The Naming

A/N: In relation to the previous chapters, this skips back in time a little bit, but I've had it sitting in the back of my mind for some time, so I decided to write it.

It was storming outside. It was not a terrible storm, but in the brisk chill of autumn, it wasn't the sort of weather that anyone would want to be caught in. The sun had set long ago, and what little moonlight shone through the clouds was scattered and blotted by the rain, making navigation close to impossible. Halt, however, was riding in from the northern boundaries of Redmont fief amidst the thunder and rain. He'd been caught unawares by the storm some hours ago, but hadn't found a suitable place to stop for shelter since he set out. His cloak was thoroughly soaked and rain ran down off Abelard's coat in sheets of cold water. The little pony didn't seem to mind too much, but Halt shivered in his once-warm clothes. He resisted the urge to wipe at his face as droplets of water ran off his nose. He crested a tall hill and paused briefly at the top.

A huge bolt of lightning flashed through the sky, and for a split second, the massive silhouette of castle Redmont was illuminated across the horizon, the imposing red towers glittering strangely in the purple-blue light of the storm. It looked ominous, almost malicious in the violent flashes of lightning, but to Halt, it was a sight for sore eyes - it was home.

"Not a moment too soon." Halt said to his horse. "A dry bed and a good meal would do wonders right now." Abelard shook his soaked mane in enthusiastic agreement. Halt chuckled wearily. "And you'll get a nice red apple for all the work you've done. Allons, garçon." He touched his heels to Abelard's sides, and the little horse jumped into a light canter towards the castle. But, at the last moment, Halt altered their course towards the woods, and rode on until he reached a familiar cottage.

To one side, there was a small stable, and Halt led Abelard there. Tug had been sleeping, but he raised his head and nickered softly at the new arrivals as they approached. Halt nodded to the little horse and led Abelard to an empty stall, taking his time in caring for his horse. Unlike the rest of the outside world, the stable ground was dry and the straw-laden floors warm. Halt unsaddled Abelard, brushed the water out of his coat, wrung out his tail and gave him a generous rubbing-down before he produced the promised apple.

"Bon travail, mon ami. You have my gratitude once again." Halt spoke softly as Abelard ate the apple out of his hand. "You deserve a soft bed after today." Halt laid down a fresh bed of hay in Abelard's stall, and he chuckled lightly now as his horse rolled gratefully in the stuff, giving the horse equivalent of a happy sigh. "You're welcome," He told him, "voyez-vous le matin."

Still soaked to the bone, Halt trudged up the veranda steps towards the door. He lifted his hand and knocked lightly, aware that the residents would probably be asleep at this late hour.

A took a few moments, but soon Halt could hear light footsteps on the other side of the door, and then Will opened it, his eyes dark, his clothes loose and tousled.

"Halt?" He said, with some surprise. "What are you doing out at this hour?" And then, as he took in Halt's soaked appearance, "And how on earth did you get so wet? Come inside before you drown."

Halt nodded gratefully and stepped into the quiet home, saying nothing as Will helped him out of his soaked cloak and boots, which they left by the door.

"Alyss will murder us both if you track mud and water all over the place," Will said, "You can borrow some of my clothes; we should be about the same size." He left for a moment and returned with a bundle of clothes. Halt changed in the washroom and returned after hanging his clothes up to dry.

"Thank you, Will." He said as he walked back into the room. Will had lit a few candles for light, and he could see his former apprentice tending a pot of coffee at the stove. "You read my mind." Halt commented as he sat down on a bench. He let out a tired sigh. "I'm sorry to show up at such an unreasonable hour. This blasted storm caught me off guard."

"It's alright, Halt." Will said. "I was already up anyway. But why didn't you go back to the castle?" He turned around to hand Halt a cup of coffee.

Halt took it and shrugged. "Pauline is away delivering renewed charters to all the castles attached with Redmont. I could use some company, and I thought you wouldn't mind."

Will smiled at him. "Never." He sat down across from his former teacher. Several minutes of comfortable silence followed, where both rangers nursed at their drinks and listened to the sound of the rain, but said nothing. It was Halt who broke the silence first.

"Why were you up, anyway?" He asked in a non-threatening way.

Will looked distant. "Just… Thinking." He said cryptically.

