Why Me, Why Us? - chpt 3.

By: sifi.


"'D'ja find 'im?" Dean asked around a mouthful of burger just before he stuffed his mouth full of onion loaf, "Mmm God this is the best friggin' thing I've ever tasted..." he grinned.

"Man I gotta ride with the aftermath of that stuff."

"Yeah." Dean smirked motioning to the waitress, "Can you wrap this up for me sweetheart?"

"Sure." She beamed at him.

"Ahhh I love being the highlight of a girls' day." He grinned watching the corn fed co-ed sway toward the kitchen before he motioned to the computer screen.

"Guy's got a myspace page, says he lives on the North Shore," Sam pointed out, then scrolled down to a photo of an early 1900's stone house on a corner lot. The photo was captioned, "My Kingdom", and the address was photo-shopped out.

"Dipshit forgot to crop out the street signs," Dean tapped the screen.

"Y'noticed that huh?" Sam asked.

"It would be rude to turn down an invitation don't cha think?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. Just wondering what kind of party it's going to be." Sam mused.

Dean leaned in, "You really think he already killed her?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah."

"Then what the hell man? What's the point? Why would you get some freaky ass vision like that if you couldn't do something about it?" he whispered angrily just before the waitress returned with his doggie bag. "Thank's." he nodded looking her up and down and receiving a cocked eyebrow in return.

"Sorry sweetheart, I'm spoken for." She countered flipping her ring finger up then pointing to the hostess who blew her a kiss. "And no offense but... you're not my flavor."

"Can't blame a guy for appreciating nature's splendor." He winked then returned to the business at hand as she giggled her way across the restaurant floor.

Sam shook his head grinning at his brother's audacity before serious-ing up again, "Look, I don't know why I'd see it, but he knew I saw him Dean, he knew it and he wanted me to see what he did to her. It's not like when Max killed his dad and uncle he didn't even know I existed, but this guy, he's possessed and he knew I saw it!" He slapped the computer top down.

"Alright, alright, calm down." Dean frowned, "What do you think he'd be after trying to trap us? I mean is it just the fame and fortune of getting a couple hunters under his belt or what?"

"You mean do I think Meg has anything to do with it?" Sam asked.

"Well she's not exactly president of our fan club." Dean blinked.

"Yeah, and it wouldn't surprise me if she turned up again." Sam nodded.

"I can't believe we almost led dad right to that bitch."


"I mean I thought we had pretty good instincts y'know? I thought... maybe I didn't pay enough attention to what he was doing y'know? Maybe I didn't listen well enough, something... I don't know." The elder brother shook his head.

"Dean you couldn't have known okay? You gotta stop going over this! If anyone's to blame it's dad for not giving us enough information!"

"Sam..." his voice held that familiar note of warning but the youngest Winchester wasn't about to listen to his brother tear himself up over something that ought to be laid at their father's doorstep.

"No Dean! You're gonna shut up and listen to me for once! That man has always kept us in the dark, just enough to probably one day get us killed! His 'need-to-know' mentality almost got all of us killed! His cryptic coordinate texts, its bullshit Dean! It's his way of keeping control over you, over us! We're no more than front-line ground pounders to him! He couldn't give a shit whether we live or die don't you get it? We can't count on him! Hell he probably watches what we do just to see if wherever he's sent us has something to do with the demon, he's probably just waiting for us to draw it out one day! The only people we can count on is each other and he's the one to blame for that!" Sam's jaw muscle clenched while his teeth ground through his frustration. He'd always been better able to see their father and his motivations for what they were, plain and simple vengeance. Nothing else mattered to John Winchester other than the yellow eyed demon, finding it and killing it. Not even the son's he'd emotionally abandoned twenty five years earlier.

"You don't know what you're talking about Sam. Everything that man has ever done has been about trying to keep..."

"...keep us safe, I know that's what you believe Dean, I know you have to believe it okay? I get it, I really do, but one day you're gonna be able to handle the truth..."

"So help me god Sam you better stop talking, right now." Dean warned.

Sam shrugged stuffing the laptop into his bag, "Fine. Let's go."

The problem was that everything Sam said was something that had rolled through Dean's own brain at one point or another, especially since the last time they'd been in Chicago was when Meg got her mitts on them and thanks to Sam wound up taking a swan dive out a seven story window. Was that really just a few weeks ago? Shit. John's words rang in his head, "I got there just in time to see the girl take a dive out the window... she was the bad guy right?" and not for the first time he wondered if John maybe hadn't gotten there just a little bit earlier, maybe early enough to see if his sons could get out of a sticky situation on their own. Just to see what kind of soldiers they'd turned out to be after all.


Dean angled the rear view mirror, tilting the setting sunlight out of his eyes. A light flicked on in Turner's house as shadows grew long around it, the crime scene tape secured across the front door.

"Timer you think?" Sam asked.


Sam handed over a page from the local paper, the story line read, "Gruesome North Shore Killing, Third in Two Weeks".


"The article says they're all three similar enough that the police are looking for a team."

"So it's the same guy right? That's what you're telling me right?" Dean asked noting Sam's nod, "But no visions from the first two?"


"I don't get it Sam. What's it want?"

"When it gets dark I guess we'll find out."



Hope to hear from you.

