hungry, needed a break from looking after the twins for a while and needed to look after his own stomach at last. He padded through to the kitchen, to retrieve a beer from the fridge before helping himself to some pie. His back was turned to the living room, mouth wrapped around the slice of pie eagerly when he heard Sam's agonised cry from the living room, announcing that his brother had just gone into labor. Dean abandoned his pie, throwing it down upon the side before whirling and returning to Sam's side, touching his shoulder to announce the fact he was there.
He looked up to Elisha standing over to one side, regarding her uncle as though watching over him. Dean smiled and he gestured her over to take his place. He felt less comfortable being by his brother's side than he was his lover's and wondered if it was because the kid wasn't really his.
"Dean," Sam cried out when his brother left his side.
"I'll be here Sammy. Lisha's gonna be with you," Dean assured him, as Caelum ran into the room, playing with a toy aeroplane enthusiastically, totally oblivious to what was happening with his uncle.
"Hey, kiddo, let's go play, shall we?" Dean admonished, picking his son up bodily and removing him from the room.
Caelum giggled and wriggled in his father's arms, resting his beloved aeroplane on Dean's head. The hunter grinned automatically, feeling like a traitor for leaving his brother alone in the room, yet knew that Elisha was with him, would look after him. Castiel joined him, apparently as uncomfortable with Sam's birth as Dean had been mere moments before, preferring to remain with his husband rather than his brother in law right then. Together they played with their son, quietly talking about the birth and directing the same doctor who'd delivered their own children into the living room. The doctor barely needed the directions, already familiar with the layout of Bobby's house by now after four other visits to it. He remained blase to the situation, already having dealt with occurrences such as this one in the past.
"Good man, that doctor," Dean said, as the doctor started to walk away and into the house. "Say, dude, what's your name? Your first name, I mean?"
The doctor stopped and looked over at his shoulder at Dean, squinting into the sun to stare back at the hunter, before replying.
"Thomas," he replied. "But most people tend to call me Tom. Why d'you ask?"
"My brother doesn't have a name for his baby, and I wondered about yours. Seeing as you've delivered each and every one of ours I thought it only right to call Sam's baby after you. If Sam agrees of course," Dean replied, hastily, deciding too broach the subject with his brother when the first moment presented itself.
The doctor looked pleased by the prospect , nodded agreeably, before saying - "Thank you, I'd like that."
He left them then, excusing himself for other matters, and Castiel was left staring at Dean with some amusement.
"What if it's a girl, Dean?" the angel asked, when Dean looked in askance at his lover.
"Ah, yes, good point. Maybe Thomasina?" Dean replied, shuddering a little at the thought of such an antiquated name.
"How about Tammy?" Bobby asked, rolling out and catching the last of their conversation.
"Tammy's good. I can live with Tammy. How's Sam?" Dean asked, as the yells from inside grew louder, making both Dean and Castiel wince in sympathy, both remembering what it had been like to deliver themselves.
"He's - he's busy, Dean," Bobby replied, uncertain as to what else he was expected to say.
Neither Castiel nor Dean responded to that, the hunter smiling at Bobby's response and Castiel remaining typically solemn, tense, blue eyes darting towards the door as though he expected a whole horde of babies to come tumbling out at any minute. Finally, after what seemed an interminable age, a baby's distinctive wails cut through the air and Sam's relieved sigh joined it.
"Best go in, boys, see your niece or nephew," Bobby said, wearily, as though he'd delivered the baby himself instead of Sam.
"You're not coming in?" Castiel asked, stopping beside Bobby and laying one hand on the hunter's shoulder.
Bobby looked up at him and patted the angel's slender hand gently before shaking his head slightly.
"Not just yet son, in a minute," he replied, to which Castiel nodded and followed Dean who was by now waiting at the door for his lover.
They walked in together, hands entwining automatically as Sam grinned up at them, a baby girl sheltered in his arms, seeming tinier against him for all his large body.
"Tammy it is," Dean and Castiel said in unison, before they huffed out a laugh apiece.
Sam shot them a quizzical look, as did Elisha beside him, before Dean explained their earlier conversation and the names they thought they'd suggest to Sam. The younger Winchester nodded, agreeably, before saying - "I like Tammy."
Dean nodded, before Elisha took a photo of baby Tammy with her father, Sam.
Dean nudged Castiel then said - "Huh, Tammy and Sammy. Didn't think of that before did we?"
Castiel's distinctive deep chuckles broke the air, but he remained silent, watching Sam with his baby tenderly, as the hunter cradled her in his arms and crooned at her gently.
Several days later, Gabriel returned, curious about the child he'd helped to father, a surprisingly rapt and tender smile on his face as he looked down at the baby in his arms. He cradled her, marvelled at her matching eyes, hazel the same as his were, hair colour already showing and matching his, making Dean smile that she seemed a smaller version of Gabriel rather than Sam. He wondered if Tammy would have the same temperament as her father or as Sam.
Six months passed in a blur, proving that Tammy was more introspective, more apt to quiet periods like Sam, but without the brooding that was so inherent in the younger Winchester brother. By twelve months, she was a healthy twelve year old, still bearing a remarkable resemblance to Gabriel whose visits were becoming less and less frequent as time went by. Tammy made no predilection to missing him, preferring to spending time with Sam than her other father, seeing as they were more alike. Sam welcomed the company, seemed delighted with his daughter, devoted to her and making Dean smile proudly that his brother was doing a good job at bringing her up alone, without help from Gabriel in the end.
Dean and Castiel made good on their promise on helping Sam out with bringing Tammy up, all too used to how things worked with their own four children. Even Bobby helped him, exhausted though he was by all of the extra bodies quickly surrounding him. It was Sam who finally suggested they get a place of their own, to which Bobby quickly agreed. Dean had laughed at that, before agreeing too, moving into a vacated place down the road and working sometimes at Bobby's salvage yard for extra money when they needed it.
Elisha soon moved on, frequently coming back to visit family, before Caelum moved on when he was old enough. They still helped out with hunts; just because they were all getting on with their lives didn't mean to say that the demons stopped, the monsters stopped. Finally, it was only Sam, Dean and Castiel left in the house alone, the children all moved on to pastures new. Sam, feeling uncomfortable at imposing on Castiel and Dean's married life now that the children had gone, moved back with Bobby, who seemed more welcoming of company now that there was but one of him again.
Dean found life with Castiel in a house of their own at last surprisingly nice, never imagining himself to like or to be so willing to settle down with something he'd once termed the apple pie life, yet he had. Castiel seemed complacent no matter what happened. It didn't matter where he was, what he was doing, as long as Dean was there, it was home to him. Dean was always what he wanted, and their cups were filled with each other, with love, with happiness and with everything they needed ...