Halt regarded him. "Hmm." He knew immediately from Will's tone of voice that something was on his mind, but he wasn't going to press the man for information until he was ready. When Will wanted to talk about it, he would.

Several more long stretches of silence filled the room. It wasn't a tense silence, but Halt could tell that his former apprentice was growing more and more distracted as each second passed. Will looked down at his cup, deep in thought. After a moment or two, he looked back up abruptly. "More coffee?" He asked. Halt nodded gratefully and handed Will his cup. As Will turned around to refill their mugs, Halt finally spoke.

"Something on your mind, Will?" He asked kindly, attuning himself to his former pupil's mannerisms in speech and action. He saw Will hesitate for a split second in pouring the coffee before he answered.

"Yes… Yes, you could definitely say that." Will said in a lightly ironic tone. He turned back around with their full cups and handed Halt's across the table without looking at the other ranger.

"Thank you." Halt said as he took his mug. He sipped at the hot liquid and let a few moments pass before he prompted Will again. "Something you want to talk about?"

Will chewed at his lip and studied the tabletop. Halt could see in his eyes that he was deciding whether he wanted to speak. After a quiet moment, Will drew a deep breath and raised his head to look at Halt.

"Alyss is pregnant."

Halt felt his eyebrows raise at that. He didn't say anything right away, but let the information sink in first. Of course, it shouldn't have been all too surprising. Will and Alyss had been married for a little over two years, and children had always been a possibility. However, Halt felt considerably surprised at the news that they were now expecting their first child. But at the same time, he couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face.

"Will… That's wonderful. Congratulations." Halt told him sincerely. At Halt's smile, Will relaxed considerably. "When did you find out?" Halt asked.

"A little over a week ago – right after you left." Will told him. "Alyss was so excited when she found out, she wanted me to ride out after you so I could tell you, but I told her we'd wait until you came back." He smiled and shook his head fondly at the thought. "She got to tell Pauline right before she left to deliver the charters. I've never see those two so visibly exited in all the time I've known them."

Halt smiled. "Pauline's been talking about you two having children for some time. I suppose she's rather happy to see her predictions come true."

Will chuckled at this, but said nothing further. Briefly, he glanced back at the bedroom where Alyss still slept. He then turned back around to drink from his coffee.

"And how do you feel about all this?" Halt had to ask.

Will shook his head in an almost confused manner. "Overwhelmed. I'm beyond excited, but at the same time… I don't think I've ever been so terrified in my entire life."

"Ever?" Halt asked.

Will nodded emphatically. "Kalkara, Temujai and Genovesans are easy enough to take care of with a bow and arrow." He said, and sobered suddenly. "But being given charge of nurturing an entire life – the life of a child? … Halt, I just don't know if I'm up to the job. I don't know the first thing about being a father."

Halt's expression was just as serious as Will's when he reached across the table to grasp the man's shoulder. "Will, you'll do fine." He told him. "Even if you think you won't, I know you will. And remember," he said, "You won't be alone. You'll have Alyss, of course. And Pauline and I will always be here with you, whenever you need us." He glanced over at the bedroom down the hall. "Besides, I believe these first several months will be mostly up to Alyss."

Will chuckled. "Indeed. Mostly. Something tells me she'll need a good deal of looking after." He said. And then, as an afterthought, "Even if she doesn't think she will."

Halt nodded. "I'd say so." Then he looked Will in the eye. "Will, both of you will make wonderful parents – I'm sure of it."

The look that crossed Will's face was grateful and accepting, but told Halt that he wasn't entirely convinced. Then again, Halt knew that he probably never would be.

"We've been discussing names," Will said after a while.

"Already?" Halt chuckled lightly.

"Alyss insisted."

"And what have you thought up so far?" he asked.

"Well," Will said, "We've decided that Alyss will make the final decision on a name if it's a girl, and I will if it's a boy."

"Sounds fair enough." Halt said. "And do you have any ideas so far?"

Will smiled. "Alyss is still sorting through about a hundred different girl names, but… If it's a boy, we'll name him Daniel." He said quietly.

Halt was only slightly surprised. He smiled. "It's only fitting. Daniel is a good name, Will."

Will nodded. "Mmm. But, as you know, it is customary to have two names and surname…" Will began. True enough, he had had neither a second name nor a surname as a child, but he had been raised under unusual circumstances. His own son would be different.

