Disclaimer: I still do not own Reborn or any of its characters... Sadly my diabolical plan to obtain it is still in the blue print stage. _ It will not remain just a dream! ...Hopefully... XD I also do not own the rights to the song "My Own Prison" By Creed.

Nebbia: Un 'interruzione Delle Trasmissioni

Chapter 4: My Own Prison

"I cry out to god

Seeking only his decision

Gabriel stands and confirms

I've created my own prison."


[Italy, Remote Prison]

In a small durty prison cell in Italy, sat three occupents silent as the official read the verdict.

The sentence: Death

Soon three would become two.


~"A court is in session, a verdict is in

No appeal on the docket today

Just my own sin"~


[Two months eairler]

The night was dark with clouds that threatened to pour its contents at any minute. The wind howled angrly making shadows dance and dissapear as they bounced off the street lamps light, its only source of existence. Among the shadows were three distenct figures darting in and out of hiding places, trying to blend in to the darkness that seemed so potent that night.

"Did we lose them?"

"Hush, listen."

Heavy foot falls and voices could be herd in the distance. The three figures made eye contact and nodded their heads, agreeing to split up for the time being.

The tallest of the three shrunk back into the shadows of the allyway making his way through the labrinyth unaware of a larger shadow close behind.

The smallest of the three choose to stealthly climb up a fire escape and move about the rooftops like an animal clueless of its hunter closing in.

As soon as the other two were out of site, the third figure made his way around the coner and down a long winded street trying to keep a distance between him and his pursuers. But just as he was about to turn into anouther street two load explosions could be herd in the direaction his comrades had gone in. Knowing immeaditly that they ran into their pursuers. Making a quik check of his surroundings he darted to the payphone accross the street to make a call, to let him know things went sour. As he dialed the number by heart and waited for the other line to pick up, he failed to see a large mass shadow creep up behind him.

"Ciao." Spoke a vioce on the other end as they picked up the phone.

"We confirmed that it was them that they sent after us, but before we could fully get away they spoted us. We our on the run, two ingaged in battle, but I don't..."

Just then the line went dead as a thick shadow engulfed the defencless payphone. The boy turned around to see what he hoped wasn't there, only to be dissapointed. He took out his weapons but even he knew he was no match for this massive cloaked being.


The figure in the room frowned as they hung up the phone. The news they had recieved was not good, but nor did he panic. If they were caught that was their own falt. He could turn his back now, walk away and never look back. Those three would never have to cross his mind again. The restraints would disappear, the chains wearing him down would crumble, it would be freeing.

But as freeing as it sounded, it would be admitting defeat to those beasts.

And that simply would not do.


~"The walls are cold and pale

The cage made of steel

Screams fill the room"~


[Present Time]


"What the...? Guwahhh!"

"Sound the alarm! The prisoners are attempting to-AHHHH!"

A thrid victim hit the floor as the sounds of guns and explosions rang throughout the corridors of the highest security prison in Italy where the most dangerous mafia crimanals reside. Screams acompinied the bullets and blasts of the jailbreak that claimed wardens, guards as well as prisoners. The reason behind the sudden jailbreak was due to an exacution that was to take place the next day.

The exacution of Rokudo Mukuro.

That night seven figuers walked out of the italian prison, dissapearing in to the darkness.


A tall thin figure walked down a hallway to the very last door on his left. Knocking lightly, he slowly opened the door when he herd the slightly muffled answer that he could enter. The room was old and made of rock much like the entire building. A random wooden desk sat in one corner of the room with paper parchments scattered atop it. To the right of that their was a large circluer window with a long old rag hanging from the top pulled to the left, a make shift current.

On the window sill looking toward the sky sat one Rokudo Mukuro. With out even looking up he spoke, "What news do you have for me, Chikusa?"

"It was confirmed that Fuuta De La Stella has indeed traveled to Japan where the tenth genration canidate for the Vongola familia is rumored to reside." Chikusa announced.

"Where in Japan?" Mukuro asked shifting his gaze to the market street some distance away.


Mukuro smirked faintly, finally turning to look at the other occupant in the room. "Chikusa, I believe some plane tickets are in order." and as an after thought gramced and said, "Oh, and make sure you tell Ken to pack only the necessities." -Sigh- "Gods know we don't need another France insident..."

Chikusa smiled and held back a laugh, "Hai, Mukuro-sama."

With that, Chikusa turned and left the room leaving Mukuro alone once more to watch the sun set accross the Sahara Desert, in Mali. They had come to Mali for some valiable information on the mafia world. And now that they had got what they came for, they were heading for Japan next.

"Namimori, Huh? Sounds Intresting..." Mukuro murmured as he watched the sun sink below the horizon.


[Meanwhile in Namimori]

A shriek was herd throughout a neighborhood in Namimori. No doubt Sawada Tsunayoshi was under going another of his home tutors many tortures lessons.


"Tenth! I'll save you!"

"Ha ha, can I play too?"

"Aha, whats this?"

"NO! Lambo don't touch that!"

A huge explosion echoed around the Sawada household that traveled outside. Reborn stood on Tsuna's window sill looking up toward the sky with a worried expression as he ignored the noise from behind him. "Looks like a storm is coming." He said, but went unnoticed by everyone as they continued to bicker carelessly as Reborn watched dark clouds approach Namimori.


~"(And I said oh) So I held my head up high

Hiding hate that burns inside

Which only fuels their selfish pride

(And I said oh) We're held captive

Out from the sun

A sun that shines on only some

We the meek are all in one."~

[End Chapter 4]



After Thoughts With You: I know, I know its short and not much happens and it was probable really boring but my muse on this story is so indecisive which makes it hard to write chapters, so sadly the next chapter wont be for awhile, but don't worry I wont abandon this story, it'll just come out slow, unfortunately. I am how ever starting another Reborn (1869) story hoping it will help get my mojo for this one back. Its going to be completely AU and it will be up soon so check it out if you want.

Anyway, again I'm sorry about how short this chapter is but I hope to see you next chapter... which I promise will be a lot longer.

R&R Please.