"Ah, do you have some ideas for that as well?" Halt asked.

"Well, actually, yes." Will said, shifting in his seat. "You see… Well, Halt, Alyss and I were wondering…" He studied his coffee dregs for a moment, then looked back up at Halt. "Alyss and I were wondering if we could name him after you."

Of all the revelations of the evening, that really did stop Halt in his tracks. Will wanted to name his own son after him? The idea hadn't even crossed his mind that Alyss and Will might want to honor him in such a way. He felt quite flattered, but wasn't sure how to respond.

"Will…" Halt began, "Will, don't feel as though you have to do that."

Will looked slightly offended. "Have to? Halt, I want to."

Halt was still unsure. "Will, really; You don't need to bother with that." He paused. "Daniel is a fine name, Will. Your father would be proud."

"Well, that's all well and good, Halt," Will looked the other man in the eye while he spoke, "but the only approval I really care about comes from the father that I have now."

Halt couldn't say anything to that. He just looked at Will, and saw the deep admiration and affection that his former apprentice held for him. Lord knew why this boy – for that is how Halt would always regard him, to some degree – loved a jaded old ranger like him as a father, but it was probably the same reason that Halt loved Will like he was his own son. Halt chewed his lip for a moment and came to a decision. He nodded and sighed.

"Very well, then, if you're sure. It would be a true honor, Will." He looked genuinely at his apprentice, nodding once. Then he frowned. "Just, for goodness sake, don't call him by that. He could very well get teased and beaten for such a name."

Will couldn't help but laugh. "No, of course not." He assured his mentor. "After all, there's only one Halt."

The next morning, Alyss was happy to greet Halt and talk for hours about possible names for her child. She enthusiastically endorsed Will's choice of male names, and discussed several female names with her husband and Halt over breakfast.

After breakfast and the traditional cup of coffee, Will went out to the stables to feed Tug, and Halt readied Abelard to set back for Castle Redmont.

"I'm glad you came by, Halt." Will said.

"I'm glad I did, too." Halt echoed the thought. "I suppose I'll have to go tell everyone at the castle about your child, now."

Will laughed. "I think half of them already know, thanks to your wife."

Halt nodded. "Good point. But something tells me that Crowley, Horace, Cassandra and Gilan haven't heard about this." He scratched at his beard thoughtfully. "I suppose they might like to know… I'll send them all a message later today."

Will shook his head. "Soon all of Araluen will know." He grumbled.

"True enough," Halt said. "It's not every day that a national hero has a child."

Will turned to look balefully over at his former master.

"Just thought I'd say. They'll all find out sooner or later." Halt turned away to hide his smile.

As the older ranger readied himself to ride back to the castle, Alyss came out to join Will to wish Halt farewell.

"It's been good to see you, Halt." She said, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. He smiled at her and nodded.

"And you, Alyss. Take care." He glanced very briefly at her belly, which was, at the moment, showing no signs of her pregnancy. "Both of you." He added. Then he glanced over at Will. "Make that the three of you." He moved to grasp Will's right hand and his apprentice pulled him into a friendly embrace.

"Always good to see you, Halt." Will told him. When they parted, he added, "And I hope you don't mind being called 'grandfather' in the near future."

Halt paused pensively. Truth be told, he hadn't considered the thought before, but it did hold a certain appeal. He shrugged. "Well… I suppose I could live with that." He said, but as he did, he couldn't hold back the smile that broke onto his face. Will and Alyss both grinned at him.

"Alright, then. A good day to you, Halt." Will said.

"And you."

And with that, he was gone.

As he rode back towards the castle, Halt was pleasantly reflecting on the idea of being a grandfather. He'd never really thought he'd end up having grandchildren, but now that he found himself in that situation, he decided that it was a rather likable idea. Once, he stopped at the edge of the village near the woods and looked back over his shoulder, where he knew he would be able to see the cottage by the woods.

He felt his rough heart melt a little at the sight in the distance. Standing on the veranda, Will held Alyss in his arms, a loving hand placed gently over her stomach. He said something in her ear and Alyss laughed, reaching up to kiss him soundly on the cheek. They turned to go back inside, and soon disappeared from view.

Halt turned in the saddle and nudged Abelard on towards home. "Daniel Halt Treaty." He tested the sound of it out loud. He gave an approving nod. "A fine name, indeed."